159 For Further Exploration: Between the Stars: Gas and Dust in Space


Goodman, A. “Recycling the Universe.” Sky & Telescope November (2000): 44. Review of how stellar evolution, the interstellar medium, and supernovae all work together to recycle cosmic material.

Greenberg, J. “The Secrets of Stardust.” Scientific American December (2000): 70. The makeup and evolutionary role of solid particles between the stars.

Knapp, G. “The Stuff between the Stars.” Sky & Telescope May (1995): 20. An introduction to the interstellar medium.

Nadis, S. “Searching for the Molecules of Life in Space.” Sky & Telescope January (2002): 32. Recent observations of water in the interstellar medium by satellite telescopes.

Olinto, A. “Solving the Mystery of Cosmic Rays.” Astronomy April (2014): 30. What accelerates them to such high energies.

Reynolds, R. “The Gas between the Stars.” Scientific American January (2002): 34. On the interstellar medium.

Websites and Apps


Horsehead Nebula in New Light: Tour of the dark nebula in different wavelengths; no audio narration, just music, but explanatory material appears on the screen (03:03)

Hubblecast 65: A Whole New View of the Horsehead Nebula: Report on nebulae in general and about the Horsehead specifically, with ESO astronomer Joe Liske (06:03)

Interstellar Reddening: Video demonstrating how reddening works, with Scott Miller of Penn State; a bit nerdy but useful (03:45)


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