36 For Further Exploration: Earth, Moon, and Sky


Bakich, M. “Your Twenty-Year Solar Eclipse Planner.” Astronomy (October 2008): 74. Describes the circumstances of upcoming total eclipses of the Sun.

Coco, M. “Not Just Another Pretty Phase.” Astronomy (July 1994): 76. Moon phases explained.

Espenak, F., & Anderson, J. “Get Ready for America’s Coast to Coast Experience.” Sky & Telescope (February 2016): 22.

Gingerich, O. “Notes on the Gregorian Calendar Reform.” Sky & Telescope (December 1982): 530.

Kluepfel, C. “How Accurate Is the Gregorian Calendar?” Sky & Telescope (November 1982): 417.

Krupp, E. “Calendar Worlds.” Sky & Telescope (January 2001): 103. On how the days of the week got their names.

Krupp, E. “Behind the Curve.” Sky & Telescope (September 2002): 68. On the reform of the calendar by Pope Gregory XIII.

MacRobert, A., & Sinnott, R. “Young Moon Hunting.” Sky & Telescope (February 2005): 75. Hints for finding the Moon as soon after its new phase as possible.

Pasachoff, J. “Solar Eclipse Science: Still Going Strong.” Sky & Telescope (February 2001): 40. On what we have learned and are still learning from eclipses.

Regas, D. “The Quest for Totality.” Sky & Telescope (July 2012): 36. On eclipse chasing as a hobby.

Schaefer, B. “Lunar Eclipses That Changed the World.” Sky & Telescope (December 1992): 639.

Schaefer, B. “Solar Eclipses That Changed the World.” Sky & Telescope (May 1994): 36.



How to View a Solar Eclipse (1:35)

Bill Nye, the Science Guy, Explains the Seasons: For kids, but college students can enjoy the bad jokes, too (4:45)

Geography Lesson Idea: Time Zones (3:11)

Shadow of the Moon: This NASA video explains eclipses of the Sun, with discussion and animation, focusing on a 2015 eclipse, and shows what an eclipse looks like from space (1:54)

Strangest Time Zones in the World (8:38)

Understanding Lunar Eclipses: This NASA video explains why there isn’t an eclipse every month, with good animation (1:58)


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