Learning Objectives

  • Watch this TED talk to assist you in generating ideas for your own Me Speech.

Me Speech – TED Talk Example


  • Watch the Lizzie Velasquez’s Ted Talk
  • Listen to her message, she discusses her “self”, her upbringing, her disease, her family, and her goals in life.
  • Although you do not have 13 minutes to talk about yourself, you can use her organization and narration to consider crafting your own speech.
  • She “messes up” – A BIG FEAR FOR MAY PUBLIC SPEAKERS – But watch what she does to get herself back on track. Spoiler, she does a fantastic job!

Lizzie Velasquez’s TED TALK

Key Takeaways

Utilize Lizzie’s Me Speech as a strong example of delivery, content, and audience connection.

  • Your Me Speech will set the tone for the audience analysis your peers will do in the coming days. This speech will allow them to learn more about you and your interests.
  • Your peers will gather information from each Me Speech and craft an audience analysis response – be sure to incorporate aspects of yourself that will be useful to a future speaker in your group.



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Public Speaking Copyright © by Dr. Layne Goodman; Amber Green, M.A.; and Various is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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