Learning Objectives

  • Use a six-step method to practice speech.

Practicing Your Speech

Practice makes Extemporaneous!

In public speaking, we are striving for a natural and conversational delivery. We are not reading or memorizing our speech content. We are presenting it in a way that connects with our audience verbally and nonverbally. The following six-step method of speech practice will ensure you are prepared for your best speech delivery!

Rehearing your Speech

Rehearsing your speech offers many benefits to extemporaneous speaking. It provides an opportunity to work out any challenges with wording, nonverbal delivery, speaking notes, and visuals. Also, the more you practice, the more confident you will become because you will be more familiar with your content. Below is a six-step process to help you deliver a strong speech.

Step 1

  • Write your presentation, word for word (you can use your preparation outline)
  • Read your presentation to yourself several times

Step 2

  • Read the presentation out loud several times
  • Time your presentation
  • Make necessary adjustments to wording and content
  • Transfer presentation to your first draft of speaking notes

Step 3

  • Get up and practice in as realistic of a situation as you can make it
  • Use your visuals – walk around the room – practice physical as well as vocal delivery

Step 4

  • Record your presentation (audio and/or visual)
  • Listen to vocal delivery and note um’s, uh’s, garbled worlds, etc
  • Watch your physical delivery and identify areas of improvement, awkward habits, etc.

Step 5

  • Practice in front of friends, family, etc.
  • Get honest feedback
  • ASK specific questions
  • Revise speaking notes as necessary

Step 6

  • Continue practicing out loud over and over


Key Takeaways

  • Extemporaneous speaking requires extensive preparation and practice.
  • Using the six step method of practice will help speakers to deliver a successful speech.


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Public Speaking Copyright © by Dr. Layne Goodman; Amber Green, M.A.; and Various is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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