Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) = Disease

Human Immunodeficiency virus = virus

Single stranded RNA (ssRNA) virus, enveloped, spikes

Transmitted via contaminated body fluids (blood, semen, vaginal secretions, breast milk)

Uses CD4 T cells for viral replication

Signs and Symptoms:

Some have no signs and symptoms when initially infected; others get flu-like signs and symptoms 2-4 weeks after initial infection. Then enter asymptomatic period. Asymptomatic period months to more than 10 years. Virus is replicating but at very low levels. Still can transmit the virus to others

Testing looks for antibodies in the blood, PCR, 2 at home testing kits

AIDS diagnosis HIV+, CD4 count less than 200, one of the AIDS indicator diseases

Antiretroviral therapy (ART) medications that target HIV replication and entry are used for treatment

No vaccine


DISEASES Copyright © by Jill Raymond. All Rights Reserved.

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