Measles = Disease
Measles virus = virus
Single stranded RNA (ssRNA) virus
Transmitted via respiratory droplets, fomites, airborne for up to 2 hours. If not vaccinated and exposed to virus one-time 90% get measles
Incubation period 7-14 days; transmit for 4 days before the rash and 4 days after the rash
Signs and Symptoms:
Fever, cough, runny nose, red watery eyes, sore throat, malaise, blotchy rash (starts on head), Koplik spots in mouth (tiny white spots with bluish-white centers)

Testing looks for antibodies in the blood, culture, PCR
30% develop 1 or more of these complications:
- 1 in 10 get ear infection (deafness)
- 1 in 20 get pneumonia (death)
- 1 in 1000 get encephalitis (brain damage)
- 1-2 in 1000 die from respiratory or neurological complications
MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine (2 shot series 93% effective after one dose 97% effective after two doses)