
41 Rhetorical Modes: Position Argument (major essay)

You will select an issue related to health and wellness that concerns you.  Please choose from the following:

  • The effectiveness of personal feedback/tracking devices (fitbit, Apple watch or other wearable technology)
  • Changing a sedentary lifestyle
  • Sugar, salt, fat and their effect on Metabolic Syndrome, Type 2 Diabetes, Hypertension and Heart Disease
  • Body image
  • Recess or PE classes in K-12
  • Disordered eating
  • Balancing school, work, and life

You may select any topic as long as at least ONE other classmate is writing about it.  We’ll be doing some collaborating within subject-specific groups.

There is always more than one side to an issue.  What is your stance?  Create a position statement: 

There should XXX OR There should not XXX

You will select a rhetorical audience. 

  • Who can make decisions about this issue? Are you addressing parents, the Governing Board, members of the Arizona Legislature, or the members of the U.S. Congress?
  • What do they need to know?
  • What type of evidence will persuade them?  Click HERE for resources.

You will consider opposing views in your essay.  Who would not support your view?  Consider their perspectives.  Provide counterarguments to their objections.

Use rhetorical strategies such as pathos, ethos, and logos to convince your reader.

Describe clearly what will happen if your position is not upheld.

Your paper will reference  at least three sources including a scholarly journal article.  You will submit a well-written essay of 1000 – 1200 words.

This rubric shows how the 200 points will be earned:

Criteria Ratings Pts


20 pts

Full Outline with an introduction, three support paragraphs, at least one counterargument paragraph and refutation, and a conclusion

7 pts

There is a plan for the essay

1 pts

Outline was created but not uploaded as part of essay. Please revise and resubmit.

0 pts

No Marks
20 pts

Define the problem or issue

20 pts

Introduction provides background information about the issue and why it matters.

10 pts

There is some information about the issue

0 pts

No Marks
20 pts

State your Position (Thesis)

10 pts

Thesis clearly states position; thesis is found in BOTH the introduction and the conclusion.

5 pts

The thesis is found in either the introduction OR the conclusion

0 pts

No Marks
10 pts

Rhetorical audience

10 pts

The position paper is directed to an appropriate audience and demonstrates a good understanding of that audience’s needs and interests by using relevant examples and convincing evidence

5 pts

There may be a specific audience

0 pts

No Marks
10 pts


30 pts

Arguments provide good reasons in support of the writer’s position, and each supporting reason takes into account the audience’s beliefs, attitudes, and values (minimum of three).

0 pts

No Marks
30 pts


15 pts

Opposing views and counter arguments; refute or accommodate

0 pts

No Marks
15 pts


20 pts

Essay of 1000 – 1200 words contains arguments with specific, convincing evidence—details, examples, direct quotations, statistics, anecdotes, research findings, and testimony—that support each reason. There is at least one scholarly journal as a source.

14 pts

Whew! 1000 words

10 pts

500 – 900 words

0 pts

No Marks
20 pts

Works Cited

10 pts

Format: alphabetize, hanging indent, punctuation

0 pts

No Marks
10 pts


10 pts

Works Cited match in-text citations.

0 pts

No Marks
10 pts

MLA format

20 pts

headers; heading; title; in-text citations; Times New Roman 12 pt. font; double space

14 pts

Some elements of MLA format

0 pts

No Marks
20 pts


10 pts

Editing to correct punctuation and spelling errors

7 pts

Do not write to you

5 pts

Errors interfere with writer’s message

0 pts

No Marks
10 pts

Unity and coherence

10 pts

use of transitions, repetition, good flow from one idea to the next

0 pts

No Marks
10 pts

Attribution Examples

15 pts

At a minimum the essay includes one paraphrase, three direct quotes, and one summary

12 pts

Several of the examples are present

7.5 pts

The author refers to some source information

0 pts

No Marks
15 pts
Total Points: 200


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ENG101 for Health Sciences Copyright © by Lori Walk; Christine Jones; and Aaron Fried is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.