
26 Suggested Assignments

The ENG101 Course description in Maricopa sets these expectations:

Description: Emphasis on rhetoric and composition with a focus on expository writing and understanding writing as a process. Establishing effective college-level writing strategies through four or more writing projects comprising at least 3,000 words in total. 

This contextualized book supports and ENG101 course with these competencies:

  1. Analyze specific rhetorical contexts, including circumstance, purpose, topic, audience, and writer, as well as the writing`s ethical, political, and cultural implications. (I, III)
  2. Organize writing to support a central idea through unity, coherence, and logical development appropriate to a specific writing context. (II, IV)
  3. Use appropriate conventions in writing, including consistent voice, tone, diction, grammar, and mechanics. (I, IV)
  4. Summarize, paraphrase and quote from sources to maintain academic integrity and to develop and support one`s own ideas. (III, IV)
  5. Use feedback obtained from peer review, instructor comments and/or other resources to revise writing. (II)
  6. Assess one`s own writing strengths and identify strategies for improvement through instructor conference, portfolio review, written evaluation, and/or other methods. (II, III)
  7. Generate, format, and edit writing using appropriate technologies. (II, IV)

Each of the following major essays utilizes the writing process including pre-writing, drafting, revision, peer review, and editing.

Major essays for this course which add up to 50% of the grade include:

Essay  Description Details
Rhetorical Analysis Choose an article about your topic that is no more than two pages long.

Write a rhetorical analysis in MLA format.  You will write an introduction; short paragraphs with a few sentences about each of these elements; and a conclusion.

  • Introduction that names the article and gives the source information in MLA format
  • author
  • opportunity
  • purpose
  • audience
  • message
  • medium of delivery
  • stance
  • conclusion that describes the overall impression of the article – what did you think about it?

100 – 300 words

MLA format

Include the article on the Works Cited

Evaluation In this essay you will evaluate potential obstacles for learning.  Think about the health and wellness of a college student during an international pandemic.  What do you need to be successful?  Do you have access to resources?  Are the GCC resources adequate to support the community and its students during the pandemic?

You will evaluate at least three campus resources.  Your recommendation should clearly state which of the resources should be maintained, which should be improved,  and which might be eliminated, if any.

  • Center for Learning
  • Writing Center
  • Math Solutions
  • High Tech 1
  • High Tech 2
  • GCC Counseling and Career Services
  • Library
  • Fitness Center

750 – 1000 words

MLA format

At least three (3) sources on the Works Cited; these could be from your personal experience, college web pages, public health information, or sources related to quality college resources.

Position Argument  Using the same issue from the rhetorical analysis, complete a detailed argument essay:

  • Define the problem or issue
  • State your Position (Thesis)
  • Select a rhetorical audience
  • Arguments provide good reasons in support of the writer’s position, and each supporting reason takes into account the audience’s beliefs, attitudes, and values (minimum of three)
  • Evidence includes details, examples, direct quotations, statistics, anecdotes, research findings, and testimony
  • Opposing views and counter arguments; refute or accommodate
1000 – 1200 words

MLA format

At least three (3) sources on the Works Cited; at least ONE must be a scholarly source

Literary Analysis Select a poem, folktale, legend, or myth that shows someone’s personal struggle with wellness, different abilities, or other ideas from our course.

  • Conduct a close reading
  • Read what others have said about the theme of the selection
  • Analyze the theme
  • Provide textual support related to ethos, pathos, and logos
800 – 1000 words

MLA format

At least three sources

Final Reflection The final Reflection should contain these sections:

  • your rhetorical audience (are you reflecting to me, to yourself, to a future ENG101 student?)
  • A paragraph of reflection on Course Competencies
  • Choose one of our major essays that you think showed the most growth for yourself as a writer. Write a reflection paragraph about the quality of your work and your growth as a writer.  Give specific examples from the essay that you chose.
100 – 300 words

MLA format


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ENG101 for Health Sciences Copyright © by Lori Walk; Christine Jones; and Aaron Fried is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.