
28 Elements of Rhetoric: Audience and Purpose in Ads

View one of the following:

In the discussion post, define the following for the video you have selected:

  • Purpose:
  • Audience:
  • Message:
  • Medium of Delivery:
  • Stance:

Use these questions to help you:

  • Opportunity What is the occasion? What has motivated you to engage in a rhetorical opportunity for change?
  • Purpose How might your message change your audience in some way? What do you want your language to accomplish? What action do you want to occur because of what you compose?
  • Audience To whom are you writing (or speaking)? What is your relationship to the person or group of people? After all, you will direct your writing, speaking, or visual display to a specific audience in an attempt to change some opinion, attitude, or action.
  • Stance How do you view your message and its recipients? Your attitude toward your audience and topic is revealed through your word choice and tone and can be positive, negative, neutral, reasonable, unreasonable, or something else.
  • Genre Which features and formatting should your message follow? The distinctive yet flexible characteristics of each genre—profile, memoir, analysis, biography, proposal, evaluation, and so on—help you frame your message, connect with your audience, and achieve your purpose.
  • Medium How will the medium of delivery (online, visual, print, oral) enhance or detract from your message? Are you sure that your audience can receive (access) your message through this medium?

Remember to post by the due date.   Your responses will show the extent to which you agree or disagree with the postings of your classmates.   You should comment on at least two classmates’ postings within 48 hours.  For full points, respond to more than two people on more than one day.





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ENG101 for Health Sciences Copyright © by Lori Walk; Christine Jones; and Aaron Fried is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.