Posting: You will make your Google doc available for comments by your colleagues. Set the link sharing to ON and the access to CAN COMMENT.
- The date listed on the assignment is the date that your link will be posted. This is worth 5 points.
- I will grade your Rough Draft. This is worth 20 points. You should have a complete analysis of your article with examples of the rhetorical elements as well as an evaluation of the overall article.
- Complete Peer Editing. This is worth 20 points. You will select two (2) papers. Write the names of your colleagues on the Discussion posting so that I know whose work you will review. I will look at their Google docs to see that you are making seven to ten constructive comments or asking good questions on each paper. Use this as a guide: Link . Your comments or questions will not be evaluative (great job! terrible!); instead, you will use the rubric to let your colleague know how well you do or do not understand the writing.