
Understanding Rhetoric – Practice Writing

The three key factors of a message– purpose, author, and audience
The three key factors – purpose, author, and audience – all work together to influence what the text itself says, and how it says it. In this chapter, we will examine these along with the writing process and writing for transfer.

What is rhetoric?

1.) The art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, especially the use of figures of speech and other compositional techniques.

2.) Rhetoric is the study of effective speaking and writing. And the art of persuasion, and many other things.


4 images showing pen and book

Practice assignment:

Objectives: Analyze the rhetorical situation (Purpose, Audience, Author, Setting) in different genres (form or shape).

Task: Evaluate two articles for their use of rhetoric.

For this practice assignment, you will first understand what a rhetorical situation is. A rhetorical situation is these four items: Purpose of the writing, specific audience for the writing, type of writing, and setting or situation in which the writing took place (year, historical context, big events that happened etc.).

Readings: Sample readings you can choose from are below.

Before you write:

1.) Watch the video below about Rhetoric and the Rhetorical Situation and (optional) take notes on each component of rhetoric: setting, genre, purpose, and audience.

2.) Read the directions below explaining what goes in each paragraph.



In this part of the course, you will explore different rhetorical contexts and genres using the readings in the overview section. You will have the chance to analyze and read articles that require you to think critically about how and why the text was written.

You will explain the rhetorical situation for two pieces of writing. And, you will provide evidence from the texts (short quotes) to support your ideas about the purpose and audience only.


Follow this format: What goes in each paragraph?

In the introduction, first define the following key terms (in your own words): Rhetorical Situation which includes audience, genre, setting, and purpose. Then Answer why is the rhetorical situation is important to understand.

For the body paragraphs,

1.) Paragraph One: Introduce the piece of writing with title and author. If it is an article put the article title, using proper capitalize letters, in quotations marks like this: “People are Strange and Other.” If it is a book, use italics for the title.

2.) Paragraph Two:  Explain each part of the rhetorical situation of the writing; explain who the audience is (be specific); explain the genre or type of writing; explain the setting or historical context of the time period it was written; and, explain the purpose of the writing from your point of view. Add evidence like quotes and short paraphrases to prove how you know who the audience is AND what the purpose is.

3.) Paragraph Three: Explain each part of the rhetorical situation of the writing; explain who the audience is (be specific); explain the genre or type of writing; explain the setting or historical context of the time period it was written; and, explain the purpose of the writing from your point of view. Add evidence like quotes and short paraphrases to prove how you know who the audience is AND what the purpose is.

4.) Conclusion: (do not say in conclusion) Close by discussing main points of learning about rhetoric and its use in writing and reading.

5.) Example essay you can follow (next page): Example essay template (copy over it)


Pick only TWO Readings – here are some options:

1.) Buzzfeed Article about current issues

2.) A Call for more Whistleblowers : Aritcle

3.) Martin Luther King, Jr. “Letter from Birmingham Jail” Page 295 or 1963_MLK_Letter_Abridged.pdf

4.) Steven Spielberg Commencement Speech

5.) Trump’s UN Speech: President Donald Trump addressed Congress Tuesday night for his first State of the Union address

6.) Any article from CNN: Article


7.) Any article from FOX NEWS: Article

8.) Black America and the Class Divide


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