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What Is This?
“Where am I?” would have been my first question, but this one’s good, too. We’re glad that you asked.
What is this? This is a free and open resource designed to nutshell open education (if that’s even possible) as well as encourage instructors to participate in generating, collecting, licensing, and sharing free and modifiable educational resources and begin involving students in assignments that through open licensing create renewable value and contribute to global knowledge.
Whew! That was a mouthful. Perhaps a catchier intro is necessary (physician, heal thyself). Start again.
What is this? This is a free and open resource designed to introduce you to a few cutting-edge ideas for improving student learning experiences while actually reducing your long-term workload and keeping your use of materials legal in the information age.
Too good to be true? Not at all.
With open educational resources, you’ve got the whole world ready to back you up. Think back on all the times you’ve thought, “Wow. It would be great if I could just pluck a handout about parallelism out of the ether and use it as I see fit without worrying about getting sued.” Now read this: You can with OER, and you don’t have to worry about stepping on anyone’s copyright toes.
Sometimes you’ll see a sentence or two highlighted in a textbox like this. These “Bytes” are vital points, so read them!