23 Elevator and Career Fair Pitch: Standing Out While Still Fitting In

Lynn Meade

Someday the elevator might be your path to success.


You’ve got dreams of landing a perfect job if you can only catch a break. One day that break happens as you step on the elevator and there is the one person you need to talk to move to the next level. This is the person who can launch your career, do you know what to say?

An elevator pitch is a short 30 second to one-minute persuasive speech that you should always have ready. You can use your elevator pitch at a job fair, on your LinkedIn summary, at networking events, at conferences, and when you meet someone in the elevator. Most of this information is straightforward and doesn’t require a lot of writing from me, but it does require a lot of thought, careful preparation, and practice on your end.

Body Language Matters

Whether it is a chance meeting on an elevator or a deliberate meeting like a job fair, remember that your body language speaks volumes before you ever say a word.

  • Have a confident posture.
  • Practice so you always have a good handshake ready at a moment’s notice.
  • Don’t rush. Speaking too fast makes you sound nervous.
  • Keep an open body posture. Crossing your arms or legs looks like you are protecting yourself or hiding something.
  • Make good eye contact.
  • Breathe. I mean it, don’t forget to breathe!
  • If this is a deliberate encounter, dress the part. Wear professional clothing and bring a notebook, pen, and copies of your resume.

Making Your Pitch

Introduce Yourself with a Smile

  • Hi, I’m Frankie Lane and I’m pleased to meet you.”
  • “Good morning, I’m Titus Smith and I’m glad to meet you.”
  • “Hello, I’m Pedro Gonzales. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Remember GNAP

Indeed.com suggests remembering GNAP: Greeting name, affiliation purpose.

Hello (greeting) I’m Mary Moore (name) I’m a senior business major from the Walton College of Business (affiliation) and I’m interested in your marketing position (purpose).

Focus On What You Have to Offer or What You Are Looking For

  • Hello, I’m Gabrielle Fowler. I’m a recent graduate with a degree in marketing and a minor in journalism.  I create illustrations for websites and brands. My passion is coming up with creative ways to express a message, and drawing illustrations that people share on social media.
  1. Hi, my name is Javonte Newsom. I recently graduated from college with a degree in communications. I worked on the college newspaper as a reporter, and eventually, as the editor of the arts section. I’m looking for a job that will put my skills as a journalist to work.

Examples from UpKey

  • Here is a sample from a student with no experience
    • My name is Sandra Engles and I am a freshman at the University of Illinois majoring in Apparel Merchandising and minoring in Marketing. I have always had an interest in fashion and enjoy reading fashion magazines and blogs. After completing a four-week-long school project where I created a styling tips guide, I sharpened my creativity skills while also learning how to use photoshop. I am looking for a summer internship in the fashion industry where I can help a marketing team by using my creativity and photoshop skills.

    Here is a sample from a student with experience

    • Hi, my name is Sarina Jones and I am a recent graduate from the business school at the University of Wisconsin. I double-majored in Finance and Economics. After working at JLL Real Estate, I discovered I have a passion for corporate real estate. From being a Financial Analyst, I learned how to apply my finance knowledge when analyzing potential real estate investments to determine if the investment would yield positive returns and meet budget requirements. I am hoping to find a full-time job in the real estate industry that allows me to use financial and economic skills to guide strategic decision-making.


    Career Fair

    • Have copies of your resume ready to pass out.
    • Research companies ahead of time and come ready with questions.
    • Bring a notebook and a pen.
    • Don’t bring along your excess baggage: No backpack, bulky purse, shopping bag.
    • Practice your handshake before you go.
    • Dress professionally.
    • Approach booths alone. This is not time to hang out with friends.
    • Stay off your phone. Be attentive to your surroundings even if you are in line waiting to talk to a recruiter.
    • Take notes: It helps you remember, and it helps you look attentive.
    • Always send a follow-up email

    Examples of Elevator Pitches in Action and Inaction






    We asked MCC Communication faculty member, Dr. Layne Goodman to provide guidance and tips on delivering a great elevator pitch. Here is what she recommends. Tailor the elevator pitch to you and your career goals. If you own your own business, create an elevator pitch to gain clients/customers, etc. If you are looking for an internship, job, volunteer opportunity, and/or raise, create it for that purpose. Even if you are not actively looking for a new opportunity, think about where you want to go next – what is your next career move?  Lastly, consider your “ask.” They are numbers 3 and 4 in the template example below. If you want a job, ask for it. If you want advice, ask for it. If you want a business investor, ask for it. Be direct about your goal and what the other person can do for you. People cannot help you if you do not ask them specifically about what you want.

    Template Format

    1. Introduce yourself
    2. Describe your background, experience, and interests if possible, linking your interests to the organization (or person) you are trying to work for
    3. State your goal
    4. Engage with a question

    Template Example

    Hi, my name is Mike Finley. I’m a student at Mesa Community College. I volunteer at Sustainable Arizona. I’m studying sustainability, and I just finished a class on climate neutrality. I appreciate how your organization focuses on energy efficiency to help balance carbon emissions. My goal is to work for an organization like yours once I graduate this spring so I can use my knowledge and skills to help create a sustainable world. What do you think is the best way to get my foot in the door at your organization?

    Other examples to engage with a question

    • Who can I talk to about opportunities in your organization?
    • What advice would you give to someone like me?

    Key Takeaways

    Remember This!

    • Always have an elevator speech ready.
    • Be prepared and be concise.
    • GNAP: Greeting name, affiliation purpose.
    • Find a way to satisfy their wants as well as what you have to offer.
    • Be interesting, be specific, and be brief.


    Doyle, A. (2021). How to create an elevator pitch with examples. https://www.thebalancecareers.com/elevator-speech-examples-and-writing-tips-2061976

    Indeed.com (2021) How to introduce yourself at a job fair (with examples). https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/interviewing/how-to-introduce-yourself-at-a-job-fair

    Tennesse Tech. (2013). The elevator speech. [Video] YouTube.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDpe9StfGTA Standard YouTube License.

    Upkey. Elevator pitch help for students with no experience. https://blog.upkey.com/elevator-pitch-help-for-students-with-no-experience/

    Upkey. Elevator pitch examples that include relevant experience. https://blog.upkey.com/elevator-pitch-examples-that-include-relevant-experience/


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