
7 Controlling the External Environment

Another simple habit for the student is to control their environment to ensure optimal focus. This form of deep studying is often called the flow state (Allen). It describes a form of studying where the student is focused solely on the task at hand. Each individual will have their own methods to achieve this state but there are a few things that seem to work well for most. An important step is to eliminate all distractions. This can be easier said than done but a good place to start would be for the student to put their phone away, move to a quiet comfortable place, potentially put on some soothing background music, and allow themselves the time to achieve the flow state. The flow state can not be achieved if the student is continuously switching between different projects because their attention is divided. Deep studying takes time to achieve because it takes students time to get in their own zone, therefore students should aim to dedicate at least an hour to working on their research project each time they sit down to write.  It can often be helpful to schedule writing time in advance. That way the student knows exactly what time they have allocated to writing and can take steps to minimize distraction. Ultimately the key is that the students keep the external factors organized so that they can more easily organize their own thoughts. This requires the student to know what works best for them. Some students will be able to focus and despite having a messy room while others may not be able to. It is important for students to identify their own optimal study habits and repeat them.


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