
12 Identifying and Setting Goals

Identifying goals can also be challenging when it feels like there is an endless amount of things that need to get done. This is where prioritization becomes important. Students need to be savvy in where their time is spent. As discussed above goals need to be achievable to be effective. Otherwise the student only ends up feeling discouraged that they did not meet their goals. If the student has ten different things they are working on but can realistically only achieve two, they should pick the two most important things on the list that way if in the end only those get done, they still feel accomplished(Scherrer). It can be difficult for many students to admit that they can not do it all but being realistic in the goals that are set will only further help them to optimize their time. Every student will have their own method for tracking their goals whether it be writing them out or keeping track of them mentally but the important thing is that clear goals are carved out for each day.




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