

1. Choose the Appropriate Test Statistic and Verify Statistical Assumptions

Over the next few chapters, you are going to learn a number of different test statistics. These test statistics will allow us to explore our data and generate probabilities that can help us make decisions about how well the data fit our research hypotheses.

Right now, you actually have some familiarity with one test statistic: the z-score. We are now going to learn the steps of NHST by using the z-score as the test statistic. The z-score is used as a test statistic when the researcher:

  • Samples 1 group
  • Measures 1 variable on an interval or ratio scale.
  • Know the value of the population standard deviation (σ).

Most of the remaining chapters in this textbook will introduce you to new test statistics (t-tests, ANOVA, correlation, and chi-square) while continuing to use the same steps of NHST. There are multiple test statistics because each one is used with specific types of data that result from different types of research designs. For example, some test statistics are used to explore whether two groups show a difference in a measurement, such as when we compare an experimental and a control group in a clinical trial. By the end of the textbook, you will learn to identify which statistic to choose for various types of data and research designs.

In addition to choosing the appropriate statistic for your data and research design, it is crucial to recognize that each test statistic only works well if certain assumptions are met.

Remember, that we are using these computations to try to make an inference about our research results. These inferences are again best viewed as “guesses.” And these “guesses” rely on certain things (certain assumptions) to be true in order for the “guess” to be more likely to be correct. Thus, it is very important that researchers verify that the particular assumptions for a specific test statistic have been met before computing that test statistic.

As we cover each test statistic, we will discuss the assumptions of that test statistic. It should be noted, though, that all of the examples that we will use in the textbook can be assumed to have met the specific assumptions of that test statistic. This should reduce the complexity of applying the hypothesis testing system so that you can focus your energy on better understanding the results. However, we will still include the verification of assumptions step in every example as a reminder that this is a critical step for researchers (and one that is often, unfortunately, and dangerously, left out!).

In general, when we are using statistics to explore means, we are technically performing parametric statistics. Remember that when we measure something in a population it is called a parameter, and when we measure something in a sample it is called a statistic. Because we typically can’t include everyone from the population specified by our research question, we instead use a sample of people from that population in the research study. Thus, these parametric statistics were designed to help us try to use the information we gather from the sample statistics to make educated guesses about the population parameters.

Note: All but one of the test statistics covered in this textbook are categorized as parametric statistics, except the last one, Chi-Square, which is considered a non-parametric statistic.

Also, because this is an introductory textbook, we are only covering a fraction of the test statistics available for researchers. In fact, for each of the parametric statistics that you will learn there is a corresponding non-parametric statistic (most of which we won’t cover). Yet, researchers need to be aware that if they cannot verify that they have met the assumptions for the parametric statistic, then they should use the corresponding non-parametric statistic.

Parametric statistics typically assume certain things about the population from which we are sampling, as well as how sampling is performed (non-parametric tests also care about how sampling is performed, but they make no assumptions about the population, thus the phrase “non-parametric”). A very common assumption for parametric statistics is that scores on the measurement (dependent variable) approximately form a normal distribution.

Assumptions of the z-score test statistic

  • Measurements are independent.
  • Measurement data is normally distributed.
  • Participants were sampled with simple random sampling.




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Introduction to Statistics and Statistical Thinking Copyright © 2022 by Eric Haas is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.


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