
1.1 Earth System Science

Carolina Londono Michel

The impact of human activities on the environment has never been more clear than now. Your generation may be the first one to be fully aware of the part we played in creating the many challenges facing humanity; to name a few: dwindling water reserves, widespread pollution, environmental degradation, changing climates, severe weather, and water shortages. And as our population grows, our demand for resources grows. The world needs knowledgeable people (i.e., YOU) making contentious decisions and conscientious choices. The world needs people that believe in a sustainable future and that act accordingly.

Human history records the creativity and ingenuity of people solving hard problems. The solutions to the current Earth-science-related challenges will also come from human creativity. However, as our modern society and its needs have become increasingly complex, so have the solutions. It will take a deep and subtle understanding of Earth’s systems for future generations to feed, clothe, house, and provide high standards of living for all humans. We need policymakers, politicians, citizens, and businesses that are Earth science literate.

Earth Science Literacy Principles

Humans are part of the biosphere and significantly alter the earth. Earth science literacy is an understanding of Earth’s influence on you and of your influence on Earth. Science literacy is not something you achieve once and for all. Like science, scientific literacy is an ongoing process, continually reshaped and rewritten by new discoveries. An Earth-science-literate public, informed by current and accurate scientific understanding of Earth, is critical to the promotion of good stewardship, sound policy, and international cooperation. Earth science education is important for individuals of all ages, backgrounds, and nationalities. (Wysession, 2009)

An Earth science-literate person :

  • Recognizes important connections between Earth’s many systems
  • knows how to find and assess scientifically credible information about Earth
  • communicates about Earth science meaningfully
  • can make informed and responsible decisions regarding Earth and its resources




Earth System Science

Science is the systematic examination of the natural world’s structure and functioning. Science is also a rapidly expanding body of knowledge, whose goal is to discover the most straightforward general principles that explain the enormous complexity of nature. These principles help scientists gain insights into the natural world and make predictions about future change. But science is more than just a body of knowledge; science provides a means to evaluate and create new knowledge as unbiassed as possible (Environmental Science – Simple Book Publishing, n.d.)

The scientific study of our planet and environment are fields of inquiry of the Earth and Environmental sciences. Earth science is not a single science but an umbrella for academic fields studying different aspects of our Earth. For example, geology, meteorology, oceanography, and geography are Earth sciences (also geosciences).  Environmental science is a multidisciplinary field that studies environmental issues, most of the time caused by humans. The disciplines that contribute to environmental science are ecology, geology, meteorology, biology, chemistry, engineering and physics.


A picture of the Earth on a black background
Figure 1.2 The Blue Marble. A “selfie’ taken by the Apollo mission crew in 1972. Source: NASA

Earth and environmental scientists think of the Earth as a system. Instead of a collection of objects, our planet is a network of phenomena. Earth scientists seek to establish the connections, interactions, and interdependency between the planetary sub-systems or spheres; the lithosphere, the biosphere, the hydrosphere, and the atmosphere. Each sphere has individual parts or elements, but they do not exist in isolation, instead, they exist in relationship to one another. When the parts work together, a new “whole” emerges, which is more than the sum of its parts. Changes in part of one system can cause new changes to that system or to other systems, often in surprising and complex ways. These new changes may take the form of “feedbacks” that can increase or decrease the original changes and can be unpredictable and/or irreversible. A deep knowledge of how most feedbacks work within and between Earth’s systems is still lacking.

Watch this brief introduction to complex systems in this video. It will help you appreciate the intricate nature of studying Earth’s systems, such as the climate system.

Video 2. Complex Theory 1.

Earth’s systems interact over a wide range of temporal and spatial scales. These scales range from microscopic to global and operate over fractions of a second to billions of years. These interactions among Earth’s systems have shaped Earth’s history and will determine Earth’s future. Earth system science helps us understand how the earth system worked in the past and how it might behave in the future (Wysession, 2009). 

Earth is a complex system of interacting rock, water, air, and life.


The knowledge accrued by Earth and environmental scientists has practical applications AND critical implications for our civilization. Earth and environmental scientists hold keys to challenging problems that face humanity on topics such as climate change, dwindling water resources, widespread pollution, and intensifying geologic hazards. Earth and environmental scientists contribute to the flourishing and sustenance of humans on Earth and they do so through the scientific method.


Key Takeaways
  • The four major systems of Earth are the geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere
  • Earth’s systems interact over a wide range of temporal and spatial scales
  • Earth’s systems are dynamic; they continually react to changing influences
  • Changes in part of one system can cause new changes to that system or to other systems, often in surprising and complex ways
  • Earth’s climate is an example of how complex interactions among systems can result in relatively sudden and significant changes

Wysession et al., Earth Science Literacy Principles.




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Dynamic Planet: Exploring Geological Disasters and Environmental Change 2022 Copyright © 2021 by Charlene Estrada, Carolina Michele Londono, Merry Wilson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.