We may receive all the heat we need on the Earth’s surface from sunlight, but if you dig a hole just a few feet deep, you might notice that the surrounding soil is much cooler. This happens because much of the sediment is insulated from the sun’s energy. Nevertheless, if you had the ability to dig miles and miles into the crust, you would find that the temperature of the rock would start to significantly increase!

This increase in temperature with depth in the Earth’s crust is called the geothermal gradient. In general, we can expect temperatures to increase about 25°C for each kilometer of depth. This sounds like a significant increase in heat, but once we pass the 100 km mark, temperatures really take off!
As we learned in the second chapter, the Earth’s iron core is wickedly hot! Such heat powers plate tectonics, and when combined with other factors, it can lead to partial melting in the upper mantle. This melted, molten rock occasionally rises to the Earth’s surface and when it does, watch out!
A volcano will form above a chamber or plume of magma. There is a wide variety of volcanoes, and some are more explosive than others. Molten lava is far from the only hazard; volcanic eruptions can cause massive damage with ashfall, pyroclastic flows, toxic gases, and deadly landslides. There are even a few volcanoes considered so dangerous that they are termed “supervolcanoes”, and they have the potential to drastically impact society for generations.
Although volcanoes are hazardous, they are a continuous boon for the global economy. The precious minerals and useful rocks formed by volcanic processes have benefited civilization for thousands of years. In the modern economy, we use volcanism as a source of alternative energy and igneous rocks in trades ranging from construction to cosmetics.
Learning Objectives
- Describe the size, shape, and eruption style of volcanoes and how they form/
- Identify the major volcanic hazards and their effects on humans and property.
- Explain how scientists monitor volcanoes and where volcanoes can be found.
- Explain how volcanic processes benefit society.
The thin, outermost layer of Earth composed of rigid rock, which is home to all known life on the planet.
a pattern in which temperatures in the crust increase by about 25 degrees Celsius per kilometer (km) of depth.
The extremely hot center layer within Earth, which is composed mainly of iron and nickel.
The theory that the outer layer of the Earth (the lithosphere) is broken in several plates, and these plates move relative to one another, causing the major topographic features of Earth (e.g. mountains, oceans) and most earthquakes and volcanoes.
The outermost layer of the Earth's mantle, which contains both the lower lithosphere and upper asthenosphere. This layer is susceptible to convection currents and plastic flow.
an area on the Earth's surface where lava, ash, and/or volatile gases erupt and eventually solidify into rock.
molten rock that can be found beneath the Earth's surface.
molten rock that has erupted at the Earth's surface due to volcanic processes.
A mixture of super-heated gas, ash, volcanic glass, and rock fragments that rapidly moves downslope from 60 to over 400 mph.
an extreme natural event that is a threat to life and property
a solid, inorganic, and crystalline substance that has a predictable chemical composition and form by natural processes.
Rocks that crystallize from molten materials beneath the Earth surface or from volcanic processes.