29 Partnerships & Creating Buy-In — Book Clubs in Academic Libraries: A Case Study and Toolkit
Partnerships & Creating Buy-In
There are multiple reasons to collaborate with other established units on campus. Using established in-roads allows for a wider reach, and draws students, faculty, and staff that might be disinterested in communications directly from the library, but are interested in communications from other units.
For our specific setting, we recognized that our unit had been uninvolved in campus programming for quite some time, and partnering with another unit would gain buy-in to us as a programming unit. We chose the Center for Equity and Inclusion intentionally for overlap in cause, but also because they were well established as a host of campus events.
Use the widget below to jot down some of the campus units who might be relevant to your book club. Please note that these notes will not save. Alternatively, you can download a print copy of the toolkit here.
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