30 Budgeting — Book Clubs in Academic Libraries: A Case Study and Toolkit
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It is possible to run a book club on a shoestring budget. You will have to work with your collaborators and see what you agree on is important to provide to your book club participants.
A few budget items to think about:
- A copy of the book for each your participants
- circa $10-$15/copy of book/participant
- Refreshments (Cookies? Chips? Candy? Something catered? Tea and coffee?)
- Costs will vary, but it is possible to spend under $100 for a semester of non-perishable nibblies
- Movie tickets, if you are timing a book club around the release of a feature film
- Costs will vary, but calculate $15/ticket/participant
- Speaker fees
- In our experience, these can range from $250 per thirty minute skype call to $1000 for an hour of conversation. The range is large.
- Costs for promotional materials (printing, etc.)
- Costs for miscellany (book plates, etc.)
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