
7 Cardiovascular System – Blood Vessels and Blood

Learning Objectives

  • Apply the rules of medical language to build, analyze, spell, pronounce, abbreviate, and define terms as they relate to the blood
  • Identify meanings of keyword components of the blood
  • Use terms related to the blood

Blood Vessels and Blood Word Parts

Click on prefixes, combining forms, and suffixes to reveal a list of word parts to memorize for the Cardiovascular System – Blood.

Introduction to the Blood Vessels and Blood

Our large, complex bodies need blood to deliver nutrients to and remove wastes from our trillions of cells. The heart, as discussed in the previous chapter, pumps blood throughout the body in a network of blood vessels. Together, these three components—blood, heart, and vessels—makes up the cardiovascular system.

Virtually every cell, tissue, organ, and system in the body is impacted by the circulatory system. This includes the generalized and more specialized functions of transport of materials, capillary exchange, maintaining health by transporting white blood cells and various immunoglobulins (antibodies), hemostasis, regulation of body temperature, and helping to maintain acid-base balance. Table 7.1 summarizes the important relationships between the circulatory system and the other body systems.

Table 7.1 Interaction of the Circulatory System with Other Body Systems. A table depicting the various body systems and the role of the circulatory system in each. Adapted from Betts, et al., 2021. Licensed under CC BY 4.0.

Stomach and intestinal tract.
Digestive System
Absorbs nutrients and water; delivers nutrients (except most lipids) to liver for processing by hepatic portal vein; provides nutrients essential for hematopoiesis and building hemoglobin.

endocrine system
Endocrine System
Delivers hormones: atrial natriuretic hormone (peptide) secreted by the heart atrial cells to help regulate blood volumes and pressures; epinephrine, ANH, angiotensin II, ADH, and thyroxine to help regulate blood pressure; estrogen to promote vascular health in women and men.

forearm and left hand
Integumentary System
Carries clotting factors, platelets, and white blood cells for hemostasis, fighting infection, and repairing damage; regulates temperature by controlling blood flow to the surface, where heat can be dissipated; provides some coloration of integument; acts as a blood reservoir.

Cells and capillaries meant to represent the lymphatic system.
Lymphatic System
Transports various white blood cells, including those produced by lymphatic tissue, and immunoglobulins (antibodies) throughout the body to maintain health; carries excess tissue fluid not able to be reabsorbed by the vascular capillaries back to the lymphatic system for processing.

Muscle illustration.
Muscular System
Provides nutrients and oxygen for contraction; removes lactic acid and distributes heat generated by contraction; muscular pumps aid in venous return; exercise contributes to cardiovascular health and helps to prevent atherosclerosis.

brain and nerves
Nervous System
Produces cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) within choroid plexuses; contributes to blood-brain barrier; cardiac and vasomotor centers regulate cardiac output and blood flow through vessels via the autonomic system.

diagram of the penis.
Reproductive System
Aids in erection of genitalia in both sexes during sexual arousal; transports gonadotropic hormones that regulate reproductive functions.

the lungs.
Respiratory System
Provides blood for critical exchange of gases to carry oxygen needed for metabolic reactions and carbon dioxide generated as byproducts of these processes.

Hip and pelvis illustration.
Skeletal System
Provides calcium, phosphate, and other minerals critical for bone matrix; transports hormones regulating buildup and absorption of matrix including growth hormone (somatotropin), thyroid hormone, calcitronins, and parathyroid hormones; erythropoietin stimulates myeloid cell hematopoiesis; some level of protection for select vessels by bony structures.

kidneys and bladder
Urinary System
Delivers 20% of resting circulation to kidneys for filtering, reabsorption of useful products, and secretion of excesses; regulates blood volume and pressure by regulating fluid loss in the form of urine and by releasing the enzyme renin that is essential in the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone mechanism.

Cardiovascular System – Blood Vessels and Blood Medical Terms

Anatomy of the Blood Vessels

Blood pumped by the heart flows through a series of vessels known as arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, and veins before returning to the heart.

  • Arteries transport blood away from the heart and branch into smaller vessels, forming arterioles.
  • Arterioles distribute blood to capillary beds, the sites of exchange with the body tissues.
  • capillary is a microscopic channel that supplies blood to the tissues themselves, a process called perfusion.
    • Exchange of gases and other substances occurs in the capillaries between the blood and the surrounding cells and their tissue fluid (interstitial fluid).
    • For capillaries to function, their walls must be leaky, allowing substances to pass through.
    • Capillaries lead back to small vessels known as venules.
  • Venules are small veins that converge into larger veins.
  • vein is a blood vessel that conducts blood toward the heart
    • Compared to arteries, veins are thin-walled vessels with large and irregular lumens
    • Larger veins are commonly equipped with valves that promote the unidirectional flow of blood toward the heart and prevent backflow toward the capillaries caused by the inherent low blood pressure in veins as well as the pull of gravity
    • Other ways in which the body assists the transport of venous blood back to the heart involve contractions of skeletal muscles in the extremities (see figure below), as well as pressure variations caused by breathing motion in the chest.

Concept Check

Both arteries and veins have the same three distinct tissue layers, called tunics, for the garments first worn by ancient Romans. From the most interior layer to the outer, these tunics are the tunica intima, the tunica media, and the tunica externa. The smooth muscle in the middle layer, the tunica media, provides the vessel with the ability to vasoconstrict and vasodilate as needed to ensure sufficient blood flow. The table below compares the features of arteries and veins.

Table 7.2. Comparison of Arteries and Veins. From Betts, et al., 2021. Licensed under CC BY 4.0.
Direction of blood flow Conducts blood away from the heart Conducts blood toward the heart
General appearance Rounded Irregular, often collapsed
Pressure High Low
Wall thickness Thick Thin
Relative oxygen concentration Higher in systemic arteries

Lower in pulmonary arteries

Lower in systemic veins

Higher in pulmonary veins

Valves Not present Present most commonly in limbs and in veins inferior to the heart

The Major Arteries and Veins in the Human Body

Many arteries and veins share the same names, parallel one another throughout the body, and are very similar on the right and left sides of the body. For example, you will find a pair of femoral arteries and a pair of femoral veins, with one vessel on each side of the body. In contrast, some vessels closer to the midline of the body, such as the aorta, are unique and not paired. Names of vessels may change with location. Like a street that changes name as it passes through an intersection, an artery or vein can change names as it passes an anatomical landmark. For example, the left subclavian artery becomes the axillary artery as it passes into the axillary region, and then becomes the brachial artery as it enters the upper arm. The next two diagrams illustrate the major arteries and veins in the human body.

The major arteries in the human body. Image description available.
Figure 7.1 Systemic Arteries. The major systemic arteries shown here deliver oxygenated blood throughout the body. From Betts, et al., 2021. Licensed under CC BY 4.0.
The major veins in the human body. Image description available.
Figure 7.2 Major Systemic Veins of the Body. The major systemic veins of the body are shown here in an anterior view. From Betts, et al., 2021. Licensed under CC BY 4.0.

Concept Check

  • Without looking back at the images of the main arteries and veins of the body, can you name and locate 3 arteries and 3 veins in your body?

Physiology of the Blood Vessels

Arteries and veins transport blood in two distinct circuits: the systemic circuit and the pulmonary circuit. Systemic arteries provide blood rich in oxygen to the body’s tissues. The blood returned to the heart through systemic veins has less oxygen, since much of the oxygen carried by the arteries has been delivered to the cells. In contrast, in the pulmonary circuit, arteries carry blood low in oxygen exclusively to the lungs for gas exchange. Pulmonary veins then return freshly oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart to be pumped back out into systemic circulation.

Oxgenated and deoxygenated blood flow through the major organs. Image description available.
Figure 7.3 Cardiovascular Circulation. The pulmonary circuit moves blood from the right side of the heart to the lungs and back to the heart. The systemic circuit moves blood from the left side of the heart to the head and body and returns it to the right side of the heart to repeat the cycle. The arrows indicate the direction of blood flow, and the colors show the relative levels of oxygen concentration. From Betts, et al., 2021. Licensed under CC BY 4.0.

Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is the force exerted by blood upon the walls of the blood vessels or the chambers of the heart. Blood pressure may be measured in capillaries and veins, as well as the vessels of the pulmonary circulation; however, the general term ‘blood pressure’ refers to the pressure of blood flowing in the arteries of the systemic circulation. Blood pressure is one of the critical parameters measured on virtually every patient in every healthcare setting. The technique used today was developed more than 100 years ago by a pioneering Russian physician, Dr. Nikolai Korotkoff. Turbulent blood flow through the vessels can be heard as a soft ticking while measuring blood pressure; these sounds are known as Korotkoff sounds. Blood pressure is measured in mm Hg and is usually obtained from the brachial artery using a sphygmomanometer and a stethoscope. Blood pressure is recorded as systolic pressure over diastolic pressure

Did You Know?

120/80 mm Hg is a normal, healthy blood pressure. 60-100 beats per minute is a normal, resting, adult pulse.

Five variables influence blood flow and blood pressure:


Each time the heart ejects blood forcefully into the circulation, the arteries must expand and then recoil to accommodate the surge of blood moving through them. This expansion and recoiling of the arterial wall is called the pulse and allows us to measure heart rate. Pulse can be palpated manually by placing the tips of the fingers across an artery that runs close to the body surface, such as the radial artery or the common carotid artery. These sites and other pulse sites are shown in the figure below.

Both the rate and the strength of the pulse are important clinically. A high or irregular pulse rate can be caused by physical activity or other temporary factors, but it may also indicate a heart condition. The pulse strength indicates the strength of ventricular contraction and cardiac output. If the pulse is strong, then systolic pressure is high. If it is weak, systolic pressure has fallen, and medical intervention may be warranted.

Pulse points in a woman’s body. Image description available.
Figure 7.4 Pulse Sites. The pulse is most readily measured at the radial artery, but can be measured at any of the pulse points shown. From Betts, et al., 2021. Licensed under CC BY 4.0.

The Composition (Anatomy) of Blood and the Functions of the Components

Blood is a connective tissue made up of cellular elements and an extracellular matrix. The cellular elements are referred to as the formed elements and include red blood cells (RBCs)white blood cells (WBCs), and platelets. The extracellular matrix, called plasma, makes blood unique among connective tissues because it is fluid. This fluid, which is mostly water, perpetually suspends the formed elements and enables them to circulate throughout the body within the cardiovascular system.

Did You Know?

Blood constitutes approximately 8% of adult body weight.

In the laboratory, blood samples are often centrifuged in order to separate the components of blood from one another (see the figure below). Erythrocytes are the heaviest elements in blood and settle at the very bottom of the tube. Above the erythrocyte layer we see the buffy coat, a pale, thin layer of leukocytes and thrombocytes, which together make up less than 1% of the sample of whole blood. Above the buffy coat is the blood plasma, normally a pale, straw-colored fluid, which constitutes the remainder of the sample.

In normal blood, about 45 percent of a sample is erythrocytes, which is referred to as the hematocrit. The hematocrit of any one sample can vary significantly, however, about 36–50 percent, according to gender and other factors. Not counting the buffy coat, which makes up less than 1% of the blood, we can estimate the mean plasma percentage to be the percent of blood that is not erythrocytes: approximately 55%.

Two tubes of EDTA-anticoagulated blood. Left tube: after standing, the RBCs have settled at the bottom of the tube.
Figure 7.5 Composition of Blood: Two tubes of EDTA-anticoagulated blood. Left tube: after standing, the RBCs have settled at the bottom of the tube. Reused from Libretext Anatomy & Physiology

Blood Plasma

Like other fluids in the body, plasma is composed primarily of water. In fact, it is about 92% water. Dissolved or suspended within this water is a mixture of substances, most of which are proteins. The major components of plasma and their functions are summarized in the table below.

Formed Elements (Erythrocytes, Leukocytes, Thrombocytes)

The table below summarizes the main facts about the formed elements in blood.

Table 7.3 Summary of Formed Elements in Blood. Adapted from Betts, et al., 2021.
Licensed under CC BY 4.0.

Erythrocytes (red blood cells)

Red Blood Cell
Red Blood Cell
n/a 5.2 million ( 4.4-5.0 million) Flattened biconcave disk; no nucleus; pale red colour Transport oxygen and some carbon dioxide between tissues and lungs Lifespan of approximately 120 days
Leukocytes (white blood cells)  n/a 7000 (5000 – 10,000) Obvious dark-staining nucleus All function in body defenses Exit capillaries and move into tissues; lifespan of usually a few hours or days
Leukocytes (white blood cells) Types Granulocytes including neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils 4360 (1800-9950) Abundant granules in cytoplasm; nucleus normal lobed Nonspecific (innate) resistance to disease Classified according to membrane-bound granules in cytoplasm


Neutrophil Cell
4150 (1800-7300) Nuclear lobes increase with age; pale lilac granules Phagocytic; particularly effective against bacteria. Release cytotoxic chemicals from granules Most common leukocyte; lifespan of minutes to days


Eosinophils Cell
165 (0-700) Nucleus generally two-lobed; bright red-orange granules Phagocytic cells; particularly effective with antigen-antibody complexes. Release antihistamines. Increase in allergies and parasitic infections Lifespan of minutes to days


Basophil Cell
44 (0-150) Nucleus generally two-lobed but difficult to see due to presence of heavy, dense, dark purple granules Promotes inflammation Least common leukocyte; lifespan unknown
Agranulocytes including lymphocytes and monocytes 2640 (1700-4950) Lack abundant granules in cytoplasm; have a simple-shaped nucleus that may be indented Body defenses Group consists of two major cell types from different lineages


Lymphocytes Image
Lymphocytes Cell
2185 (1500-4000) Spherical cells with a single often large nucleus occupying much of the cell’s volume; stains purple; see in large (natural killer cells) and small (B and T cells) variants Primarily specific (adaptive) immunity; T cells directly attack other cells (cellular immunity). B cells release antibodies (humoral immunity); natural killer cells are similar to T cells but nonspecific Initial cells originate in bone marrow, but secondary production occurs in lymphatic tissue; several distinct subtypes; memory cells form after exposure to a pathogen and rapidly increase responses to subsequent exposure; lifespan of many years


Monocytes Image
Monocytes Cell
455 (200-950) Largest leukocyte with an indented or horseshoe-shaped nucleus Very effective phagocytic cells engulfing pathogens or worn out cells; also serve as antigen-presenting cells (APCs) for other components of the immune system Produced in red bone marrow; referred to as macrophages after leaving circulation


Platelets Image
Platelete Cells
n/a 350,000 (150,000 – 500,000) Cellular fragments surrounded by a plasma membrane and containing granules; purple stain Hemostasis plus release growth factors for repair and healing of tissue Formed from megakaryocytes that remain in the red bone marrow and shed platelets into circulation


The most abundant formed elements in blood, erythrocytes are basically sacs packed with an oxygen-carrying compound called hemoglobin. Production of erythrocytes in the red bone marrow occurs at the staggering rate of more than 2 million cells per second. For this production to occur, raw materials including iron, copper, zinc B-vitamins, glucose, lipids, and amino acids must be present in adequate amounts. Erythrocytes live only 120 days on average, and thus must be continually replaced. Worn-out erythrocytes are phagocytized by macrophages and their hemoglobin is broken down. The breakdown products are recycled or removed as wastes.

This photograph shows a few red blood cells.
Figure 7.6 Shape of Red Blood Cells. Erythrocytes are biconcave discs with very shallow centers. This shape optimizes the ratio of surface area to volume, facilitating gas exchange. It also enables them to fold up as they move through narrow blood vessels. From Betts, et al., 2021. Licensed under CC BY 4.0.


Leukocytes protect the body against invading microorganisms and body cells with mutated DNA, and they clean up debris, thus they are a major component of the body’s defenses against disease. Figure 7.7 shows the different types of leukocytes. Leukocytes routinely leave the bloodstream to perform their defensive functions in the body’s tissues, where they are often given distinct names, such as macrophage or microglia, depending on their function.

This figure shows micrographs of the different types of leukocytes. From left to right, the order of leukocytes shown are: basophil, eosinophil, neutrophil, monocyte, and lymphocyte.
Figure 7.7 Leukocytes. (Micrographs provided by the Regents of University of Michigan Medical School © 2012). From Betts, et al., 2021. Licensed under CC BY 4.0.

Concept Check

  • What is hemoglobin?
  • Can you name the 5 types of leukocytes?



Lymphocytes are one of the types of leukocytes and will be discussed in more detail here, since they tie into the next chapter which discusses the body’s defenses The three major groups of lymphocytes include natural killer cells, B cells, and T cells.

    • Natural killer (NK) cells are capable of recognizing cells that do not express “self” proteins on their plasma membrane or that contain foreign or abnormal markers. These “nonself” cells include cancer cells, cells infected with a virus, and other cells with atypical surface proteins.
    • B lymphocytes (B cells) and T lymphocytes (T cells), play prominent roles in defending the body against specific pathogens (disease-causing microorganisms) and are involved in specific immunity. B cells undergo a maturation process in the bone marrow, whereas T cells undergo maturation in the thymus. This site of the maturation process gives rise to the name B and T cells.
      • Plasma cells, a type of B cell, produce the antibodies or immunoglobulins that bind to specific foreign or abnormal components of plasma membranes.
      • T cells provide immunity by physically attacking foreign or diseased cells.
      • Memory cells are a variety of both B and T cells that form after exposure to a pathogen and mount rapid responses upon subsequent exposures. Unlike other leukocytes, memory cells live for many years.


After entering the circulation, approximately one-third of the newly-formed platelets migrate to the spleen for storage for later release in response to any rupture in a blood vessel. They then become activated to perform their primary function, which is to limit blood loss. Platelets remain only about 10 days, then are phagocytized by macrophages.

Platelets are key players in hemostasis, the process by which the body seals a ruptured blood vessel and prevents further loss of blood. Although rupture of larger vessels usually requires medical intervention, hemostasis is quite effective in dealing with small, simple wounds. There are three steps to the process: vascular spasm or vasoconstriction, the formation of a platelet plug, and coagulation (blood clotting). Failure of any of these steps will result in hemorrhageThe figure below summarizes the steps of hemostasis.


Photo of the general stages of clotting
Figure 7.8 Hemostasis. (a) An injury to a blood vessel initiates the process of hemostasis. Blood clotting involves three steps. First, vascular spasm constricts the flow of blood. Next, a platelet plug forms to temporarily seal small openings in the vessel. Coagulation then enables the repair of the vessel wall once the leakage of blood has stopped. (b) The synthesis of fibrin in blood clots lead to a common pathway. (credit a: Kevin MacKenzie). From Betts, et al., 2021. Licensed under CC BY 4.0.

Fibrinolysis is the process in which a clot is degraded in a healing vessel. An anticoagulant is any substance that opposes coagulation. Several circulating plasma anticoagulants play a role in limiting the coagulation process to the region of injury and restoring a normal, clot-free condition of blood.

Concept Check

  • Can you explain what happens in each step of hemostasis?
  • Describe an anticoagulant.

Physiology of Blood

Although carrying oxygen and nutrients to cells and removing wastes from cells is the main function of blood, it is important to realize that blood also serves in defense, distribution of heat, and maintenance of homeostasis.


  • Nutrients from the foods you eat are absorbed in the digestive tract. Most of these travel in the bloodstream directly to the liver, where they are processed and released back into the bloodstream for delivery to body cells.
  • Oxygen from the air you breathe diffuses into the blood, which moves from the lungs to the heart, which then pumps it out to the rest of the body.
  • Endocrine glands scattered throughout the body release their products, called hormones, into the bloodstream, which carries them to distant target cells.
  • Blood also picks up cellular wastes and byproducts, and transports them to various organs for removal. For instance, blood moves carbon dioxide to the lungs for exhalation from the body, and various waste products are transported to the kidneys and liver for excretion from the body in the form of urine or bile.


  • Leukocytes protect the organism from disease-causing bacteria, cells with mutated DNA that could multiply to become cancerous, or body cells infected with viruses.
  • When damage to the vessels results in bleeding, blood platelets and certain proteins dissolved in the plasma, interact to block the ruptured areas of the blood vessels involved. This protects the body from further blood loss.


  • If you were exercising on a warm day, your rising core body temperature would trigger several homeostatic mechanisms, including increased transport of blood from your core to your body periphery, which is typically cooler. As blood passes through the vessels of the skin, heat would be dissipated to the environment, and the blood returning to your body core would be cooler. In contrast, on a cold day, blood is diverted away from the skin to maintain a warmer body core. In extreme cases, this may result in frostbite.
  • Blood helps to regulate the water content of body cells.
  • Blood also helps to maintain the chemical balance of the body. Proteins and other compounds in blood act as buffers, which thereby help to regulate the pH of body tissues. The pH of blood ranges from 7.35 to 7.45.

Concept Check

These three terms all sound similar. Can you explain them by breaking down the word parts?

  • Hemostasis
  • Homeostasis
  • Hematopoiesis


Blood Vessel Medical Terms Not Easily Broken into Word Parts

Common Cardiovascular System – Blood, Abbreviations

Many terms and phrases related to the cardiovascular system – blood are abbreviated. Learn these common abbreviations by expanding the list below.

Medical Terms in Context

Medical Specialties and Procedures Related to the Blood Vessels and Blood

Vascular Surgeons

Vascular surgery is a specialty in which the physician treats diseases of the blood and lymphatic vessels. This includes repair and replacement of diseased or damaged vessels, removal of plaque from vessels, minimally invasive procedures including the insertion of venous catheters, and traditional surgery (Betts, et al., 2021; Society for Vascular Surgery, n.d.). For more information, please visit Society for Vascular Surgery website.


Hematologists are specialist physicians that diagnose and treat blood disorders. These physicians must be well-versed in a wide array of laboratory procedures, basic medical disciplines, and clinical medicine (American Medical Association, 2019). To learn more about hematologists, visit the American Medical Association’s specialty profile on hematology

Vascular Sonographer

Vascular sonography is a challenging yet rewarding profession. As a sonographer working in this field, you’ll use ultrasound machines to produce images of patients’ veins and arteries using high-frequency sound waves. To learn more, visit the Vascular Sonography Credentials web page.


Phlebotomists are professionals trained to draw blood (phleb- = “a blood vessel”; -tomy = “to cut”). When more than a few drops of blood are required, phlebotomists perform a venipuncture, typically of a surface vein in the arm. They perform a capillary stick on a finger, an earlobe, or the heel of an infant when only a small quantity of blood is required. An arterial stick is collected from an artery and used to analyze blood gases. After collection, the blood may be analyzed by medical laboratories or perhaps used for transfusions, donations, or research (Betts, et al., 2021).

Medical Laboratory Scientist/Technician

Medical or clinical laboratories employ a variety of individuals in technical positions. Training is provided through a variety of institutions and certification is through the Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science. Specialized positions are:

  • Medical technologist (MT) tests and analyzes blood, other body fluids, and tissue samples.
  • Medical laboratory scientists (MLS) perform complex analyses of tissue, blood, and other body fluids.
  • Medical laboratory assistants (MLA) spend the majority of their time receiving, preparing, testing, and processing specimen samples (American Society for Clinical Pathology, n.d.)



American Medical Association. (2019). Hematology profile. Specialty Profiles. https://www.ama-assn.org/residents-students/specialty-profiles/what-it-s-specialize-hematology-shadowing-dr-lee

American Society for Medical Laboratory Science. (2021). What is a medical laboratory science professional? https://ascls.org/how-do-i-become-a-laboratory-professional/

Society for Vascular Surgery. (2020). Patients: What is vascular surgery? https://vascular.org/patients/what-vascular-surgeon

Understanding Sonography. (2020). Credentials. https://www.sdms.org/resources/what-is-sonography/understanding-sonography


Test Yourself

Use these practice activities to review the concepts in this chapter. If you prefer, there is a printable version of these activities.


Identify meanings of key word components of the cardiovascular system.


Apply the rules of medical language to pronounce, break into word parts, and define the following terms.


Practice pronouncing and defining these medical terms that are not easily broken into word parts.


Practice pronouncing and defining these commonly abbreviated cardiovascular system terms related to the blood.


Use terms related to the cardiovascular system.


Test your knowledge by answering the questions below.


Chapter Attributions

This chapter was adapted by Karen Hobbs from “Cardiovascular System – Blood Vessels & Blood” by Stacey Grimm; Coleen Allee; Elaine Strachota; Laurie Zielinski; Traci Gotz; Micheal Randolph; and Heidi Belitz. Licensed under a CC BY 4.0 license.

Media Attributions

Blood Vessels, Part 1 – Form and Function: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #27 by CrashCourse is licensed under the Standard YouTube license.



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Medical Terminology Copyright © 2024 by Phoenix College Nursing is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.