Tip: you can hit CTRL+F (Windows) or CMD+F (macOS) on your keyboard to search for the exact term you want.
rachiotomy (rā-kĭ-ŎT-ŏ-mē): Incision into the vertebral column.
rachischisis (ră-KĬS-kĭ-sĭs): Fissure of vertebral column.
radial (RĀD-ē-ăl): Pertaining to radius.
radicotomy (răd-ĭ-KŎT-ō-mē): Incision into a nerve root.
radiculitis (ră-dĭk-ū-LĪ-tĭs): Inflammation of the nerve roots.
radiculopathy (ră-dĭk-ū-LŎP-ă-thē): Disease of the nerve roots.
radiography (rā-dē-OG-ră-fē): Process of recording x-rays.
radiologist (rā-dē-ŎL-ō-jĭst): Physician who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of disease using medical imaging.
radiology (rā-dē-ŎL-ō-jē): Study of the use of radiant energy in diagnosing disease.
rebel: Word part that does not fit within the language rules.
rectal (RĔK-tăl): Pertaining to the rectum.
rectocele (REK-tŏ-sēl): Protrusion of the rectum.
reflux (RĒ-flŭks): Abnormal backward flow.
renogram (RĒ-nŏ-gram): Radiographic record of the kidney.
respiratory zone (rĕs-PĪR-ă-tō-rē zōn): The respiratory zone includes structures that are directly involved in gas exchange.
respirologist (res-pĭ-ROL-ŏ-jĭst): Specialist who studies and treats disease and disorders related to breathing.
respirology (rĕs-pĭr-ŎL-ŏ-jē): The study of breathing disorders and disease.
response (ri-SPONS): Nervous system function that causes a target tissue (muscle or gland) to produce an event as a consequence to stimuli.
reticulated (rĕ-TIK-yŭ-lāt-ĕd): Net like.
retinal (RĔT-ĭ-năl): Pertaining to the retina.
retinoblastoma (ret-ĭn-ō-blas-TŌ-mă): Tumor arising from a developing retinal cell.
retinopathy (ret-ĭn-OP-ă-thē): Disease of the retina.
retinoscopy (ret-ĭn-OS-kŏ-pē): Process of viewing the retina.
retrograde urogram (RE-trō-grād Ū-rō-grăm): Radiographic image of the urinary tract.
rhabdomyolysis (rab-dō-mī-OL-ĭ-sĭs): Dissolution of a striated muscle.
rheumatoid arthritis (ROO-mă-toyd ar-THRĪT-ĭs): An autoimmune disorder in which the body mounts an immune response against its own joint tissues, causing inflammation and damage to the joints.
rhinitis (rī-NĪ-tĭs): Inflammation of the nasal cavity which can lead to rhinorrhea.
rhinomycosis (rī-nō-mī-KŌ-sĭs): Abnormal condition of fungus in the nose.
rhinoplasty (RĪ-nō-plăs-tē): Surgical repair of the nose.
rhinorrhagia (rī-nō-RĀ-jē-ă): Rapid flow of blood from the nose.
rhinorrhea (rī-nŏ-RĒ-ă): Excessive flow or discharge from the nasal cavity (runny nose).
rhizomeningomyelitis (rī-zō-mĕ-nĭn-gō-mī-ĕ-LĪ-tĭs): Inflammation of the nerve root, meninges and spinal cord.
rhizotomy (rī-ZŎT-ō-mē): Incision into a nerve root.
rhytidectomy (rit-ĭ-DEK-tŏ-mē): Excision of the wrinkles.
rhytidoplasty (RĬT-ĭ-dō-plăs-tē): Surgical repair of wrinkles.
rickets (RIK-ĕts): A painful condition in children where bones are misshapen due to a lack of calcium, causing bow leggedness.
right lymphatic duct (rīt lim-FAT-ik dŭkt): Drains lymph fluid from the upper right side of body into the right subclavian vein.
robotic surgery (rō-BŎ- tĭk SŬRJ-ĕ-rē): Use of small surgical instruments attached to a computer and operated by the surgeon from a console several feet from the operating table.
roots of the great vessels: The part of each great vessel (aorta, pulmonary trunk, inferior vena cava, superior vena cava) that connects to the base of the heart.