Respiratory System (SC)
Topic: Respiratory System
Text Reference: Chapter 4. Respiratory System
Objectives: Students should be able to…
Identify meanings of key word components of the respiratory system
a- (absence of, without)
an- (absence of, without)
brady- (slow)
dys- (difficult, painful, abnormal, labored)
endo- (within, in)
eu- (normal, good)
hyper- (above, excessive)
hypo- (below, incomplete)
intra- (within, in)
poly- (many, much)
tachy- (fast, rapid)
Combining Forms
adenoid/o (adenoids)
alveol/o (alveolus)
atel/o (imperfect, incomplete)
bronch/o (bronchus)
bronchi/o (bronchus)
capn/o (carbon dioxide)
diaphragmat/o (diaphragm)
epiglott/o (epiglottis)
hem/o (blood)
hemat/o (blood)
laryng/o (larynx)
lob/o (lobe)
muc/o (mucus)
nas/o (nose)
orth/o (straight)
ox/i (oxygen)
pharyng/o (pharynx)
phon/o (sound, voice)
phren/o (diaphragm)
pleur/o (pleura)
pneum/o (lung, air)
pneumon/o (lung, air)
pneumat/o (lung)
pulmon/o (lung)
py/o (pus)
radi/o (x-rays, ionizing radiation)
respir/o (breath, breathing)
rhin/o (nose)
sept/o (septum)
sinus/o (sinus)
somn/o (sleep)
son/o (sound)
spir/o (breathe, breathing)
thorac/o (thorax, chest cavity)
tom/o (to cut, section, slice)
tonsill/o (tonsil)
trache/o (trachea)
-algia (pain)
-ar (pertaining to)
-ary (pertaining to)
-cele (hernia, protrusion)
-centesis (surgical puncture to aspirate fluid)
-eal (pertaining to)
-ectasis (stretching out, dilation, expansion)
-ectomy (excision, cut out)
-emia (in the blood)
-genic (producing, originating, causing)
-gram (the record, radiographic image)
-graph (instrument used to record)
-graphy (process of recording, radiographic imaging)
-ia (condition, diseased state, abnormal state)
-ic (pertaining to)
-itis (inflammation)
-logist (specialist or physician who studies and treats)
-logy (study of)
-meter (instrument used to measure)
-metry (measurement)
-oid (resembling)
-pexy (surgical fixation, suspension)
-plasty (surgical repair)
-pnea (breathing)
-ptysis (spitting, coughing)
-rrhagia (rapid flow of blood, excessive bleeding)
-scope (instrument used for visual examination)
-scopic (pertaining to visual examination)
-scopy (process of visually examining, visual examination)
-spasm (sudden involuntary muscle contraction, spasmodic contraction)
-stenosis (constriction, narrowing)
-stomy (creation of an artificial opening)
-thorax (chest, chest cavity)
-tome (instrument used to cut)
-tomy (cut into, incision)
Apply the rules of medical language to pronounce, break into word parts, and define the following terms.
Label each word part by using the following abbreviations:
P = Prefix
WR = Word Root
CV = Combining Vowel
S = Suffix
CF = Combining Form
Example: osteoarthropathy (ä-stē-ō-är-THROP-ă-thē) – disease of bone and joint
oste / o / arthr / o /pathy
Use terms related to the respiratory system.
Label the following respiratory system structures.
diaphragm | larynx | left bronchus | left lung | oral cavity | nasal cavity | nostril | pharynx | right bronchus | right lung | trachea

Test your knowledge by answering the questions below.
A small bulbous, teardrop-shaped structure located at the apex of the soft palate…
- Posterior
- Lymphocytes
- Uvula
Located at the anterior region of the nasal cavity and is composed of bone…
- Fauces
- Glottis
- Hard palate
A ridge of cartilage that separates the two main bronchi…
- Carina
- Alveolar Duc
- Eupnea
Serves as an airway and is continuous with the nasal cavity
- Conducting zone
- Hilum
- Nasopharynx
Consists of the surface and skeletal structures that result in the outward appearance of the nose and contribute to its numerous functions…
- Pharynx
- Inferior
- External nose
Chapter Attributions
This chapter was adapted by Jerry Casteel from “Respiratory System” in Medical Terminology Student Companion by Stacey Grimm; Colleen Allee; Heidi Belitz; Traci Gotz; Micheal Randolph; Elaine Strachota; and Laurie Zielinski. Licensed under a CC BY 4.0 license.