Part 1: The Triad

Every chord symbol starts with a triad. The triad is built from the root (1), third (3), and fifth (5).


  • Written with only the root name.
  • C = C major = C E G
  • Ab = Ab major = Ab C Eb
  • NOTE: occasionally you’ll see maj, ∆, or M, but avoid this! These symbols are used to indicate major 7s and can confuse your musicians.


  • Written as a root with min, mi, m, or my preferred –.
  • C– = C minor = C Eb G
  • Emi = E minor = E G B


  • Written as a root with o or dim.
  • Co = C diminished = C Eb Gb
  • D#dim = D diminished = D# F# A


  • Written as a root with + or aug.
  • C+ = C augmented = C E G#
  • Bbaug = Bb augmented = Bb D F#


  • Ok, so technically this isn’t a triad, but in chord symbols, it sits in the same place.
  • Written as a root with sus.
  • Csus = C suspended = C F G
  • It’s common to write sus after the 7th, even though it affects the 3rd.



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Jazz Theory Copyright © 2023 by Adam Roberts; Keith B. Kelly; and Eric Rasmussen is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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