H5P activities list

This book includes 113 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.

ID Title Activity type Show/Hide
3Introduction to the Human Body Part 1 Anatomical termsDialog Cards
4Introduction to the Human Body Part 2Dialog Cards
51.2 Levels of org in bodyDrag and Drop
61.6 Planes of the BodyDrag and Drop
71.6 Directional TermsDrag and Drop
8The Integumentary System Part 1 Components of the EpidermisDialog Cards
9The Integumentary System Part 2 GeneralDialog Cards
10Chapter 5 [updated]Question Set
11Endocrine System Part 1 General TermsDialog Cards
12Endocrine System Part 2Dialog Cards
13Endocrine System Part 3Dialog Cards
14Endocrine SystemQuestion Set
15Anterior PituitaryDrag and Drop
16Hormones of the Neurohypophysis (Posterior Pituitary)Question Set
17The PancreasQuestion Set
18Blood Part 1 General termsDialog Cards
19Blood Part 2 Red Blood CellsDialog Cards
20Blood Part 3 White Blood CellsDialog Cards
21Blood Part 4 Platelets and hemostasisDialog Cards
22Blood - Movement of LeukocytesQuestion Set
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