

This textbook was funded by the Maricopa Millions project through Maricopa County Community College. In addition to writing original content, the authors, Paul Bosch and Lauren Roberts, used and attributed resources that were openly licensed, to the best of their knowledge. This eBook is used as the primary textbook in Environmental Biology (BIO105) at South Mountain Community College. I would like to thank Mary Nunn from SMCC’s MakerSpace for her tireless patience and guidance in developing this ModPress eBook and knowledge of adult learning and literacy best practices.

This eBook allows the learner to interact with the text through a variety of vocabulary and self-monitoring questions, as well as timely videos, to enhance the learning experience while providing a deeper mastery and transfer of knowledge. If you would like to use this book and the accompanying Canvas course, please contact Paul Bosch at South Mountain Community College. Please feel free to contact Paul Bosch via this Google Form and share your ideas. Enjoy!