
from the Lebor Gabala Erenn (The Book of the Takings of Ireland)

From the Lebor Gabala Erenn (The Book of the Takings of Ireland)

Translation: Lebor Gabála Érenn: Book of the Taking of Ireland Part 1-5. ed. and tr. by R. A. S. Macalister. Dublin: Irish Texts Society, 1941.

From Internet Archive Opensource Collection



  • 26. Let us cease [at this point] from the stories of the Gaedil, that we may tell of the seven peoples who took Ireland before them. Cessair, d. Bith s. Noe took it, forty days before the Flood. Partholon s. Sera three hundred years after the Flood. Nemed s. Agnomain of the Greeks of Scythia, at the end of thirty years after Partholon. The Fir Bolg thereafter. The Fir Domnann thereafter. The Gailioin thereafter [al., along with them]. The Tuatha De Danann thereafter. [The sons of Mil thereafter as Fintan said]. Unde Fintan cecinit,

Ireland–whatever is asked of me

I know pleasantly,

Every taking that took her

from the beginning of the tuneful world.


Cessair came from the East,

the woman was daughter of Bith;

with her fifty maidens,

with her three men.


Flood overtook Bith in his Mountain,

it is no secret;

Ladra in Ard Ladrand,

Cessair in her Nook.


But as for me, He buried me,

the Son of God, above [the] company;

He snatched the Flood from me

above heavy Tul Tuinde.


I had a year under the Flood

in strong Tul Tuinde;

I found nothing for my sustenance,

an unbroken sleep were best.


I was in Ireland here,

my journey was everlasting,

till Partholon reached her,

from the East, from the land of Greeks.


I was here in Ireland

and Ireland was desert,

till the son of Agnomain reached Nemed,

brilliant his fashion.


The Fir Bolg and Fir Gailian came,

it was long ago;

the Fir Domnann came,

they landed on a headland in the west.


Thereafter the Tuath De came,

in their masses of fog,

so that there was sustenance for me

though it was a long lifetime.


The sons of Mil came from Spain,

from the south, so that there

was sustenance for me at their hands,

though they were strong in battle.


A long life fell to my lot,

I shall not conceal it;

till Faith overtook me

from the King of Heaven of clouds.


I am Fintan the white son of Bochna,

I shall not conceal it;

after the Flood here I am

a noble great sage.


  • 27. Incipit de The Takings of Ireland. Thereafter Cessair daughter of Bith s. Noe took it, ut poeta dixit, forty days before the Flood. This is the reason for her coming, fleeing from the Flood: for Noe said unto them: Rise, said he [and go] to the western edge of the world; perchance the Flood may not reach it.
  • 28. The crew of three ships arrived at Dun na mRarc in the territory of Corco Daibne. Two of the ships were wrecked. Cessair with the crew of her ship escaped, fifty women and three men: Bith s. Noe, of whom is Sliab Betha (named) – there was he buried, in the great stone-heap of Sliab Betha; Ladra the pilot, of whom is Ard Ladrand – he is the first dead man who went under the soil of Ireland; Fintan s. Bochra, of whom is “Fintan’s Grave” over Tul Tuinde. Cessair died in Cul Cessrach in Connachta, with her fifty maidens.
  • 29. These are their names, ut Fintan cecinit

A just division we shared between us,

myself and Bith and bold Ladra;

for peace and for reason was it done,

in the matter of the fifty magnificent maidens.


Seventeen women I took, including Cessair–

Lot, Luam, Mall, Mar, Froechar, Femar, Faible, Foroll,

Cipir, Torrian, Tamall, Tam, Abba, Alla, Baichne, Sille:

that is the tale which we were there.


Seventeen Bith took, with Bairrfhind–

Sella, Della, Duib, Addeos, Fotra, Traige, Nera, Buana,

Tamall, Tanna, Nathra, Leos, Fodarg, Rodarg, Dos, Clos:

be it heard -those were our people further.


Sixteen thereafter with Ladra:

Alba, Bona, Albor, Ail, Gothiam, German, Aithne,

Inde, Rodarg, Rinne, Inchor, Ain, Irrand, Espa, Sine, Samoll:

that was our fair company.


None of the seed of Adam took Ireland before the Flood but those.




  • 30. Now Ireland was waste [thereafter], for a space of three hundred years, [or three hundred and twelve, quod uerius est] till Partholon s. Sera s. Sru came to it. He is the first who took Ireland after the Flood, on a Tuesday, on the fourteenth of the moon, in Inber Scene: [for three times was Ireland taken in Inber Scene]. Of the progeny of Magog son of Iafeth was he, [ut dixi supra]: in the sixstieth year of the age of Abraham, Partholon took Ireland.
  • 31. Four chieftains strong came Partholon: himself and Laiglinne his son, from whom is Loch Laighlinne in Ui mac Uais of Breg; Slanga and Rudraige, the two other sons of Partholon, from whom are Sliab Slanga and Loch Rudraige. When the grave of Rudraige was a-digging, the lake there burst forth over the land.
  • 32. Seven years had Partholon in Ireland when the first man of his people died, to wit, Fea, from whom is Mag Fea; for there was he buried, in Mag Fea.
  • 33. In the third year thereafter, the first battle of Ireland, which Partholon won in Slemna of Mag Itha against Cichol clapperlag of the Fomoraig. Men with single arms and single legs they were, who joined the battle with him.
  • 34. There were seven lake bursts in Ireland in the time of Partholon: Loch Laighlinne in Ui mac Uais of Breg, Loch Cuan and Loch Rudraige in Ulaid, Loch Dechet and Loch Mese and Loch Con in Connachta, and Loch Echtra in Airgialla; for Partholon did not find more than three lakes and nine rivers in Ireland before him–Loch Fordremain in Sliab Mis of Mumu, Loch Lumnig on Tir Find, Loch Cera in Irrus; Aba Life, Lui, Muad, Slicech, Samer (upon which is Ess Ruaid), Find, Modorn, Buas, and Banna between Le and Elle. Four years before the death of Partholon, the burst of Brena over the land.
  • 35. Four plains were cleared by Partholon in Ireland: Mag Itha in Laigen, Mag Tuired in Connachta, Mag Li in Ui mac Uais, Mag Ladrand in Dal nAraide. For Partholon found not more than one plain in Ireland before him, the Old Plain [of Elta] of Edar. this is why it is called the “Old Plain” for never did branch of twig of a wood grow through it.
  • 36. And it is there that Partholon died, five thousand men and four thousand women, of a week’s plague on the kalends of May. On a Monday plauge killed them all except one man tantum–Tuan son of Starn son of Sera nephew of Partholon: and God fashioned him in many forms, and that man survived alone from the time of Partholon to the time of Findian and of Colum Cille. So he narrated to them the Takings of Ireland from the time of Cessair, the first who took, to that time. And that is Tuan son of Cairell son of Muiredach Muinderg. Of him the history-sage sang the following song–

Ye scholars of the Plain of fair, white Conn,

of the land of the men of Fal, as I relate,

what company, after the creation of the world,

first lighted upon Ireland?


Ireland before the swift Flod,

as I reckon her courses, knowing,

pure-white kemps found her,

including Cessair daughter of Bith.


Bith son of Noe of the many troops,

though he overcame with a trench-achievement,

he died in warlike Sliab Betha;

Ladra died in Ard Ladrann.


Fintain went on a journey of weakness,

his grave was found, it ws a leap of impetuosity;

he was not in haste into the trench of a churchyeard,

but a grave over Tul Tuinde.


To Dun na mBarc for a separation-festival

faring without scale of reckoning brought them;

at the stone-heap, beside a fruitful sea

Cessair died in Cul Cessrach.


Forty days full-scanty the slender and

graceful troop arrived in their ship,

before the noise of the Flood they landed

on a place of the land of Ireland.


He rose on a journey for truth-deciding by the might

of the King whom he used to adore;

Fintan, who was a man with tidings for lords,

for mighty ones of the earth.


Three hundred years, I boast of it,

I speak through the rules which I reckon,

pleasant Ireland, I proclaim it against

the soothsayers was waste, after the Flood.


Partholon the eminent came,

a royal course across an oar-beaten sea:

his quartet of heroes, fair and faithful–

among them was the free-born Slanga.


Slanga, Laiglinne the brilliant,

boardlike, noble and strong was his canoe;

these were his ready trio of chieftains,

along with the lordly Rudraige.


Plains were cleared of their great wood,

by him, to get near to his dear children;

Mag Itha southward, a hill of victory-head,

Mag Li of ashes, Lag Lathraind.


Seven lake-bursts, though ye measure them,

with renown of name,

though ye should set them forth they filled,

amid the fetter of valleys, insular Ireland in his time.


Loch Laiglinne, bold Loch Cuan,

the Loch of Rudraige, (he was) a lord without law-giving,

Loch Techet, Loch Oese abounding in mead,

Loch Cou, Loch Echtra full of swans.


Over Ireland of beauty of colour,

as I relate every foundation

on the fortress of Bith

he found not more than three lakes before him.


Three lakes, vast and tideless (?)

and nine rivers full of beauty:

Loch Fordremain, Loch Luimnig,

Findloch over the borders of Irrus.


The river of Life, the Lee let us mention,

which every druid humms who knows diana senga;

the history of the old rivers of Ireland

has demonstrated the true height of the Flood.


Muad, Slicech, Samer, thou dost name it, Buas,

a flood with the fame-likeness of a summit, Modorn,

Find with fashion of a sword-blade (?)

Banna between Lee and Eille.


He died after pride, with warriors,

Partholon, of the hundredfold troop:

they were cut down with possessions,

with treasures, on the Old Plain of Elta of Edar.


This is why it is the forutnate Old Plain

It is God the fashioner who caused it:

over its land which the sea-mouth cut off

no root or twig of a wood was found.


His grave is there according to men of truth,

Although he had no power among saints:

Silent was his sleep under resting places

which are no pilgrimage-way for our scholars.


Three hundred years, though ye should know it,

over lands secret to the exalted,

had the troop, brightly tuneful and lasting,

over age-old, noble Ireland.


Men, women, boys and girls,

on the calends of May, a great hindrance,

the plaguing of Partholon in Mag Breg

was no unbroken summer-apportionment of peace.


It was thirty lean years that she

was empty in the face of war-champions,

after the death of her host throughout a week,

in their troops upon Mag Elta.


Let us give adoration to the King of the Elements,

to the good Head, the Fortress of our people,

whose is every troop, every generation,

whose is every head, every scholarship.


I am Ua Flaind who scatters truths;

an apportionment with kings hath he chosen;

may everything whatsoever he may say be a speech of grace,

may it accord with holiness, ye scholars!

  • 37. It was the four sons of Partholon who made the first division of Ireland in the beginning, Er, Orba, Fergna, Feron. There were four men, namesakes to them, amoung the sons of Mil, but they were not the same. From Ath Cliath of Laigen to Ailech Neit, is the division of Er. From Ath Cliath to the island of Ard Nemid, is the division of Orba. From Ailech to Ath Cliath of Medraige, is the division of Feron. From that Ath Cliath to Ailech Neit, is the division of Fergna. So that is that manner they first divided Ireland.
  • 38. Partholon had four oxen, that is the first cattle of Ireland. Of his company was Brea, son of Senboth, by whom were a jouse, a flesh [cauldron], and dwelling first made in Ireland. Of his company was Samailiath, by whom were ale-drinking and suretyship first made in Ireland. Of his company was Beoir, by whom a guesthouse was first made in Ireland. As the poet saith:

Partholon, whence he came to Ireland,

reckon ye!

on the day when he reached across the sea,

what was the land from which Partholon came?


He came from Sicily to Greece–

a year’s journey, with no full falsehood:

a month’s sailing from Greece westward,

to Cappadocia.


From Cappadocia he journeyed,

a sailing of three days to Gothia,

a sailing of a month from white Gothia,

to three-cornered Spain.


After that he reached Inis Fail,

to Ireland from Spain:

on Monday, the tenth without blemish

one octad took Ireland.


He is the first man who took his wife

in the time of Partholon without falsehood:

Fintan, who took the woman through combat–

Aife, daughter of Partholon.


Parthlolon went out one day,

to tour his profitable land:

His wife and his henchman together

he leaves behind him on the island.


As they were in his house,

the two, a wonder unheard-of,

she made an advance to the pure henchman,

he made no advance to her.


Since he made her no answer promptly the henchman,

stubborn against an evil intention,

she doffs her in desperation–

an impusive action for a good woman!


The henchman rose without uncertainty,

a frail thing is humanity–

and came, a saying without pleasure,

with Delgnat to share her couch.


Insolent was the prank for a pleasant henchman

which Topa of tuneful strings wrought:

to go by a rough trick, a happiness without pleasure,

with Delgnat, to share her couch.


Partholon, who was a man of knowledge,

had a vat of most sweet ale:

out of which none could drink aught

save through a tube of red gold.


Thirst seized them after the deed,

Topa and Delgnat, according to truth:

so that their two mouths drank

their two drinks (?) in the tube.


When they did it, a couple without remorse,

there came upon them very great thirst;

soon they drank a bright coal-drink,

through the gilded tube.


Partholon arrived outside,

after ranging the wilderness;

there were given to him,

it was a slight disturbance, his vat and his tube.


When he took the straight tube,

he perceived upon it at once,

the taste of Topa’s mouth as far as this,

and the taste of Delgnat’s mouth.


A black, surly demon revealed

the bad, false, unpleasant deed:

“Here is the taste of Topa’s mouth” said he,

“And the taste of Delgnat’s mouth.”


Then said the sound son of Sera,

the man called Partholon:

“though short the time we are outside,

we have the right to complain of you.”


The man smote the woman’s dog with his palm

–it was no profit–he slew the hound,

it was a treasure that would be slender;

so that is the first jealousy of Ireland.


Degnat answered her husband:

“Not upon us is the blame,

though bitter thou thinkest my saying it,

truly, but it is upon thee.”


Though evil thou thinkest my saying it to thee,

Partholon, its right shall be mine:

I am the ‘one before one’ here,

I am innocent, recompense is my due.


Honey with a woman, milk with a cat,

food with one generous, meat with a child,

a wright within and an edge[d tool]

one before one, ’tis a great risk.’


The woman will taste the thick honey,

the cat will drink the milk,

the generous will bestow the pure food,

the child will eat the meat.


The wright will lay hold of a tool,

the one with the one will go together:

wherefore it is right to guard them

well from the beginning.


That is the first adultery to be heard of

made here in the beginning:

the wife of Partholon, a man of rank,

to go to an ignoble henchman.


He came after the henchman

and slew him with anger:

to him there came not the help of God

upon the Weir of the Kin-murder.


The place where that was done,

after its fashioning certainty–

great is its sweetness that was there of

a day in the land of Inis Saimera.


And that, without deceit,

is the first judgement in Ireland so that thence,

with very noble judgement,

is “the right of his wife against Partholon.”


Seventeen years had they thereafter,

till there came the death of that man;

the battle of Mag Itha of the combats

was one of the deeds of Partholon.


Further of the voyaging of Partholon–

Good was the great company

that Partholon had:

maidens and active youths,

chieftains and champions.


Totacht and strong Tarba,

Eochar and Aithechbel,

Cuaille, Dorcha, Dam,

the seven chief ploughmen of Partholon.


Liac and Lecmag with colour,

Imar and Etrigi,

the four oxen, a proper group,

who ploughed the land of Partholon.


Beoir was the name of the man,

with his nobles and with his people,

who suffered a guest in his firm house,

the first in Ireland’s island.


By that Brea son of Senboth

a house was first, a cauldron on fire;

a feat that the pleasant Gaedil desert not,

dwelling in Ireland.


By Samaliliath were known

ale-drinking and surety-ship:

by him were made thereafter

worship, prayer, questioning.


The three druids of Partholon of the harbours,

Fiss, Eolas, Eochmarc:

the names of his three chamions further,

Milchu, Meran, Muinechan.


The names of the ten noble daughters

whom Partholon had,

and the names of his ten sons-in-law

I have aside, it is a full memory.


Aife, Aine, lofty Adnad,

Macha, Mucha, Melepard,

Glas and Grenach,

Auach and Achanach.


Aidbli, Bomnad and Ban,

Caertin, Echtach, Athchosan,

Lucraid, Ligair, Lughaid the warrior,

Gerber who was not vain of word.


Beothach, Iarbonel, Fergus, Art, Corb,

who followed (?) without sin,

Sobairche, active Dobairche,

were the five chieftains of Nemed, good in strength.


Bacorb Ladra, who was a sound sage,

he was Partholon’s man of learning:

he is the first man, without uncertainty,

who made hospitality at the first.


Where they ploughed in the west was at Dun Finntain,

though it was very far:

and they grazed grass of resting

in the east of Mag Sanais.


Bibal and Babal the white,

were Partholon’s two merchants:

Bibal brought gold hither,

Babal brought cattle.


The first building of Ireland without sorrow,

was made by Partholon:

the first brewing, churning, ale, a course with grace,

at first, in good and lofty Ireland.


Rimad was the firm tall-ploughman,

Tairle the general head-ploughamn:

Fodbach was the share, no fiction is that,

and Fetain the coulter.


Broken was the name of the man, it was perfect,

who first wrought hidden shamefulness:

it was destroyed with a scattering that was not evil,

Partholon thought this to be good.


So these are the tidings of the first Taking of Ireland after the Flood.


CHAPTERS 39-47: THE NEMEDIANS (Nemed’s Race)

  • 39. Now Ireland was waste thereafter, for a space of thirty years after Partholon, till Nemed son of Agnomain of the Greeks of Scythia came thither, with his four chieftains; [they were the four sons of Nemed]. Forty-four ships had he on the Caspian Sea for a year and a half, but his ship alone reached Ireland. These are the four chieftains, Starn, Iarbonel the Soothsayer, Annind, and Fergus Red-Side: they were the four sons of Nemed.
  • 40. There were four lake-bursts in Ireland in the time of Nemed: Loch Cal in Ui Niallain, Loch Munremair in Luigne, Loch Dairbrech, Loch Annind in Meath. When his grave [of Annind son of Nemed] was being dug and he was a-burying, there the lake burst over the land.
  • 41. It is Nemed who won the battle of Ros Fraechain against Gand and Sengand, two kings of the Fomoraig, and the twain were slain there. Two royal forts were dug by Nemed in Ireland, Raith Chimbaith in Semne, Raith Chindeich in Ui Niallain. The four sons of Matan Munremar dug Raith Cindeich in one day: namely, Boc, Roboc, Ruibne, and Rotan. They were slain before the morrow in Daire Lige by Nemed, lest they should improve upon the digging.
  • 42. Twelve plains were cleared by Nemed in Ireland: Mag Cera, Mag Eba, Mag Cuile Tolaid, and Mag Luirg in Connachta: Mag Seired in Tethba; Mag Tochair in Tir Eogain; Mag Selmne in Araide; Mag Macha in Airgialla; Mag Muirthemne in Brega; Mag Bernsa in Laighne; Leccmag and Mag Moda in Mumu.
  • 43. He won three battles agains the Fomoraig [or sea-rovers]: the battle of Badbgna in Connachta, of Cnamros in Laigne, of Murbolg in Dal Riada. After that, Nemed died of plague in Oilean Arda Nemid in Ui Liathain.
  • 44. The progeny of Nemed were under great oppression after his time in Ireland, at the hands of More, s. Dela and of Conand s. Febar [from whom is the Tower of Conand named, which to-day is called Toirinis Cetne. In it was the great fleet of the Fomoraig]. Two thirds of the progeny, the wheat, and the milk of the people of Ireland (had to be brought) every Samain to Mag Cetne. Wrath and sadness seized on the men of Ireland for the burden of the tax. They all went to fight against the Fomoraig. They had three champions, Semul s. Iarbonel the Soothsayer s. Nemed, Erglan s. Beoan s. Starn s. Nemed, Fergus Red-Side s. Nemed. Thirty thousand on sea, other thirty thousand on land, these assaulted the tower. Conand and his progeny fell.
  • 45. So, after that capture, More son of Dela came upon the, with the crews of three-score ships, and they fell in a mutual slaughter. The sea came up over the people of Ireland, and not one of them fled from another, so severe was the battling: none escaped but one ship, in which there were thirty warriors. They went forth, parting from Ireland, fleeing from the sickness and taxation: Bethach died in Ireland of plague; his ten wives survivied him for a space of twenty-three years. Ibath and his son Baath went into the north of the world. Matach and Erglan and Iartach, the three sons of Beoan, went to Dobar and Iardobar in the north of Alba.
  • 46. Semeon went in the lands of the Greeks. His progeny increased there till they amounted to thousands. Slavery was imposed upon them by the Greeks; they had to carry clay upon rough mountains so that they became flowery plains. Thereafter they were weary of their servitude, and they went in flight, five thousand strong, and made them ships of their bags: [or, as the Quire of Druim Snechta says, they stole the pinnaces of the king of Greece for coming therein]. Thereafter they came again into Ireland, their land of origin: that was at the end of two hundred and thirty years after Nemed. These are their five chiefs, Gand, Genand, Rudraige, Sengand and Slaine.
  • 47. As for Fergus Red-Side and his son, Britain Mael of whom are all the Britons in the world, they took Moin Conain and filled with their progeny the great island, Britannia Insula: till Hengist and Horsa, the two sons of Guictglis, King of the Old Saxons, came and conquered them: and they drove the Britons over the borders of the Island. These are the adventures of the progeny of Nemed after the taking of Conand’s Tower: unde the Historian cecinit

Great Ireland which the Gaedil regulate,

I tell some of her concerns:

Great chiefs spear-armed took her,

of the proud race of Adam.


From Adam the truly tuneful, the ruthless,

to the Flood, a tumult that was prepared,

none warmed her very powerful household

except Cessair of the fifty maidens.


Except Bith and Ladru–let us relate it–

Fintan, with darkness of the land, no man found it,

who revealed the stately superiority of Ireland,

before the time of the Flood.


After the Flood of secret going three hundred years,

whoso relates it,

he who was a bright crown for deeds of valour,

Partholon son of Sera, comes.


Notwithstanding every stately psalm-canon,

the people of Partholon the sinner–

dead was the whole tally of his household,

upon the Old Plain, in the course of a week.


Six fives of years without increase,

without a guard, it was dark obscurity,

Desert was every side to the proud sea;

Not a person took it save Nemed.


Nemed with wrath (?) of them all,

with store of feters and valour,

he possessed the land of the warring of hosts,

after the destruction of the other companies.


He used to effect victory without hazards,

Nemed, with pride and intelligence:

the son of Agnomain with haughtiness,

although his troop was weak, it was stately.


Starn, who fell at the hands of Mac Faebuir,

Iarbonel the Soothsayer, who was joyous,

Ainnind with fetters of leather,

were the three venemous chieftains of Nemed.


Nemed who paid them in the matter of securities,

it was a pestilence of fire over a death-doom;

in his time, with a great noise of rushing,

there was an outburst–four lakes.


Loch Munremair, a pleasant sea,

of broad-ridged, firm fury;

Loch Dairbrech over a hedge of a king (?)

Loch Cal and Loch Ainnind.


Vigorously there were dug by his host

two forts with strength and firmness,

Raith Cindeich in which he apportioned weapons,

Raith Cimbaeith in Semne.


Cleared by him, it was a road of pleasure,

twelve plains of good eye (-prospect),

Mag Cera in Connachta of mists,

Mag Moda and Mag Eba.


Strong Mag Tochair was cleansed,

Leemag of the great plain of Muma,

Mag Bernsa with a mystery of great graces,

Mag Cuile Tolad, Mag Lughad.


Mag Sered of drying-up of a river,

Mag Semne of lightness of colouring,

Mag Luirg of little darkness of side,

Mag Muirthemne, Mag Macha.


The routs–a work to recount them–

which he broke against the warriors of Fomoire of much sharpness;

the battle of huge Morbole of great sharpness the battle of Badgna,

and the battle of Cnamros.


In the territory of Liathan by Muma,

the dark lord of slaughter died of plague:

with the rude company of clean grass

in Oilean Arda Nemid.


They were not in security as regards oppression–

the progeny which Nemed fertilised–

at the hands of Conaing with hard body

and at the hands of More son of Dela.


Two-thirds of their shapely children,

it was not generous against military weakness–

a lasting tax through ages of the world–

two-thirds of corn and of milk.


To hard Mag Cetna of weapons,

Over Eas Ruaid of wonderful salmon,

it was prepared against help,

against feasting (?) for them, every Samain eve.


Semeon son of joyful Iardan,

Fergus pure and generous, an effort of pride,

Erglan son of warlike Beoan,

were the three freemen for their hosts.


The host of Ireland with her troop came–

it was steppings a power–

a warrior-band who had blood through the body,

westward to the capture of Conaing’s tower.


Conaing’s tower with store of plunder

of a union of the crimes of hundreds of rapine,

a fortress of assembly of the art

of the rage of the Fomoire of the sea.


The men of Ireland after its capture,

with the great valour of the courses before them,

of these, tidings of loss,

none escaped except thirty of the children of Nemed.


They were not at peace regarding their inheritance,

that host with great valour of despair;

of the thirty noble warriors,

every chieftain went his ways.


Into the land of Greeks, the remnant of the troop

went Semeon, it was a road of happiness:

with wisdom over the pre-eminent division

went Fergus into Moin Conain.


Britan Mael son of the prince

free the multitude of tracks over streams,

son of Lethderg from Leemag

from whom are the Britons of the world.


Bethach under steps of forms of fame

died in Ireland according to truthfulness:

his ten wives behind him,

thereafter, for a space of twenty-three years.


Hundreds sprang from Semeon,

the Greeks thought them a numerous legion:

they were not accepted by the warriors

but were enslaved by the Greeks.


This was the order of the chieftains,

Carrying round bags–it was not fraught

with fame [of] clay upon a rocky stony mountain

so that it was a plain rich in flowers and flocks.


They departed with no treacherous covenant

upon the wrathful very black sea,

out of the captivity of hard fosterage

with ships and with bags.


These were their names of pride,

of the kings, spirited, with agility,

Gann, Genann with choice men of good divisions,

Rudraige, Sengann, Slanga.


The seed of Semeon of a row of spear-divisions,

a deed of pure will of purity of action-deeds;

The Galioin, men of the very scanty orderings,

The Fir Bolg and the Fir Domnann.


Two hundred years, whoso relates it,

after Nemed, lustrous his deeds of valour,

till the Fir Bolg took the tuneful land of Ireland,

from the sea-pool of ocean.


Their sending, their measuring-out, endures;

they divided into five, without religion–

without a falling for their slender-sided sept–

pleasant Ireland, from Uisnech.


Let us give adoration to most righteous Christ

Who hath subdued the strongest floods;

His is the world with its generation,

His is every territory, His is Ireland.


The capture of Conaing’s tower with valour

against Conaing the great, son of Faebar:

the men of Ireland came to it,

three brilliant chieftains with them.


Erglan son of Beoan son of Starn,

Semeon son of bitter Iardan,

before exile went the warrior of the plains,

the son of Nemed, Fergus Lethderg.


Three score thousands in brilliant wise

over land and over water,

that is the tally who went from home,

the children of Nemed, to the capture.


Torinis, island of the tower,

the fortress of Conaing son of Faebar;

by Fegus himself, a fighting of valour,

Conaing son of Faebar fell.


More son of Dela came there,

it was for a help to Conaing:

Conaing fell previously,

More thought it grave tidings.


Three score ships over the sea was the tally

with which More son of Dela came;

there encountered them before they came to land,

the children of Nemed with powerful strength.


The men of all Ireland in the battle,

after the coming of the Fomoraig,

the sea-surge drowned them all,

except thrice ten men.


Erglan, Matach, Iartacht the noble,

the three sons of Beoan son of Starn,

white his girdle, Bethach, Britan after the battle,

Baath the glorious, and Ibath.


Bechach, Bethach, Bronal, Pal,

Goirthigorn, German, Glasa,

Ceran, Gobran, Gothiam pure,

Gam, Dam, Ding and Deal.


Semeon, Fortecht, bright Gosten,

Grimaig, Guillius with cleverness,

Taman, Turrue, and Glas,

Feb, and Feran curl-haired.


Three tens on the tuneful sailing

went afterwards from Ireland:

in three they made divisions

after the capture of Conaing’s Tower in the west.


The third of Bethach the victoriuous,

tuneful fame, from Toirinis to Boinn:

it is he who died in Inis Fail,

two years after Britan.


The third of Semeon son of noble Erglan

to Belach Conglais with horror;

the third of Britan, saith Ua Flaind,

from that to Conaing’s Tower.


The children of Israel on a journey

at that time, out of Egypt;

and the children of Gaedel Glas,

were a-voyaging to Scythia.


O Christ fair, with beauty of appearance,

O King, apportioner of the haven of Paradise,

Into Thy heaven, famous the place,

O King of the workd, mayest thou choose me!



  • 48. Now as for the Fir Bolg, they brought five chieftains with them, ut dixi supra, to wit, Gann, Genann, Rudraige, Sengann, Slanga: those were the five sons of Dela. Their five wives next, Anust, Liber, Cnucha, Fuat, Etar: [unde dicitur]

Fuat, wife of Slanga, you do not think it crooked,

Etar wife to Gann with valour,

Anust wife of Sengann of the spears,

Cnucha who was wife of pure Genann.


Liber wife of Rudraige of the Road,

a people sweet, that was not narrow:

Rudraige, master of wiles,

I suppose, Fuat was his wife.

  • 49. The Fir Bolg separated into three. With Slanga s. Dela s. Loth his third [landed] in Inber Slaine: his Fifth is from Inber Colptha to Comar Tri nUisce; a thousand men his tally. The second third landed in Inber Dubglaisi with Gann and Sengann: two thousand were their tally, Gann from Comar Tri nUisce to Belach Conglais, Sengann from Belach Conglais to Luimneach – that is, over the two Fifths of Mumu. Genann and Rudraige with a third of the host, they landed in Inber Domnann: [whence they are called Fir Domnann}. Genann it is who was king over the Fifth of Medb and Ailell; Rudraige over the Fifth of Conchobor – other two thousand were his tally. Those are the Fir Bolg, the Fir Domnann, and the Gailioin.

As to the Fir Domnann, the creek takes its name from them. The Fir Bolg – they were named from their bags. The Gailioin, from the multitude of their javelins were they named.

They made one Taking and one princedom, for they were five brethren, the five sons of Dela s. Loth. And in one week they took Ireland, [though the days were different]. On Saturday, the kalends of August, Slanga landed in Inber Slaine. On Tuesday Gann and Sengann landed. On Friday Genann and Rudraige landed: and thus is it one Taking, though they were differently styled. The Gaileoin, from Slanga were they named. From Gann and Sengann were the Fir Bolg named. The Fir Domnann were named from deepening the earth: they were Genann and Rudraige with their followers.

For they are all called Fir Bolg, and thirty-seven years was the length of their Lordship over Ireland. The five sons of Dela were the five kings of the Fir Bolg, i.e., Gann, Genann, Rudraige, Sengann, Slaine.

  • 50. [Now these men, the Fir Bolg, were the progeny of Dela.] Slanga was the eldest, s. Dela s. Loth s. Oirthet, s. Tribuat s. Gothorb s. Gosten s. Fortech s. Semeon s. Erglan s. Beoan s. Starn s. Nemed s. Agnomain. No king took, who was called “of Ireland,” till the Fir Bolg came.

Nine kings of them took Ireland. Slanga, one year – it is he who died of the Fir Bolg in Ireland at the first. Rudraige, two years, till he died in Brug Bratruad. Gann and Genann, four years, till they died of plague in Fremaind. Sengann, five years, till he fell at the hands of Rindail s. Genann s. Dela. Rindail, six years, till he fell at the hands of Fodbgenid s. Sengann s. Dela in Eba Coirpre. Fodbgen, four years, till he fell in Mag Muirthemne at the hands of Eochu s. Rindail s. Genann s. Dela. Eochu son of Erc, ten years. There was no wetting in his time, save only dew: there was no year without harvest. Falsehoods were expelled from Ireland in his time. By him was executed the law of justice in Ireland for the fist time. Eochu son of Erc fell at the hands of three sons of Nemed s. Badra: he is the first king of Ireland who received his death-wound in Ireland. [Unde Colum Cille cecinit “Dean moresnis a mic,”etc.]

  • 51. The Fir Bolg gave them [the Tuatha De Danann] battle upon Mag Tuired; they were a long time fighting that battle. At last it broke against the Fir Bolg, and the slaughter pressed northward, and a hundred thousand of them were slain westward to the strand of Eochaill. There was the king Eochu overtaken, and he fell at the hands of the three sons of Nemed. Yet the Tuatha De Danann suffered great loss in the battle, and they left the king on the field, with his arm cut from him; the leeches were seven years healing him. The Fir Bolg fell in that battle all but a few, and they went out of Ireland in flight from the Tuatha De Danann, into Ara, and Ile, and Rachra and other islands besides. [it was they who led the Fomoraig to the second battle of Mag Tuired]. And they were in [those islands] till the time of the Provincials over Ireland, till the Cruithne drove them out. They came to Cairbre Nia Fer, and he gave them lands; but they were unable to remain with him for the heaviness of the impost which he put upon them. Thereafter they came in flight before Cairbre under the protection of Meldb and Ailill, and these gave them lands. This is the wandering of the sons of Umor. [Oengus son of Umor was king over them in the east], and from them are named those territories, Loch CIme from Cime Four-Heads son of Umor, the Point of Taman in Medraige from Taman son of Umor, the Fort of Oengus in Ara from Oengus, the Stone-heap of Conall in Aidne from Conall, Mag Adair from Adar, Mag Asail from Asal in Mumu also. Menn son of Umor was the poet. They were in fortresses and in islands of the sea around Ireland in that wise, till Cu Chulaind overwhelmed them.
  • 52. Those are the kings of the Fir Bolg and their deaths; unde poeta cecinit

The Fir Bolg were here for a season

in the great island of the sons of Mil;

the five chiefs which they brought with them

from over yonder I know their names.


A year had Slanga, this is true,

till he died in his fine mound;

the first man of the Fir bolg of the peaks

who died in the island of Ireland.


Two years of Rudraige the Red,

till he died in Brug Brat-ruaid,

four of Genann and of Gann,

till plague slew them in Fremaind.


Five years of Sengann–they were reposeful–

till Fiachu son of Starn slew him;

five others–it was through battle–

Fiachu Cendfhindan was king.


Fiachu Cendfhindan before all,

his name endures for ever;

whiteheaded all, without reproach,

were the kine of Ireland in his presence.


Till he fell at the hands of red Rindail,

he got six [years] with his free host;

The grandson of Dela fell then in Eba,

at the hands of Odbgen.


Four to noble Odbgen till the battle

of Murthemne of the nobles:

Odbgen died without reproach

at the hands of the son of Erc, of lofty Eochu.


Ten years to Eochu son of Erc,

he found not the border-line of weakness:

till they slew him on the battlefield,

the three sons of Nemed son of Badra.


Till Rinnal grew, there was no point at all

upon a weapon in Ireland;

upon harsh javelins there was no fair-covering,

but their being rushing-sticks.


In the time of Fodbgen thereafter

there came knots through trees:

the woods of Ireland down

till then were smooth and very straight.


The pleasant Tuatha De Danann

brought spears with them in their hands:

with them Eochu was slain,

by the seed of Nemed of strong judgement.


The names of the three excellent sons of Nemed

were Cessarb, Luam, and Luachra:

it is they who slew the first king with a point,

Eochu son of Erc, in Ireland.


Thereafter the Tuatha De fought for the Fir Bolg,

it was a rought appearance.

They took away their goods

and their lordship from the Men.


  • 53. Fintan cecinit of the division of the Provinces –

The five parts of Ireland

between sea and land,

I entreat the fair candles

of every province among them.


From Drobais swift and fierce,

is the holy first division to

the Boyne white and vast

south from white Bairche.


From the Boyne, tuneful and whitely-glowing

with hundreds of harbours

To the Meeting with sound of assembled waves

of the cold Three Waters.


From that same

Meeting with nimble …..

From the Bel of the brave Cu

who is called ‘glas.’


From Lumnech of huge ships–

broad its surface–

To Drobais of armed multitudes,

pure, on which a sea laugheth.


Knowledgeable prostration,

pathways are related,

perfection in the matter of correction

towards a road into five.


The points of those provinces

to Uisnech did they lead,

Each of them out of its ….

….. till it was five.

The progeny of Semeon were all the Gaileoin and Fir Domnann. Thirty years after Genann and Rudraige, the Tuatha De Danann came into Ireland.

  • 54. Thereafter the progeny of Bethach s. Iarbonel the Soothsayer s. Nemed were in the northern islands of the world, learning druidry and knowledge and prphecy and magic, till they were expert in the arts of pagan cunning.




  • 55. So that they were the Tuatha De Danann who came to Ireland. In this wise they came, in dark clouds. They landed on the mountains of Conmaicne Rein in Connachta; and they brought a darkness over the sun for three days and three nights.
  • 56. They demanded battle of kingship of the Fir Bolg. A battle was fought between them, to wit the first battle of Mag Tuired, in which a hundred thousand of the Fir Bolg fell. Thereafter they [the TDD] took the kingship of Ireland. Those are the Tuatha Dea – gods were their men of arts, non-gods their husbandmen. They knew the incantations of druids, and charioteers, and trappers, and cupbearers.
  • 57. It is the Tuatha De Danann who brought with them the Great Fal, [that is, the Stone of Knowledge], which was in Temair, whence Ireland bears the name of “The Plain of Fal.” He under whom it should utter a cry was King of Ireland; until Cu Chulainn smote it, for it uttered no cry under him nor under his fosterling, Lugaid, son of the three Finds of Emain. And from that out the stone uttered no cry save under Conn of Temair. Then its heart flew out from it [from Temair] to Tailltin, so that is the Heart of Fal which is there. It was no chance which caused it, but Christ’s being born, which is what broke the owers of the idols.
  • 58. Now Nuadu Airgetlam was king over the Tuatha De Danann for seven years before their coming into Ireland, until his arm was hewn from him in the first battle of Mag Tuired. Eidleo s. Alldai, he was the first man of the Tuatha De Danann who fell in Ireland, by the hand of Nercon ua Semeoin, in the first battle of Mag Tuired. Ernmas, and Echtach, and Etargal, and Fiachra, and Tuirill Piccreo fell in the same battle. Bress s. Elada took the kingship of Ireland post, to the end of seven years, till the arm of Nuadu was healed: a silver arm with activity in every finger and every joint which Dian Cecht put upon him, Credne helping him.
  • 59. Tailltiu daughter of Mag Mor king of Spain, queen of the Fir Bolg, came after the slaughter was inflicted upon the Fir Bolg in that first battle of Mag Tuired to Coill Cuan: and the wood was cut down by her, so it was a plain under clover-flower before the end of a year. This is that Tailtiu who was wife of Eochu son of Erc king of Ireland till the Tuatha De Danann slew him, ut praediximus: it is he who took her from her father, from Spain; and it is she who slept with Eochu Garb son of Dui Dall of the Tuatha De Danann; and Cian son of Dian Cecht, whose other name was Scal Balb, gave her his son in fosterage, namely Lugh, whose mother was Eithne daughter of Balar. So Tailltiu died in Tailltiu, and her name clave thereto and her grave is from the Seat of Tailltiu north-eastward. Her games were performed every year and her song of lamentation, by Lugh. With gessa and feats of arms were they performed, a fortnight before Lugnasad and a fortnight after: under dicitur Lughnasadh, that is, the celebration (?) or the festival of Lugh. […]
  • 60. To return to the Tuatha De Danann. Nuadu Airgatlam fell in the last battle of Mag Tuired, and Macha daughter of Ernmas, at the hands of Balar the strong-smiter. In that battle there fell Ogma s. Elada at the hands of Indech son of the De Dmnann, king of the Fomoire. Bruidne and Casmael fell at the hands of Ochtriallach s. Indech. After the death of Nuadu and of those men, Lug took the kingship of Ireland, and his grandfather Balar the Strong-smiter fell at his hands, with a stone from his sling. Lugh was forty years in the kingship of Ireland after the last battle of Mag Tuired, and there were twenty-seven years between the battles.
  • 61. Then Eochu Ollathair, the great Dagda, son of Elada, was eighty years in the kingship of Ireland. His three sons were Oengus and Aed and Cermat Coem; the three sons of Dian Cecht, Cu and Cethen and Cian.
  • 62. Dian Cecht had three sons, Cu, Cehten and Cian. Miach was the fourth son though many do not reckon him. His daughter was Etan the Poetess, and Airmed the she-leech was the other daughter: and Coirpre, son of Etan was the poet. Crichinbel and Bruidne and Casmael were the three satirists. Be Chuille and Dianann were the two she-farmers. The three sons of Cermad son of The Dagda were Mac Cuill, Mac Cecht, Mac Griene: Sethor and Tethor and Cethor were their names. Fotla and Banba and Eriu were their three wives. Fea and Nemaind were the two wives of Net, a quo Ailech Neit. Flidais, of whom is the “Cattle of Flidais”; her four daughters were Argoen and Be Chuille and Dinand and Be Theite. The two royal oxen were Fea and Femen, of whom are the Plain of Fea and the Plain of Femen. Those were two faithful oxen. Torc Triath was king of the boars, from whom is Mag Treitherne. Cirba was king of the wethers, from whom is Mag Cirba. Math son of Umor was the druid. Badb and Macha and Anand, of whom are the Paps of Anu in Luachar were the three daughters of Ernmas the she-farmer. Goibniu the smith, Luicne the carpenter, Creidne the wright, Dian Cecht the leech.
  • 63. Delbaeth after The Dagda, ten years in the kingship of Ireland, till he fell, with his son Ollom, at the hands of Caicher s. Nama, frater of Nechtan. Fiacha s. Delbaeth took the kingship of Ireland after his father, other ten years, till he fell, along with Ai s. Ollom, at the hands of Eogan Inbir. Twenty-nine years had the grandsons of The Dagda in the kingship of Ireland, to wit Mac Cuill, Mac Cecht, and Mac Greiene: they divided Ireland into three parts. To them came the Gaedil to Ireland, so that they fell by the hands of three sons of Mil, avenging Ith, Cuailnge, and Fust, of the three sons of Breogan.
  • 64. […] Alldui, he is the first who brought chess-play and ball-play and horse-racing and assembling into Ireland, […] Lug son of Ethliu, a cliff without a wrinkle, with him there first came a lofty assembly: after the coming of Christ, it is no idle proclamation Conchobar the wise and violent died. […] Orbsen was the name of Manannan at first, and from him is named Loch Orbsen in Connachta. When Manannan was being buried, it is then the lake burst over the land, [through the burial]. The six sons of Delbaeth s. Ogma s. Elada s. Delbaeth s. Net, were Fiachra, Ollam, Indui, Brian, Iucharba, Iuchar. Donann the daughter of the same Delbaeth was mother of the three last, Brian, Iucharba and Iuchar. These were the three gods of Danu, from whom is named the Mountain of the Three gods. And that Delbaeth had the name Tuirell Bicreo. Tuirill s. Cait moreover was the grandfather of Corpre the poet, and Etan d. Dian Cecht was mother of that Tuirill.The three sons of Cermait, moreover, ut diximus; Mac Cuill – Sethor, the hazel his god; Mac Cecht – Tethor, the ploughshare his god; Mac Greine – Cethor, the sun his god. Fotla was wife of Mac Cecht, Banba of Mac Cuill, Eriu of Mac Greine. Those were the three daughters of Fiachna son of Delbaeth. Ernmas daughter of Etarlam s. Nuada Airgetlam was mother of those three women, and mother of Fiachna and Ollom. Ernmas had other three daughters, Badb and Macha and Morrigu, whose name was Anand. Her three sons were Glon and Gaim and Coscar. Boind daughter of Delbaeth s. Elada. Fea and Neman, the two wives of Net s. Indiu, two daughters of Elemar of the Brug.Uillend s. Caicher s. Nuadu Airgetlam.Bodb of the Mound of Femen, s. Eochu Gab s. Dui Temen s. Bres s. Elada s. Delbaeth s. Net. At Tat s. Tabourn the choice of the Tuatha De Danann unite. Of that the historian sang –

Ireland with pride, with weapons,

hosts spread over her ancient plain,

westward to the sunset were they plunderers,

her chieftains of destruction around Temair.


Thirty years after Genand

goblin hosts took the fertile land;

a blow to the vanquished People of Bags

was the visit of the Tuatha De Danann.


It is God who suffered them, though He restrained them–

they landed with horror, with lofty deed,

in their cloud of mighty combat of spectres,

upon a mountain of Conmaicne of Connacht.


Without distinction to descerning Ireland,

Without ships, a ruthless course

the truth was not known beneath the sky of stars,

whether they were of heaven or of earth.


If it were diabolic demons

the black-cloaked agitating expedition,

it was sound with ranks, with hosts:

if of men, it was the proteny of Bethach.


Of men belonging to law (is)

the greeborn who has the strong seed:

Bethach, a swift warrior-island (?)

son of Iarbonel son of Nemed.


They cast no assembly or justice

about the place of Fal to the sunset:

there was fire and fighting

at last in Mag Tuired.


The Tuatha De, it was the bed of a mighty one,

around the People of Bags fought for the kingship:

in their battle with abundance of pride,

troops of hundreds of thousands died.


The sons of Elada, glory of weapons,

a wolf of division against a man of plunder:

Bres from the Brug of Banba of wise utterance,

Dagda, Delbaeth, and Ogma.


Eriu, though it should reach a road-end,

Banba, Fotla, and Fea,

Neman of ingenious versicles,

Danann, mother of the gods.


Badb and Macha, greatness of wealth, Morrigu–

springs of craftiness,

sources of bitter fighting

were the three daughters of Ernmas.


Goibniu who was not impotent in smelting,

Luichtne, the free wright Creidne,

Dian Cecht, for going roads of great healing,

Mac ind Oc, Lug son of Ethliu.


Cridinbel, famous Bruinde,

Be Chuille, shapely Danand,

Casmael with bardism of perfecdtion,

Coirpre son of Etan, and Etan.


The grandsons of the Dagda, who had a triple division (?)

divided Banba of the bugle-horns; let us tell of the

princes of excellence of hospitality,

the three sons of Cermat of Cualu.


Though Ireland was multitudes of thousands

they divided her land into thirds:

great chieftains of deeds of pride,

Mac Cuill, Mac Cecht, Mac Greine.


He swept them clean from their land, did the Son of God,

from the royal plain which I make manifest:

for all the valour of their deeds,

of their clear division, their seed is not over Ireland.


It is Eochu without enchantment of leapings who fashions

the distinction of his good quatrains;

but knowledge of the warriors when he relates it,

though he enumerates them, he adores them not.


Adore ye the name of the King who measured you,

who apportions every truth which he (Eochu) narrates:

who hath released every storm which we expect,

who hath fashioned the pleasant land of Ireland.


Tanaide sang:


The Tuatha De Danann under obscurity,

a people without a covenant of religion;

whelps of the wood that has not withered,

people of the blood of Adam’s flesh.


Nobles yonder of the strong people,

people of the withered summit, let us relate,

in the course in which we are,

their periods in their kingdom.


A space of seven years oq Nuadu noble–

stately over the fair-haired compnay,

the rule of the man large-breasted,

flaxen-maned, before his coming into Ireland.


In Mag Tuired, heavy with doom,

where fell a champion of the battle,

from the white defender of the world–

his arm of princedom was lopped off


Seven years of Bres, which was not a white space,

through its fair prospect for the song-abbot,

in the princedom over the plain, generous in nuts,

till the arm of Nuadu was healed.


Nuadu after that twenty years,

he brought the fairy-folk a-hosting,

till Lugh the spear-slaughterous was made king–

the many-crafted who cooled not.


Forty to Lugh–it was balanced–

in the kingship over the Palace of Banba;

he reached no celestial bed of innocence;

eighty to The Dagda.


Ten years to vehement Delbaeth

till one wise in course and royal (?) arrived,

faultness over the brink of the ocean–

ten other to Fiachna.


Twenty-nine years, I have proclaimed it,

over every peace–land of Ireland,

in the kingdom over Banba eduringly great

had the grandons of The Dagda skilled in denseng.


Thereafter the sons of Mil came,

they arrived to redden them–

children of the great hero

who burst out of Spain without growing cold.


Till the deedful Gaedil wounded them,

without a troop, through their cunning,

it is not a matter of fable or of folly

that small was the weakness of the Tuatha.


Hearken, ye sages without sorrow,

if it be your will that I relate the deaths yonder,

with astuteness, of the choise of

the Tuatha De Danann.


Edleo son of Alldai yonder,

the first man of the Tuatha De

Danann who fell in virgin Ireland,

by the hand of Nerchon grandson of Semeon.


Ernams, high her valour, fell,

Fiachra, Echtach, Etargal,

Tuirill Picreo of Baile Breg

in the first batle of Mag Tuired.


Elloth with battle fell–

the father, great and rough, of

Manannan–and perfect, fair Donand,

at the hands of De Domnand of the Fomoraig.


Cethen of Cu died

of horror in Aircheltra;

Cian far from his home did Brian,

Iucharba dn Iuchar slay.


Of a stroke of the pure sun

died Cairpre the great, son of Etan:

Etan died over the pool of sorrow

for white-headed Cairpre.


In Mag Tuired, it was through battle

Nuadu Airgetlam fell: and Macha

–that was after Samhain–by the hand of Balar

the strong-smiter.


Ogma fell, without being weak

at the hands of Indech son of De Domnann:

breasted Casmael the good fell at the

hands of Oichtriallach son of Indech.


Now of painful plague died

Dian Cecht and Goibnenn the smith:

Liughne the wright fell along

with them by a strong fiery dart.


Creidne the pleasant artificer

was drowned on the lake-sea, the sinister pool,

fetching treasures of noble gold to

Ireland from Spain.


Bress died in Carn ui Neit by the treachery of Lug,

with no fullness of falsehood:

for him it was a cause of quarrel

indeed drinking bog-stuff in the guise of milk.


De Chuille and faithful Dianann,

both the farmeresses died,

an evening with druidry,

at the last, by gray demons of air.


He fell on the strand eastward in the trenches of Rath

Ailig, Did Indui the great,

son of pleasant Delbaith, at the

hands of Gann, a youth bold, white-fisted.


Fea, lasting was his fame,

died at the end of a month after

his slaying at the same stronghold–we think it fitting–

for sorrow for Indui the white-haired.


Boind died at the combat

at the wellspring of the son of noble Nechtan:

Aine daughter of the Dagda died for the

love that she gave to Banba.


Cairpre fell–remember thou!

by the hand of Nechtan son of Nama:

Nechtan fell by the poison at the hands of

Sigmall, grandson of Free Midir.


Abean son of cold Bic-felmais,

the bard of Lug with full victory,

he fell by the hand of Oengus

without reproach in front of Midir of mighty deeds.


Midir son if Indui yonder

fell by the hand of Elemar:

fell Elemar, fit for fight,

at the hands of Oengus the perfect.


Brian, Iucharba, and Iuchar there,

the three gods of the Tuatha De Danann

were slain at Mana over the bright sea

by the hand of Lug son of Ethliu.


Cermait son of the divine Dagda Lug

… (?)

wounded him it was a sorrow of grief

upon the plain in the reign of Eochu Ollathair.


Cermat Milbel the mighty fell

at the hands of harsh Lug son of Ethliu,

in jealousy about his wife, great the fashion,

concerning whom the druid lied unto him.


By the hand of Mac Cecht

without affection the harper fell:

moreover Lug fell over the wave,

by the hand of Mac Cuill son of Cermat.


Aed son of The Dagda fell at the hands

of Corrchend the fair, of equal valour;

without deceit, it was a desire of

strictness, after he had gone to his wife iniquitously.


Corrcend from Cruach fell

–the harsh very swift champion,

by the stone which he raised on the strand

over the grave of shamefaced Aed.


Cridinbel squiting and crooked fell

–the chief spell-weaver of the Tuatha De Danann–

of the gold which he found in the idle Bann,

by the hand of The Dagda, grandson of Delbaeth.


As he came from cold Alba he,

the son of The Dagda of

ruddy form, at the outlet of Boinn,

over here, there was Oengus drowned.


The only son of Manannan from the bay,

the first love of the aged woman,

the tender youth fell in the plain at the

hands of Idle Bennan, on the plain of Breg.


Net son of Indui and his two wives,

Badb and Neman without deceit,

were slain in Ailech without blame by

Nemtuir the Red, of the Fomoraig.


Fuamnach the white (?) who was wife of Midir,

Sigmall and Bri without faults,

In Bri Leith, it was full vigour, they

were burnt by Manannan.


The son of Allot fell, with valour,

the rich treasure, Manannan,

in the battle in harsh Cuillend by the hand of

Uillend of the red eyebrows.


Uillend with pride fell

at the hands of Mac Greine with pure victory:

the wife of the brown Dagda

perished of plague of the slope in Liathdruim.


The Dagda died of a dart of gore in the Brug

–it is no falsehood–

wherewith the woman Cethlenn gave him mortal hurt,

in the great battle of Mag Tuired.


Delbaeth and his son fell

at the hands of Caicher, the noble son of Nama:

Caicher fell at the idle Boinn,

at the hands of Fiachna son of Delbaeth.


Fiacha and noble Ai fell

before sound Eogan of the Creek:

Eogan of the cold creek fell

before Eochaid the knowing, hard as iron.


Eochaid of knowledge fell thereafter

At the hands of Ed and of Labraid:

Labraid, Oengus, Aed, fell

At the hands of Cermat of form all fair.


Eriu and Fotla with pride,

Mac Greine and Banba with victory,

Mac Cuill, Mac Cecht with purity in the battle of

Temair of clear wave.


Mac Cecht at the hands of noble Eremon:

Mac Cuill, of perfect Eber:

Eriu yonder, at the hands of Suirge

thereafter: Mac Greine of Amorgen.


Fotla at the hands of Etan with pride,

Of Caicher, Banba with victory,

Whatever the place wherein they sleep,

Those are the deaths of the warriors; hear ye.


Those are the adventures of the Tuatha De Danann.



  • 65. The taking of the Gaedil and their synchronizing, here below. As for the Gaedil, we have given their ventures from Iafeth s. Noe onward, and from the Tower of Nemrod, till we have left them at Breogan’s Tower in Spain; and how they came from Egypt, and out of Scythia to the Maeotic Marshes, and along the Tyrrhene Sea to Crete and to Sicily; and we have further related how they took Spain by force. We shall now tell you below simply, how they came to Ireland.
  • 66. Íth s. Breogan, [it is he] who saw Ireland at the first, on a winter’s evening, from the top of Breogan’s Tower; for thus is a man’s vision best, on a clear winter’s evening. Íth, wÍth thrice thirty warriors, came to Ireland, and they landed on the “Fetid Shore” of the Headland of Corcu Duibne, what time they arrived. If we follow the Munster authorities, this is their route. tth came thereafter into Corcu Duibne, into Ciarraige Luachra, into Luachair Dedad, into tim plain of Cliu, into Eile, into Tir Cell, along Mide, into the Territory of Luigne, over Sliab Guaire, past the woods of Fernmag, into Fossad Cláir of Fernmag, over the head of Shah Betheeh, into Shah Toad, into the swamp of Tir Sirláim, into the Territory of Modorn, into Mag Ítha, across the head of Loch Febail, into the Land of Net, to Ailech of Net. But, according to the Northerners, he sailed, as we have said, to Ireland, and landed on the “Fetid Shore” of Mag Iftha, on the Northern side of Ireland.
  • 67. People came to hold converse wÍth him on that strand, and each of them told their tidings mutually, through the Scotic language; fitting was that, seeing that on both sides they were of the progeny of Rifath Scot. tth asked of them what was the name of this island. Inis Elga, said they; Mac Cuill, Mac Cécht, and Mac Gréine are its three kings. Who is its king? said Íth. They answered; (a) Mae Cuill, Mac Cécht, and Mac Gréine are the names of the three kings that are over it. [Now others say that it was shepherds who first met him, and gave him tidings.] Íth asked, Where those kings were! They said that Cathair Crofind – was the place where they were. Howbeit, that is not where they were–at the moment, but—-
  • 68. There was in fact a convention of the men of Ireland at Ailech of Net, after the slaying of Net s. Innui of Ailech by the Fomoire. The three kings were dividing the cattle and the treasures of the king of Aileeh at the time. Íth s. Breogan came from Corco Duibne, into Ciarraige, and into Luacliair Dedad, into the lowland of Clíu, thence Northward into the Éiles, into the land of Fir Cell, along Mide, into the terri­tory of Luigne, over Sliabh Guaire, over the woods of Fernmag, into Fossad Cláir: of Fernmag, over the head of Sliabh Bethech, into Sliabh Tóád, into the Swamp of Tír Sírláim, into the territory of Modorn, into Mag nÍtha, to Ailech Néit. The three kings, Mac Cuill, Mac Cécht, Mac Gréine, were there, and they welcomed him (i.e. Íth s. Breogan), and told him the matter that was occupying them.
  • 69. Íth surpassed the judges of Ireland in cunning and in argument; and lie settled every matter and every dispute that was before them. Then said Íth: Work just righteousness, for good is the land wherein ye dwell; plenteous its fruit, its honey, its wheat and its fish; moderate its heat and its co1d. WÍthin it is all that bade them farewell, and ye need. Thereafter he made for his ship, bade them farewell, and made for his ship.
  • 70. [The first night afterwards [when] Íth went into Ireland after Ins arrival at Loch Sailech], demons slew one of his followers. He is the first who was slain in Ireland there, of the progeny of the Sons of Míl. Every harbour whereto tth would come in Ireland, after coasting every territory where it was, Mag Ítha is its name; Mag ftha at Lock Febail, the Lands of Íth at Locli Sailech, Mag Ítha among the Déssi, Mag Ítha at Luimnech.
  • 71. It is then that a plot was laid by them to kill Íth, and they bade him begone out of Ireland; and he came away from them, from Ailech Mag Ítha. There was a pursuit after him as far as that, and he fell at their hands in Mag Ítha; unde Mag Ítha nominatur. So it was to avenge Íth that the sons of Míl [to wit, the Gáedil] came–for his [Íth’s] body was carried to Spain.
  • 72. Now, this is what learned men relate; that thirty-six leaders and nobles strong the Gáedil came. [Each of them had a ship, which makes thirty(-six) ships.] And four-and-twenty ser­tors had they, each of whom had a ship; and four-and-­twenty servitors along with every servitor in every ship, again. These are the six and thirty chieftains who came into Ireland as Fintan s. Bochra recorded (who was born seven years before the Flood; till seven years of the reign of Diarmait mac Cerbaill, that was his [Fintan’s] life) under the nurture of Finnian of Mag Bile, and of Colum Cille, and as Túan mac Cairill recorded in the presence of the Irish, and of Finnian of Mag Bile, and as their pupils related, to wit Ladcend s. Bairche, and Colmán s. Comgellán, and Cenn Fáelad s. Ailill, and Senchan a. Colmán, Cú Alad from the Cruachans, and Bran of Boirenn, etc. Those are the pupils of Finnian and of Túán. And what they said was, that these are the thirty-six chieftains who entered Ireland as the Gaedil, namely the ten sons of Bregon (Íth being one of them)—Brego, Bile, Blad, Cualu, Cuailnge, Fúat, Muirthemne, Eibleo, Íth, Nár: the single son of Bile, Míl of Spain (Galam was his proper name): the seven sons of Míl, Donn, Colptha, Amorgen, Éber, Ír, Érimón, Érech Febria and Érennán, the youngest of the family. The three sons of Érimón; Muimne, Luigne, Laigne; also Palap and Írial Fáid (but in Ireland itself was Írial born) the son of Érimón. And he is called Nuadu Airgetlám. Nuadu Airgetlám had two sons, Glas a quo Síl nArgetrois, and Fir Nuadat; and they took the princedom over Ireland; for Nuadu was not in partnership with them, for he was a youth, and there was no disturbance of division among them, on account of his piety to his brethren; but he used to feed and clothe every child born to him, and he suppressed the children of the one and enlarged those of the other for their piety; for what learned men say is, that every princely family that is in Ireland, save the Eoganacht, is of the seed of Nuadu Airgetlám. […]
  • 73. One of the eight Sons of Míl, Érannán, the youngest of the family, he it was who went up the mast to spy out Ireland, and fell from the mast into the sea [on to the rock, F.]. And his grave is in Inber Scéne, and the grave of Scéne wife of Amorgen on the other side. She died on the sea at their estuary, and Amorgen said: The harbour wherein we shall land, shall bear the name of Scéne. The sons of Míl made a contention in rowing as they came to Ireland from the place where they saw Ireland away from them; and Ír son of Míl advanced the length of a murchrech [possibly the mythical “nine waves” –MJ] beyond every ship. Éber Donn, the eldest of the family, was envious, and he said—

It is not lucky

that Ír leapeth beyond Íth,

—[that is, beyond Lugaid son of Íth]. Then the oar that was in the hand of Ír broke, so that he fell backward, and died in the following night; and his body was taken to Sceilic, behind the Southern promontory of Corco Duibne.

Every time that the Sons of Míl came up with Ireland, the demons would frame that the port was, as it were, a hog’s back; whence Ireland is called “Hog island”. They skirted around Ireland three times, and landed at last in Inber Scéne.

Sorrowful were Éber Finn and Érimón and Amorgen after the death of their brother; and they said: It were right that Éber Donn should have no share of the land, regarding which he was envious of his brother Ir. On the morrow Scéne and Érannán were buried in Inber Scéne. They two were both buried; their mounds and their graves are still there, side by side. Then said Amorgen—-

Though it be the grave of Scene—so it was [hitherto]—

(but the name of Scene shall remain upon it)

it shall be the grave of Erannán, till he come,

from God came the death of this poet.

  • 74. As he set his right foot upon Ireland, Amorgen Glúingel s. Míl spoke this poem—

I am Wind on Sea,

I am Ocean-wave,

I am Roar of Sea,

I am Bull of Seven Fights,

I am Vulture on Cliff,

I am Dewdrop,

I am Fairest of Flowers,

I am Boar for Boldness,

I am Salmon in Pool,

I am Lake on Plain,

I am a Mountain in a Man,

I am a Word of Skill,

I am the Point of a Weapon (that poureth forth combat),

I am God who fashioneth Fire for a Head.

Who smootheth the ruggedness of a mountain?

Who is He who announceth the ages of the Moon?

And who, the place where falleth the sunset?

Who calleth the cattle from the House of Tethys?

On whom do the cattle of Tethys smile?

Who is the troop, who the god who fashioneth edges

in a fortress of gangrene?

Enchantments about a spear? Enchantments of Wind?


A fishful sea!

A fruitful land!

An outburst of fish

Fish under wave,

In streams (as) of

A rough sea!


A white hail

With hundreds of salmon,

Of broad whales!

A harbour-song—

An outburst of fish,

A fishful sea!

At the end of three days and three nights thereafter the Sons of Míl broke the battle of Sliab Mis against demons and Fomoraig, that is, against the Túatha Dé Danann. It is there that Fás (sic lege) fell, the wife of Ún s. Uicce, after whom “the grave of Fás” is named, between Sliab Mis and the sea. Scota d. Pharao king of Egypt, also died in that battle—the wife of Érimón s. Míl. For Míl s. Bile went a-voyaging into Egypt, four ships’ companies strong, and he took Scota to wife, and Érimón took her after him. In that night on which the sons of Míl came into Ireland, was the burst of Loch Luigdech in Iar-Mumu. “Shah Mis”—that means the worst mountain which they found after coming into Ireland, for there they fought their first battle in Ireland.

  • 75. Lugaid s. Íth was bathing in Loch Luigdech; Fial, wife of Lugaid, bathed in the river that flows out of the lake. Her husband went to her naked, and she saw the nakedness of her husband, and died for shame. […]
  • 76. The Sons of Míl fought the battle of Life; there were monsters in shapes of giants which the Túatha Dé Danann had summoned to themselves by druidry. The Sons of Míl (Éber, Érimón and Ír), fought the battle valiantly. The horse (gabar) of Érimón fell there, unde Gabar Life rwminatur. They came thereafter till they were in the mountain over against [Loch] Dergderc.
  • 77. The sons of Míl had colloquy with Banba in Sliab Mis. Said Banba unto them: If it be to take Ireland ye have come, not right were the good-fortune in which ye have come. It is by necessity, said Amorgen Glúingel, the poet. A gift from you to me then, said she. What gift? said they. That my name may be on this island, said she. What is thy name? said they. Banba, said she. Let it be a name for this island, said Amorgen. The Book of Druim Snechta says that Amorgen enquired after her race. Of the progeny of Adam am I, said she. Which race of the sons of Noe is thine! said he. I am older than Noe, said she; on a peak of a mountain was I in the Flood; to this present mound the waves of the Flood attained. Therefore is it called Tul Tuinne? [But the foregoing is a surprising extract.] Thereafter they sing spells against her, and drive her away from them.
  • 78. They had colloquy with Fotla in Eblinne. She spake with them in like manner, and desired that her name should be upon the island. Said Amorgen: Let Fotla be a name upon this island.
  • 79. They had colloquy with Ériu in Uisnech. She said unto them: Warriors, said she, welcome to you. Long have soothsayers had [knowledge of] your coming. Yours shall be this island for ever; and to the east of the world there shall not be a better island. No race shall there be, more numerous than yours. Good is that, said Amorgen; good is the prophecy. Not right were it to thank her, said Éber Donn, eldest of the sons of Míl; thank our gods and our own might. To thee ‘tis equal, said Ériu; thou shalt have no profit of this island, nor shall thy progeny. A gift to me, ye sons of Míl, and ye children of Breogan, said she; that my name shall be on this island. It shall be its principal name, said Amorgen. The Book of Druim Snechta says that it was in Sliab Mis that Ériu had colloquy with them, and that she formed great hosts to oppose them, so that they were fighting with them. But their druids and poets sang spells to them, and they saw that these were only sods of the mountain peat-mosses. (Thence comes the name Sliab Misse.) And that it was Fotla who had colloquy with them in Uisnech.
  • 80. The sons of Míl and of Bregon went on, till they were in Druim Chain, that is, Temair. The three kings of Ireland, Mac Cuill, Mac Cécht, and Mac Gréine, were there. They pronounced judgement against the Sons of Míl, that they [themselves] should have the island to the end of three days, free from assault, from assembly of battle, or from giving of hostages; for they were assured that they (the invaders) would not return, because druids would make spells behind them, so that they should not be able to come again. We shall adjudge it, said Mac Cuill s. Cermat, as Amorgen your own judge shall pronounce to you; for if he should give a false judgement, he [aliter, you] would die at our hands. Give the judgement, Amorgen, said Eber Donn. I pronounce it; said Amorgen. Let this island be left to them. How far shall we go said Éber.. Past just nine waves, said Amorgen. This is the first judgement given in Ireland. Amorgen cecinit—-

Men, seeking a possession!

Over nine great green-shouldered waves,

Ye shall not go, unless with powerful gods!

Be it settled swiftly! Be battle permitted!


I adjust the possession

Of the land to which ye have come;

If ye like it, adjudge the right,

If ye like it not, adjudge it not—

I say it not to you, except with your good will.

  • 81. They came southward from Temair as far as Inber Féile and Inber Scéne, for it is there that their ships were. Then went they out, past nine waves. The druids of Ireland and the poets sang spells behind them, so that they were carried far from Ireland, and were in distress by reason of the sea. A wind of wizards is this! said Éber Donn; look ye whether it—the wind—-be over the mast. And it was not. Patience! said Airech, steersman of the ship of Donn, till Amorgen come (Airech was the fosterling of Amorgen). They all went forward, till they were in one place. Said Donn, the eldest, This is a disgrace for our men of cunning, said he. ‘Tis no disgrace! said Amorgen; and he spake—-

I seek the land of Ireland,

Coursed be the fruitful sea,

Fruitful the ranked highland,

Ranked the showery wood,

Showery the river of cataracts,

Of cataracts the lake of poois,

Of pools the hill of a well,

Of a well of a people of assemblies,

Of assemblies of the king of Temair;

Temair, hill of peoples,

Peoples of the Sons of Mll,

Of Mil of ships, of barks;

The high ship Eriu,

Eriu lofty, very green,

An incantation very cunning,

The great cunning of the wives of Bres,

Of Bres, of the wives of Buaigne,

The mighty lady Eriu,

Erimón harried her,

—and a calming of the wind came to them forthwith.

  • 82. Said Donn: I shall now, said he, put under the edge of spear and sword all that are in Ireland. And the wind rose against the ship wherein were Donn and Airech, two sons of Mil, and the ship wherein were Bres, Búas, and Buaighne; so that they were drowned at the Sandhills at Tech Duinn. The grave-mound of each man is there. And there, as some say, Díl, wife of Donn, was drowned. She was a daughter of Míl, and Érimón himself laid a sod upon her. This is a sod over Díl, said he.[…]
  • 83. Howbeit, Odba d. Míl, mother of the three sons of Érimón, of Muimne, Luigne, and Laigne, she it is whom Érimón deserted in Spain, taking Tea in her stead. But Odba came from the South in a ship, along with her sons, and they maintained her till she died in Odba. Unde Odba [dicitur]. As for Tea d. Lugaid s. Íth, she it was whom Érimón took instead of Odba; and she was to choose a mound in Ireland as her bridal portion. This is the marriage-price which she chose, Druim Chain, the mound which is Temair; Temair is Tea Mur, “the Wall of Tea (d. Lugaid s. Íth).” Lugaid means Lug Íth, that is, “Lug, who was less than his father.”
  • 84. Éremón with thirty ships sailed right-hand-wise against Ireland to the North-east. These are his chieftains: Brego, Muirthenme, Fáat, Cuailnge, Érimón, Éber s. Ír, Amorgen, Colptha, Muimne, Luigne, Laigne, Gosten, Sétga, Suirge, Sobairche. Further, these are the fourteen servitors: Ai, Mdne, Assal, Mide, Cuib, Cera, Sér, Slán, Ligen, Dul, Adal, Traig, Line. Of them the historian sang—

Meadon, Meadair, Caeh, Dala,

Lotan, Pita, Cath, Cuanna,

Rus, Calna, Mag, is Deana,

Cacha, Bonn, Findu, Buada.

They landed in Inber Colptha; that is, Colptha s. Míl, he it is who landed at first, so that it is his name which is on the harbour; unde Inber Colptha.

  • 85. As for the Sons of Breogan, they left no descendants, only their names upon the noble fortresses of Ireland.
  • 86. There is no progeny reported of the warriors, Sétga, Gosten, Sobairche, and Suirge. Of Amorgen is Corcu Achrach in Éile, and the Orbraige, and Corcu Airtbinn, and Corcu Airtbi.
  • 87. Éber s. Ír, of him are the progeny of Ollom Fotla and of Rudraige; all the Ulaid are of his progeny. Of his progeny are Conmaicne, Ciarraige, Corcomruad, and Corcu Duibne; Dál Moga Ruith (i.e Fir Maige Féne) and Laigse of Laigin, Arad Chliach and the seven Sogains.
  • 88. As for Érimón, the leader of the expedition, of him is Leth Cuinn, i.e. the four families of Temair—-Conall, Colmán, Eogan, and Aed Sláine. Of him are the three Connachta, and Airgialla, Laigin, and Osraige, the Déssi of Mumu, and the Ernai of Mumu, of whom were the progeny of Deda, as well as Conaire the Great with his children (the men of Alba and of Dál Riata); and the Muscraige, and Corco Baiscinn. And of the Ernai of Mumu are Dál Fiatach, the kings of Ulaid; those are the progeny of Érimón. Of them also are the Fotharta, of whom came Brigit, and Fintan of Cluain Eidnech, Ui Ailella, and IJi Cheocháin. Of the Fotharta are all those. [Those are all the progeny of Érimón].
  • 89. Éber remained in the South [with] thirty ships. These are his leaders—Bile, Míl, Cualu, Blád, Ebliu, Nár, Éber Donn, Éber Finn, Airech, Érannán, Lugaid, Ér, Orba, Ferón, Fergna, Én, Un, Etán, Caicher, Mantán, Fulmán. These are the servitors, of whom each man had a ship; Adar, Aire, Déisse, Dela, Clíu, Mórba, Fea, Life, Femen, Fera.
  • 90. Bile and Míl, of their progeny are all the Gáedil. Cualu and Blad and Ebliu left no progeny, only their names upon important mountains. Nár s. Bile, a quo Ros Náir. No progeny of the warriors is recorded, that is, of Ér, Étán, Caicher, Fulmán, Mantán. Éber Donn and Airech left no children, for they were drowned, as we have said. The four sons of Éber, Ér, Orba, Ferón, Fergna, had no children. They had a half-year in the kingship of Ireland, till Íriel slew them.
  • 91. Lugaid s. Íth, five peoples came of him, to wit the family of Dáire Doimthech, namely the five Lugaids—Lugaid Cal, a quo the Calraige of Connachta, Lugaid Corr a quo the Corpraige, Lugaid Corp a quo Dál Coirpre of Cliu ut alii dicunt, Lugaid Oircthe a quo Corcu Oircthi, Lugaid Láeg, a quo Corcu Láegde; of whom was the son of Dairine, Lugaid mac Con. Ailill Ólom it is he who nurtured him; and he could not sleep with any save with Elóir, a hound which Aiiill possessed.
  • 92. As for Éber Finn, of his progeny are Dál Cais, and Dál Cein, and Delbna, and the Northern Déssi, and Dál Moscorb, ut quidam putant; Dál Mathra, hUi Derduib, Cathraige, Éile, and Túath Tuirbi; and the Eoganacht of Caissel, of Áme, of Loch Loin, of Ráithlinn, of Glenn Amain, of Ara, and of Ros Airgit. Those are all the seed of Éber.
  • 93. There was a contention between the sons of Míl concerning the kingship, that is, between Éber and Érimón. Amorgen was brought to them to arbitrate between them, and he said: The heritage of the chief, Donn, to the second, Érimón; and his heritage to Éber after him. But Éher would not accept that–only a division of Ireland. These are the first three judgements that were given among the sons of Míl in Ireland: the judgement that Amorgen gave in Temair, and that decision in Sliab Mis, and the decision that Amorgen gave in Cenn tSáile in Mumu upon the deer and roes and quadrupeds; as the poet said—

There did Amorgen give the judgement

his neighbours conceal it not;

after the battle of Mala, a fame without decay,

between the hosts of the Sons of Mil.


To each of them he apportioned his right,

as they were a-hunting;

each one received his lawful due at his hands,

by the judgement of Amorgen, high and great.


The first wounding of stags, it is known,

be it a man or a hound that tears the skin,

to the stag-hounds, customary without fail,

there comes what is cast to them. (?)


The share of the skinner, so he [Amorgen] apportioned it,

a gulp (?) of the short brief neck;

to the coursing-dog the legs of the stag,

his should be a part that is not increased


The inward parts to the man who comes last,

whether he thinks the course good or bad,

it is certain that he is not entitled,

from it, to shares in the co-division.


A general division to everyone

thereafter—it is no vain course—

without commanding hither or thither

this is the judgement that Amorgen gave.

  • 94. In the end there were six chieftains southward and seven chieftains northward who came there; and Éber had the kingship southward and Erimón the kingship northward. The six in the South were Éber himself, Lugaid s. Íth, Étán s. Oicce, Ún s. Uicce, Caicher, Fulman. The seven in the North were Érimón, Éber s. Ír, Amorgen, Gosten, Sétga, Sobairce, and the seventh rwas Surge. Of these matters did Roigne the poet speak, the son of Ugoine the Great, to Mál son of Ugoine his brother, when Mál asked him: Sing of thine expedition. Then is it that Raigne said—

Noble son of Ugoine,

How attains one to full knowledge of Ireland?

He arose from Scythia,

Did Feinius Farsaid himself;

Nél reached Egypt,

Remained awhile faithfully

With Pharao in journeys.

A betrothal of Nél, of Scota,

The conception of our father Gáedil,

The surname of “Scot” spread abroad

Did the fair daughter of Pharao.

The people of the Good God arrived together

With smiting of a great host.

Cincris was extinguished,

Drowned in the Red Sea.

They voyaged the sea-surface

Arrived at Scythia,

Which Eber Scot harried;

They smote Refioir,

Did Agnomain, Lamfind.

They sailed over Caspian

Entered on Liuis,

Made for Toirrian,

Followed on past Africa,

Arrived at Spain,

Where were conceived Erimon,

And Eber to Mile.

Soon Brego, Bile,

For avenging of Ith,

Grouped in their barks,

Sixty their number.

The men as they returned

Divided Ireland

Among twice six chieftains.

Let the truth of the history suffice!

I answer the question keenly.

  • 95. Or they say that they were twice six men, namely the six sons of Míl and the six sons of Breogan—Érimón, Éber, Lugaid, Amorgen, Colptha, Ír; Brego, Bile, Fúat, Blad, Cualu, Cuailnge. In this wise did the Gáedil take Ireland; finit of the Takings of Ireland down to this.