
A Short Narration of My Last Journey to the Western Contry (1794)

A Short Narration of My Last Journey to the Western Contry (1794)

By Hendrick Aupaumant

From Memoirs of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania  (1827)

Internet Archive

[* “Big knifes” = white settlers]


Having agreed with the great men of the United States, to take a tour, with their message of peace to the hostile nations — which enterprise some of the principal chiefs of the Five Nations did oppose — alledged that it would be folly for the United States to send me on that business — (says they,) the Western Nations will not regard the voice of One Nation — but the business ought to be negotiated by the Five Nations and the British. But on my part, I have hitherto had a persuasion on my mind, that if the Western Nations could be rightly informed of the desires of the United States, they would comply for peace, and that the informer should be an Indian to whom they look upon as a true friend, who has never deceived or injuried them.

When I come to reflect in the path of my ancestors, the friendship and connections they have had with these western tribes, and my own feelings towards them, I conclude that I could acquaint them my best knowledge with regard of the dispositions, desires, and might of the United States, without partiallity — and without groundless opinion I could be more useful in that particular embassage than those who have been opposing my undertaking, &c.

Before I proceed in the business I am upon, I think it would be necessary to give a short sketch what friendship and connections, our forefathers, and we, have had with the western tribes.

The Delawares, who we calld Wenaumeeu, are our Grandfathers according to the ancient covenant of their and our ancestors, to which we adhere without any devition in these near 200 years past, to which nation the Five Nations and British, (after finding themselves incapaple of completeing a union of all who has one colar,) have commit the whole business. For this nation had the greatest influence with the southern, western, and northern nations.

The Shawannese, who we calld Weshauwonnoow, are our younger brothers according to ancient covenant between our forefathers — for our ancestors, near 200 years ago rescued them from the mouth of many nations, as well as of the Five Nations who were ready to swallow my younger brother Shawany, for which kind deliverance they ever have felt themselves under the greatest obligation to obey our voice — and many nations had knowledge of this.

The Miamies, who we calld Wemaumeew, are our grandchildren according to an ancient covenant between our forefathers, which friendship their and our fathers have maintained, and in every few years they renew this covenant, and have given to our forefathers a large tract of land, &c.

The Monthees, who we calld Wemintheew, and the Wehuhtokowuk and Kuhnauwautheew, are our brothers according to ancient agreement, to which we ever have stood stedfast.

The Wyondots, who we calld Paumtonnauweew, are our uncles.

The Ottawas, who we calld Wetuwwaw. — The Chepawas we calld Wechippawaw— Potawatommeew, Wethaukeew, Misquuhkeew, Wenautwuhtheew, ‘Wawyuhtonnoow, Kekipoo and Pasakeah, are our grandchildren — these nations ever maintain good friendship with our nation— -our nation had a great influence with these nations, &c.

It was the business of our fathers to go around the towns of these nations to renew the agreements between them and tell them many things which they discover among the white people in the east &c.

Myself and my brother set out from Philadelphia, May 10th. We arrived Tiog Point on the 17th, at which time the people told us that the chiefs of the Seanacaiy Onondagas, and Cayagas had just gone from that place. As I well knew the ways of these nations and as General Chapin is newly appointed by congress to take the charge of the Five Nations, I concluded that they will stop at Canadaque several days, and that General Chapin will oblidge to wait upon them. Then I dispatch my brother to go cross the woods to Onieda to fetch my bag of peace, in which there is ancient wampom, and to get two of my best counsellors and a young men to meet me at Chapins, in order to have them with us, that the western nations may see that we are upon important business, and that in case we should meet some difficulties, five of us could help one another and that if some cruel hostile Indians should fall upon us, and be too strong for us, so that we should fall, some of my spry young men could get away, and bring the tidings of the same to the United States. For these reasons, as well as other reasons, I desired to have my own company, and they did meet me at Canadaque, while General Chapin was busy with the Five Nations. After the Senacas left Canadaque, Brant arrived. I conversed with him several times. When he finds that I had a message from the United States to the western tribes, he tells me that it would be adviseable to let the British send this message to the western nations, for, says he, the Indians will hear quicker by the English, and that the British could get there sooner by water, but I gave him no answer. On the 4th of June then General Chapin had liberty, and on the 6th of June we set out, and arrived at Buffalo Creek on the 10th, and General Chapin arrived on the 12th of the inst. — by this time the Senacas have sent their runners to invite the Mohawks and all the chiefs who resides at Grand River, to attend a general Council, that all may hear news from the United States, also to Allegany; and on the 13th we held a ConncII with them — we in the first place delivered complimentary speeches to each other.

I then deliver some information to the Senacas in the following words: —

Uncle, attend to a few words: —

I rejoice that by the goodness of the Great Spirit you are safely arrived at your fire place, and that this day we sit together to smoake our pipes in a friendly manner.

Uncle –

In three days after you left Philladelphia a mesenger arrived with a message of the Seven Nations of Canada, to let the United States know that they the Seven Nations were invited by the Western Tribes to attend a great Council on Miamie, and that they are about to rise and go accordingly, but for fear of one thing, lest the United States should think that these Seven Nations are gone to join the hostile nations in war — therefore they sent this information to the United States, and that their intention is to endeavour to bring the hostile Indians to peace — and that they are to meet the Five Nations at this place, Buffaloe Creek, from here they the Seven Nations, with you the Five Nations, are to set out to Miamie; that if the United States approve of this intention, then they shall go with good courage — then the great man of the United State reply and declared that they highly approve of that intention — and the messenger stayed only two days — then he returned with all speed-— so much on this subject

Uncle, attend —

The great men of the United States are sensible of this, that it will be many days before the Seven Nations with you the Five Nations could get ready to set out; and having such earnest desire of peace with the Western Indians, which the Indians should be informed as soon as possible, lest the war will grow hoter, so that no man could quench it, therefore they sent a message by me on the same subject, and I have come with the message thus far. Another reason for which they wished that this message should go with all speed, is this — that they have dispatched officers from Ohio, to go and give the same information to the Indians, and that the Indians should know that they the officers are coming that they may use them kindly; and that General Putnum is also appointed to go and meet the Indians at Fort Jefferson for peace; now lest the Indians should misunderstand the design of General Putnum— -the United States wished that this message should go with all speed, that it may reach at the Council before the other messages arrives.

Uncle —

By this information, and by what you know yourselves, you can clearly see that this message is very urgent. This is all I got to say.

And in few minutes after — then Farmers brother speak and rehearse what I have told them, then he says-

Nephew —

I and all the rest of the chiefs and warriors rejoice that yon are come and have set with us this day, and we all heartyly thank you for your kindness in giving us such information — and we will call for our brothers and neighbours — the Onondagas and Cayogas, to acquaint them this information — and will consult with them — and then you shall hear our voice.

On the 14th, they accordingly met in council. In the evening they come to conclusion how to send message by me, and then adjourn untill to-morrow morning.

Next day the 15th, they met again, (news having reached in their ears, how that their warriors have killed two of the western Delawares, which news change their notions, were afraid that the western nations will fall upon them and cut them off, for this occasion they are willing to let us go before them.)

Then the Onondaga chief repeat the message which they wished to send by me. After this — the Farmers Brother speak to us.

Nephew —

To-morrow you must meet with us, for we wished to have our speech in writing, &c.

In the morning of 16th we met with them, then Farmers Brother delivered five strings of wampom — and desired me to write his speech and deliver it to the western Delawares.

The following words —

Nephews of Delawares on Miamie, attend the words of your uncles the Five Nations —

I am very sorry that some of my foolish young men have been led astray by the big knifes, consequently have killed two of their nephews.

Nephew —

Be assured, that we do not approve of this conduct, for we have no desire to take up hatchet against you, or any of our own color, but the fool when he is drinking strong liquor will go astray — I have calld all such to return home.

Nephew —

Let us remember that troubles will unavoidably meet us, and that different kinds — therefore Nephew, do not lay up in your heart what has happened, as tho I do this on purpose.

Nephew –

Be assured, that I will show you greater friendship, and I now wipe of your tears which runs down your cheeks — we all very sorry with you.

Five strings of wampom delivered.

Then Red Jacket speak with other strings of wampom, and said-

Nephew, attend —

I now sent these words— compose your minds in peace — in a few days you will see your uncles the Five Nations — then we shall settle all the difficulties subsisting between us, and will inform you of every thing what I have heard, and what lays on my mind; and you will see my friendship toward you, and to all our friends. We are waiting for the Seven Nations of Canada — we expect them daily, as soon as they arrivees we will held a little council, then we go to your place.

Strings of wampom delivered.

Then I reply, and say —

Uncle —

I am happy to find that you are so engaged for the wellfare of your nephews, as well as your own nations; and you may rest assured that I will go on with your message as well as the other messages — and will do all I can for you, so that when you arrive your nephews may be pacified, &c.

Then we disperse — we went to our quarters. The next day 17th, we set out to go to the mouth of Buffaloe Creek, about six miles from the castle, General Chapen is to meet us there. When we arrived at that place, we, General Chapen with his interpreter, Mr. Parrish, and all the principal chiefs of Sanacas, who came thus far to bid us farewell. And they then ask to set with them for few minutes. Then I ordered my companions to set together — then the Red Jacket begin to speak to us— on the following words:—

Nephew —

We come to bid you farewell, I hope that you will exert yourself, and your young men to go on with great courage and resolution — and our hearts are with you — we wish your undertaking will be crowned with great success — we must look to the Great Spirit — he can help us — and if he helps us all things will com right


In a few days we hope to see you, and I hope that you will inform your friends, the western nations, all the knowledge you have of our desires for peace— -and we desire you to use your utmost endeavours for us among the western Indians. I hope that Spirit will protect you. Then they came and shake hands with us around — and set down again.

Then I reply, and say —

Uncles —

I am happy to find that you are so friendly as to come thus far to give us your complements, I rejoice to find that our minds and desires are one.

Uncles —

I heartily thank you for the exhortation you gave us, we will endeavour to keep the same in our hearts — we will endeavour to put our whole trust in the Great Spirit who overrules all. I hope when we live to see each other again that we will rejoice together. This all I got to say.

Then General Chapin speak to us, and said —

Brothers —

I would just speak one word, I am glad that Great Spirit so ordered that you are so united, and that you are about to set out for a long and tedious journey, for an important business, and I hope that the Great Spirit will protect you and bless you abundantly, that your means will cause many to rejoice— and I hope that I may live to see you again and rejoice with you.

In the I8th we set out from the mouth of Buffalo Creek, to go north side the Lake Erie, and in the evening of the 19th we arrive at the inlet of Grand River; next morning the 20th the N. west high wind arose, and find that we could not with safety go on, and oblidge to wait. But I thought that it would be adviseable to send for Captain Aaron who resides up this river, and get him to go with us as a pilot; then I dispatched my runners, with three strings of wampom, on the following words:—

Cousin, attend —

Do remember our friendship, and what conversation we have had several times last fall, and what we have concluded last spring.

Cousin —

Consequently, I now reach your hand, and lead you on the path that leads from Delaware Village, which comes in this lake about thirty-six miles from here, there you will meet us. You must not stay to look others first, but as fast as you can swing your pack, then take steps to meet us.

In the 21st of the inst. the wind cease, then we set out again, and in the 22d we arrived at the place appointed, and in the 23d, my runners arrived with my cousen. Captain Aaron, and one of the Monthees chief, who wished to hear some news. Then I told him some news, and after that, I then deliverd an answer to their speech, with regard of the invitation they gave us last spring. I begin in those words.

My friends, attend-—

We have considered your speech to us last spring. We rejoice to find that you have such concern for us as a nation — that you have reached our hand, and lead us to a place where you thought we may set down.

My friends —

I find that our eyes are not fully open — we could not see things clear, for the reason of high winds and dark clouds — therefore I could not gave you a positive answer.

Friends —

Compose your minds in peace and exercise patience. By and by we shall see things clear. When the wind cease and clouds are removed, and the earth lay in silence, then we shall be able to contemplate this subject better; then I shall gave you a positive answer.

My friends, brothers, and cousin —

We heartily thank you for your great concern for us. This is all I have to say.

Six strings of wampom delivered.

On the 24th, we set out, but the wind soon arose again, and we were obliged to stop. And in the 25ih we set out again. After rowing about half a day, the wind begin to blow, so we went on — sometimes we were oblidged to stop two days — untill the 2d of July we got a little more than half way.

This Captain Aaron has been with Brant on the Miamie, several times; and has been there this spring for Brant. Brant before he went to Philladelphia, he sent a message to the western Indians, by this Aaron and three other Indians—one of them is Brant’s nephew, named Tawalooth. Part of the message was to ask the western nations whether they would approve of Brant’s going among the big knifes; and three days after they left Grand River, this Tawalooth begin to say that he is the head of that company, and that he will deliver the messages of his uncle, to the western Indians. The others say nothing; and as they pass by, in every village he told that the whole of the Six Nations are about geting ready to go and assist the western nations in war — that every man, and even boys who could lift a gun, and old men who could walk, will go — also all the warriors of the Seven Nations. This Tawalooth having brought such news in the ears of these nations, they expected nothing else but war, and were greatly encourged — see what hurt this message, or this Tawalooth has done.

And in the 3d of July we were oblidge to leave our nice, white birch bark canoe on Bull-head Creek, and went by land and arrived at Delaware Castle in the evening. This village stands on the banks of river Trench. Monthees and some Chipawas live here, who were happy to see us, and told us all the news. Among other things they inform us that forty of their warriors went to assist the hostile Indians. These Indians of this village have not been engaged in war, they moved on this place to shun the troubles of war, but by the news of Tawalooth, and by what message the Shawanese have sent, they went.  And in the 4th of the inst. I bought another bark canoe and some provision. Then we set out and went down this river, and in the evening of the 5th inst. we arrive at the town of Christian Indians, commonly called Morravian Town. These Indians were very glad to see us, and told us many things respecting the western tribes, &c. And in the 6th we set out again — and in the 7th we arrive at Lake St Clair — and in the 9th we arrive at Detroit. Here we see several Indians from Miamie, and they were very glad to see us, and told us good a deal of news; and here we see three of the Cayogas, who have been living among the hostile nations. The Shawannese now sent these three to hasten the Five Nations — here they were waiting for vessel. Then we set out again, and in the evening of the 13th we arrived at the grand council fire, called the Rapids, about eighteen miles from the mouth of this Miamie river. Here two towns stands— one of which are Delawares — here Captain Pipe resides — and the other is Monthees. We have passed by several small villages along the lake. As soon as the Monthees discovered us, they sent runners to lead us into one of their council houses, to stay over the night, and were happy to see us, and they did dance for us.

And early in the morning of the I4th, one old man came to us who used to live to the eastward. And he lead us to his camp among the camps of Shawanese — who just arrived yesterday in order to get some provisions; for there was a sore famine in their towns. And this day all nations who resides along this river are expected. Here stands Colonel M’Kee’s house, and stores for the Indians. But he was not at home— was gone to Canada— but Captain Elliot takes the charge of these provisions. And here we see three other of the British. Here we find one of the chiefs of Mahheaeonnuky named Pohquonnoppeet, who has been with these nations ever since he was a boy. He is well acquainted with all these nations, in their customs and dispositions — who has long to see us — who has been strenthen our messages these several years. And in the afternoon, part of the chiefs of Delaware, (who lives about sixty miles up this river,) sent word to us that they will meet us by and by.

Accordingly they came in our camp. Then the Sachem named Tautpuhqtheet begin to speak to us, on the following words.

My grandchildren, attend —

Here we meet together — the Great Good Spirit has thought and have fixed this day that we should meet together.

Grandchildren —

You have come from great way off to see and visit us — you have seen many dismal objects for which your tears dropping down. Our good ancestors did hand down to us a rule or path where we may walk. According to that rule I now wipe off your tears from your eyes and face that you may see clear. And since there has been so much wind on the way that the dust and every evil things did fill your ears, I now put my hand and take away the dust from your ears, that you may hear plain —and also the heavy burden on your mind I now remove, that you may feel easy, and that you may contemplate some objects without burden.


Here you find your poor grandfather which has met with many difficulties — yet I am rejoiced to see you. You have waded thro many miry places and briers on your journey. I now wash your legs and wipe them clean, and I pull all briers which stick on your legs and feet — and then I take the nicest weesqui, which contains the pure oil, and put the same on your legs and feet that you may feel easy.

This all I have to say — four white strings of wampom 3 feet long deliverd.

Then they arose and shake our hands, to confirm their friendship to us.

Few minutes after this —

Then I rehearse his speech and then deliver a congratulatory speech as answer, to manifest my friendship to them as they did to us, on the following words.

Grandfather, attend —

I am happy to reflect how that the Great Good Spirit has so ordered that our forefathers have found the way to maintain such friendship between them — and that we met each this day, and that on your part you have manifested your kindness to us.

Grandfather —

Here we meet together in a dismal state, and you have put a great comfort on my mind, for which I heartily thank you.

Grandfather —

As I come to you, when I beheld your face, I saw your tears flowing down, for the reason of much difficulties and crosses. I now put my hand on your face and wipe off your tears, so that you may see things clear, and that to a great distance.

Grandfather —

Since there is so much wind, and much dust flying about, your ears are stop’d, you are almost deaf. But I now stretch my hand and take away all the dust from your ears, that you may now hear. And I also put my hand and clean your throat, and take away all heavy burdens which hangs on your mind, and cast it away, that you may now understand what is good for your children, and that you may have comfort.

Grandfather —

When I beheld your garments, I saw blood by reason of war, which I now wipe away. Also your beds, I clean them that you may set with ease.

Six white strings of wampom delivered.

After this, the sachem heartily thanked us. Then, says he, I should be glad to hear some news from the east And then I informd him that my nation live in peace— and that the great men of the United States wished to live in peace with all Indians — and that there is some wars among the great people over the great waters— and that negroes also have cut off many of their masters— -which the Indians glad to hear — and I tell them that I would inform them further as soon as they can all meet together. Then they desire Pohquonnoppeet to acquaint us every thing.

The Shawannese sent word to us to let us know that they will set with us as soon as they get ready.

I then begin to consult with some of the principal chiefs and with Pohquonnoppeet, with regard of the message of the United States. Before this, there was not one man to be found that would speak in favour of the United States. But after I conversed with them, then they began to speak well— and finally they thought it would not do for me to deliver this message to Shawannese, who will make confusion; but, says they, delivered to other chiefs first — let them take hold of it first — then the Shawanese may see it and many other things they mention.

And on the 16th of July then they all met together in a Council. Then they call us in, and we went, and there we saw Captain Eliot and the other British set with the Indians.

Then the Chief of Shawanese begin — he first demand the attention of all who are present Then he said –

Elder brother, Muhheuconneew—

We now speak in one voice to you — we all rejoice that you have come to us — you have taken great pains to come on the long and tedious joumey. Our ancestors have long ago fixed our friendship which we ever maintain — and it is so ordered by the Great Good Spirit that we this day see each other after a great length of time, and that we now set together.

Elder brother —

For many sad objects you are grieved, and your tears running down so that you could hardly see — and we now wipe away your tears that you may look about and see things plain.

Elder Brother—

By the reason of high winds and storms your ears are stop’d — that is to say, woow choow khun mautehk — which we now take out— which the wind shall drive away, that you may hear plain every thing that may reach your ears.

Elder brother —

For the reason of many sorrowful objects as well as tidings, you are grieved — in your heart full of sorrow. And as our good forefathers have handed us down a path to walk in, we now take all the burden from your mind, and clean your whole body, and set your heart, as it was fixed by the Good Spirit, that you may have comfort, and have a good understanding.

Elder brother —

Here you find us, your poor friends, in a dismal state — we just rejoice to see each other. This is all we have to say.

Two white and four purple strings of wampom delivered.

After this I then rehearse their speech and heartily thank them for it

Then I deliver the following speech to them.

You, the Shawannese, my younger brother, you likewise grandfathers, and all who are here presend attend —

I rejoice that by the goodness of the Good Spirit we now meet this day, where we may put each other in mind of our ancient friendship — which on your part you have already done, which gladens my heart

My younger brother, and all who are here presend —

I, the Muhheuconneew, after viewing your situation, have found you in a gloomy state, now for the reason of many misfortunes and dark clouds I see your tears flowing down, so that you could see but duskily. But according to our friendship, I now wipe away your tears, and open your eyes that you may see clear and discern what is good.

Younger brother and all friends —

For the reason of high winds the dust has filled your ears, for which you could not hear. I now clean your ears also, that you may hear plain when you attend to the wellfare of your children.

Younger brother and all friends —

For the reason of your dismal views, in your heart there is sorrow, and of all sort evil things, so that you could not understand things right — but I now take hold of all these evil and heavy things and cast them away, which the strong wind will drive away, and clean all inside. I set your heart aright, as it was fixed by our good forefathers in ancient days, that you may now understand both what is good and bad — and that you may contemplate the wellfare of our own colar — that our mornings may be lengthened.

Younger brother and all friends —

When I beheld you, I saw blood on your garments on account of war — by the means of some bad white people like these who are present with us; (I point at Captain Elliot and his company,) but I now take away all this, and wipe your garments clean, and also your beds that you may set down with ease. This is all.

Six strings of wampom delivered — three strings pure white, and other three mixed.

I then informed them that I have brought three messages for them from the Five Nations— one of which is writen speech, which Onondaga chief sent by us, inclosed in a letter to Captain Elliot, from Colonel Butler, who wrote the speech from this chief, and desired Elliot to have it interpreted to the Indians, which I then deliver to Elliot, and then I delivered the other two myself according the desire of the Senacas. And after I got thro’, then these nations thank us, and arise to shake our hands as a confirmation of our ancient friendship.

After this. Then according the advise of our friends and the way I judge to be best, we proceeded in the first place we disperse, then we met again. I then faithfully deliver the message of the United States. In the first place I begin with an introductory speech, on the follow words.

My friends —

In order to have you to understand our business, I will acquaint you some things of our situation, lest you may have wrong apprhension. Since the British and Amaricans lay down their hatchets, then my nation was forgotten. We never have had invitation to set in Council with the white people — not as the Five Nations and you are greatly regarded by the white people — but last winter was the first time I had invitation from the great man of the United States to attend Council in Philladelphia. According to that invitation I went — and after we arrived at Philadelphia, I find that the business was for the wellfare of all nations — and then I was asked whether I would carry a message of peace to you here. I then reply that I would — for I know that it would look unfriendly to you, had I refuse to bring good tidings, and so for the sake of our good friendship, and for peace, I was willing to take this long journey, &c.

Then I begin with the message, and take up the seven strings of wampom, on the following words.

Sachems and head warriors of Delawares, and the whole of the confederate nations.

Brothers attend —

We the 15 sachems of the United States will now in one voice speak to you — we speak from our hearts— where there is a burden of sorrow.

It is very uncertain thing how our voice of peace may reach your ears— It has been feared that our word of peace has not reached your ears, but has fallen and been hurried under ground, or gone into the air by means of malignant birds.

Brothers —

We the 15 sachems, do now send our message of peace, by your own colar, and friend of Muhheaconnuk who we trust will faithfully delivered to you, and will impartially acquaint you, according to his best knowledge with regard to the dispositions of the United States –

Brothers —

You the sachems of the whole confederacy will not regard the voice of flying birds — be it known to you, that we the 15 sachems, have never believed such, although we have seen and heard various kinds, which have bad different headsn–

And further you the sachems of the confederacy have never consulted together and agreed with an intend of speaking to some other nation deceitfully — Brothers, be assured that the 15 United Sachems have never done such, for we scorn to speak from the lips only.

Seven strings of white and purple wampom delivered, near 4 feet long.

Then I take up the belt and begin with these words —

Brothers of the whole Confederacy —

We have informed you that we speak from our hearts and in sorrow — because there are difficulties subsisting between you and the Big Knifes —

Brothers —

Be it known to you all that we the 15 Sachems have no desire to quarrel with you — but on the contrary we sincerely wish to have lasting peace established.

Brothers —

We have tender effections for our Children, women, young men and old parents. We wish to promote their happiness. You likewise brothers, have great regard for your children, women, young men, and old parents. You wish them many good mornings and evenings — in this we are alike.

Brothers —

We, the united sachems, now stretch our hand to reach your hand, and lead you at the first place, Fort Jefferson, where you will meet one of our great man, that you there may agree where you will chose to have a treaty on Ohio— where we may use our utmost endeavours to establish happiness for our Children.

Brothers —

As we have not believed the various reports of many birds, we still look to you — when you speak to us we will attend. If the Big Knifes have done any injuries to you, you must manifest it to us. Or if our servants have wrongd you in any matter, or have defraud you with regard to your Lands, you must inform us the same. Then we shall endeavour to remove these burdens from your minds that you may rejoice.

Brothers —

Had we not used means to remove all difficulties so as to put an end to the war, the great Nations over the great waters would find fault with us. You likewise, brothers, if you do not regard or comply with what we now offer to you, the great Nations, who resides behind you, will afterwards blame you.

Brothers —

As soon as you comply with terms of peace, the forts which stands on your Lands shall fall— and if you are desirous for peace, you must instandly call in all your war parties. With respect to the Big knifes, they are not to be compared to our least fingure. We will hold them fast, and they shall not stir untill we let them lose.

Brothers —

We have now speaken so much to you — we will stop— and listen— when after all patience, we could not hear a word from you — Then we thought or conclude the reports of many birds are certainly true.

A large belt of wampom delivered, which contains 15 rows, and in the middle there is 15 square marks, which denote 15 United sachems, and path of peace goes thro the marks — the belt is purely white, except the marks and the path — near 4 feet long.

Then I say — Grandfathers and all friends —

I have deliverd you a great Message in your hands, and you must exert yourselves, and consider it seriously — and do remember our children, women, young men, and old people, and take the wisest part; and as I am here with you, I will endeavour to assist you as far as I can.

Then Hobakon, or Pipe-Sachem of Delawares, speak to us, and said —

Grandchildren —

You have brought to us a great good Message from the great people, for which we heartily thank you — and you may rest assured that we will exert ourselves to promote peace, and to-morrow you shall hear us again — we will consult among ourselves to-day and to-morrow, &c. (These nations could not get together so as to have a grand Council as it was proposed last winter, on account of the scarcity of provisions — many were oblidged to be gone in the woods to stay the whole of the summer; and the back nations, to wit, Wyondots, Ottawas, Chepawas, Potawatommees do reside north from here, and that a great distance. And the Wethaukeew, Misquobkeew, Wenautwuhtheew, Pasakeah, Kekipoo and Wawyuhtonnoo, resides N-west from here Miamie.

These what I call back nations, or nations resides behind.

And on the 17th, they held a Council the whole day, and early in the morning of the 18th. Then the Sachem Pipe came to us in order to acquaint us what was pastd yesterday, on the following words: —

Grandchildren —

We the principal Sachems and Heroes, have consulted all day yesterday, and I was ordered to inform you our conclusions.


We are all happy to hear the good Message you brought to us. We have taken hold of it, and encourage one another to promotit. For we never receive such pure good Message from the Big knifes.

Our head Heroe, named Puckonchehluh, delivered speech to the Sachems and Chiefs, on the following words:—

My Sachems —

I now exhort you, and desire you to do your best— you have wisdom, and you have understanding to manage all our affairs, especially the welfare of our Children. This Message is for our good, it is pure message, for which you must exert yourselves, and do that which may be for the best; that our Children, women, young men may be benefited. For this Message is the Life of all our Nations, for which I will submit to whatever you agreed, &c. After this the Sachems concluded to send and deliver this good Message to the Sachems of Wyondots first, then they will call in the greater Nations, for they are head of three nations, (vis.) Ottawas, Chepawas, and Potawatommees. For we know that these nations will receive and accept this Message Joyfully. Then we shall stand strong and sure; after this we will meet at the Glaze or Forks. There we shall meet in a great council. Then every Nation will declare that they have received such Message and accepted of it, and then offer the same to Shawanhese, who will then be oblidged to submit; if not, then every nation must teach them, and chastise them; if that will not do, then they will be abandoned.


These are our conclusions. Compose your minds in peace. In a few days we will hear from these back nations. I think we will have clear days by and by, if the Big knifes do not interfere.

(This all.)

In the 24th of the inst. we set out with the Indians to go up at the Forks, or Naukhuwwhnauk, where the Shawannese, Delawares, and part of the Miamies had towns; we went up by water. In the evening of the 26, we heard alarming voie a great way, and soon beared little ways; although it was exceeding dark, yet in a few minutes we hear a horse runing, and reached to us in our Camp; then we soon find that he is a Shawaney after he breath little; then we ask him the news, then told us the Big Knifes arrived at Kekiog; then he set out again. Then I tell the company this news I think is false, &c.

On the 27th we arrived at the first Village of Shawannese. The Sachem of this place acquainted us a good deal of news among other things he told us that three of Kuttoohwauw Nation or Cherekes arrived at the Forks yesterday, and have brought some writings which they took on their way.

The next day we arrived at the Forks. At this place the other two villages of Shawanny stands; also one of the towns of Delawares and the town of Wenuhtukowuk, and some outcast Cherekes, and part of the Miamies, and about 8 miles from this place the town of Big Cat stands — this town is last that stands on this river.

The Kuhnauwautheew also resides here; at which place, Fohqaonnoppeet and his friends live at, at which place we were to stay, but we been oblidged to stop at the Forki| (commonly called by British, Glaze,) because one of my Counsellors was taken sick.

Having bought some corn from the French traders at the rapids, which we brought up by water — we lived here by ourselves. Our friends here having nothing to give us to eat, and we were oblidged to give them; here I had a large family; at this place we find several traders of French people, and few English. These traders had some bread to sell, and I was oblidged to give 4 s. for a 2lb. loaf, and 8 s. per one quart of salt, and that several times; and among these Nations, some had corn to spare at the rate of 29. per quart.

Here, according to my wish, did converse with the Indians almost every day. My friends advise me not to say much to the Shawanese untill all the Nations had agreed.

On the 29th, I met one of the English traders; he askd me whether I was the man that brought the Message of the U. S. I tell him yes. He then says, I wish the Indians could live in peace; this unhappy war ruins them, and almost undone us the traders also; the Indians could not hunt much, and if the army come again then we shall be undone.

In the 30th, the sachems of Delawares invited us to attend a council with them; at the same time informd us that two of the Cherekes brought Alarming Voice yesterday that the Big knifes are discovered near fort Jefferson.

The first of August. Today, 16 Warriors are sent to see whether the terrible Voice yesterday is true, &c.

At this time I went up to Big Cat’s town with my brother; arrived there in the evening, went in the house of Pohquonnoppeet, the sachem — the Delawares having left word that we should give them notice of my coming. Early in the morning of the 2d inst. my Uncle sent a runner to inform the Chiefs that we were arrived, and will meet them in Council. My business was to comfort Big Cat for the death of his Brother who died last Spring; he was the Chief Sachem of the Delawares; also Pukonchehluh for the death of his Son. According to ancient custom in such cases, long as they are not comforted, they are not to speak in public, and this ceremonie of comforting each other is highly esteemed among these Nations.

Then we met them in council after drawing the smoak thro our nostrils. Then 1 got up and begin on the following words: —

Grand father, attend —

It is by the goodness of the Great Good Spirit we are meet together — so many of us the remnant of our ancesstors, to smoak our pipes and to put each other in mind of our ancient friendship. We are in a dismal State; we can only pity each other, at the same time we can rejoice to see each other. I have met with some difficulties on the way; one of my Counsellors is taken sick, who I left at the forks with the other two of my companions.

I am not waiting the motions of other nations in doing the business, which I will perform this time.


We the poor remnant of our ancestors are met together; Our good fathers have left good customs, and path to go by, so that in all occasions we are to put each other in remembrance of the ancient Customs of our fathers as well as the friendship.


Here you have meet with many troubles; in this we are all alike.

Grandfather —

You have meet great losses; your great Sachem is fallen, and also some of your principal young men. The sound of which stopd your eyes and ears; your tears flowing down, and that continually; and for which reason you could not look up.

Grandfather —

Having seen you in such a situation, I without delay arise and come, and now put my hand to your face and wipe off your tears and open your Eyes, so that you may now see the sun when it rises, also when it sets down, and also other things, and that you could see your Grandchildren in a clear light; also I clean your Ears that you may hear distinctly. And I clean your throat also, and losen your Tongue, that you may now speak, and that freely. And there is such a weight of sorrow causes your heart to hang up side down, but I now remove these burdens, and set your heart aright, that you may contemplate the welfare of your Children, and that with pleasure.

Six strings of white wampom delivered.

Grandfather —

Many troubles has attended us. You have lost your great Sachem; also some honourable young men, who have fallen, and lay under the earth ever since last Spring. I now remember what our good ancestors used to teach us their Children. And I now gather the bones of these deceased, and put them together, and take up the lasting Plank and put it over the grave, that the heat of the Sun may not penetrated and that the rain may not flow into them. (Nunneh this is all,)

A belt deliverd, contains ten rows, has three marks across, near three feet long.

This nation had delivered speach to my nation twice before — as a query whether my nation would accept the plan of Union. At this time I deliverd an answer.

Grandfather, once more attend —

As you have always paid great regard to our friendship—You have spoken to me with regard of Union, whether I would take hold of it — with respect to this, my Grandfather, I now speak to you.

It is a happy thing that we should maintain a Union, But to us it is not a new thing. For our good Ancestors (who used to have compassion to each other,) many, many years ago, have agreed to this. And we, who are of their desendance, should not hisitate, or, as it were, ask one another whether we should like it. But we must always remind each other how our ancestors did agree on this Subject, that we may never forgo that.

Six strings of white wampom Delivered.

After this, the Head Heroe, whose name is Puckonchehluh, got up with the strings and belt, and said, how happy a thing it is that we have met together. I and all of us feel rejoiced in our minds to hear you, my Grandchildren.

You have reminded your poor Grandfather many good things, which our good ancestors used to esteem, and you have gavin us great Comfort for these things. Your Grandfathers, the Chiefs, Young men, women, and Children, now heartily thank you.

Then he take up the last Six strings, and said, I am glad. Grandchild, that the great Good Spirit allow us to hear your voice this day. It is very true and we must acknowledge it that our friendship has been long ago fixed sure, by our good forefathers, who used to pity each other in their calamities, and that we ought to renew this friendship always. For this also we all heartily thank you. Wautokheethmellon, &c. grandchild.

After this he then wipe away the sweat from our face, &c.

Six strings of white wampom delivered.

At this time I felt unwell, but made out get thro this business.

Next day, the 3d inst. we went back again to the Fork — next day I grow worse. On the 7th, one old warior of Delaware came from Detroit, and told us that the Wjrondots and Ottawas, are about to arise to come up, on account of a false Alarming Voice, which Shawannese brought to them some time go. And further he told us that five men of Potawatommeesy came to let the Shawanny know that the back nations are raising one thousand warriors, in order to assist the Sawannese to fall upon the forts, (which was a false story.)

Another bad story he told — that sometime ago the N. west Nations collected, according to an invitation of the Big knifes, on Wabash river. These nations were desirous to get their friends clear — which the Big knifes kept as prisoners — but before the Big knifes could meet these nations, one devillish Frenchman privately called all the Head Warriors, and advised them to go home every one; for, say he, the Big knifes are coming and will kill every one of you. It is better for you to lose your friends, who are kept as Captives among the Big knifes, than that you should all be killed. I told you this, because I love you, my Children.

Strings of wampom delivered.

By this account, all these nations dispersed immediately.

On the 8th, Big Cat come to our quarters. He then conversed with us. Among other things I proposed this — that it is necessary for the Nations to send information to Fort Jefferson, to acquaint General Putnum that the nations have, sometime ago, received the Message of the U. S. — that the Message is gone to the back Nations, who are expected to be here in a few days — that General Putnum may lengthen his patience. He then said it is a very good thing — I have this mind. And he informed me that the Chepawas have sent one of their runners, who arrived last evening, to acquaint the Chiefs that they, the Chepawas and their alies, have recived the good Message of the U. S. And says the Chepawas, we take hold of it on our right hands— and the Message of Shawanese, we hold it in our left hand — and we will go to the Forks — and then we shall show the same to Shawanees and will ask them, which of these two Messages is best — then we will throw their Message to their face — then we will take hold of the Message of the U. S. with both hands, &c.

And he informd me many other things, respecting the different Nations and the conduct of the British these many years. Among other things, he told me how the British inquire of our Business. Says he, two days after you deliver the Message to us, Captain Eliot called us to meet him at his quarters. And, after we got there, he then ask me where these Indians come from, and what is their business, (he meant you, my Grandchildren.)

Then I replied, how came you to ask us such questions? Did you ever see me at Detroit or Niagara, in your councils, and there to ask you where such and such white man come from? or what is their Business? Can you watch, and look all around the earth to see who come to us? or is what their Business? Do you not know that we are upon our own Business? and that we have longed to see these our friends, who now come to us, and for which we rejoice?

Then, says he, Eliots mouth was stopd immediately. Then the other chiefs laugh at him to scorn, and tell him, you have a proper answer, &c.

After this we agreed to send information to Fort Jefferson, and that we will meet at Big Cat’s Town. And, on the 11th, then I sent Captain David Neshoonhuk, my counsellor, and John Wautuhqnaut, one of my young men, to see whether the Big Cat is ready to send runners to Fort Jefferson. The next day they got back again, and told me the Delawares are nearly ready, but waiting for their spies – as soon as they return then they will send.

On the 14th of the inst. an Alarming Voice reached us that the Big knifes had come down, about one days walk, this side the fort, and have killed three of the Delawares.

I was now obliged to use my utmost endeavours to convince the Chiefs respecting the morderation of the United States. Thier chief arguments, and mine, I shall mention afterwards. I had many oppurtunities to have talks with many of these people.

In the 18th inst. the Shawanese, Miamies, out cast Cherekees, Delawares, held great frolick, according to the old Custom of Shawannese. In the 22 inst. then the frolic is ended. Captain Pipe having brought a written Message of the United States, which was brought to him at the rapids, and delivered to Puckonchehluh the great heroe, for which they met together in a council. And Puckonehdiluh delivered the same to the Head Warriors of Shawannese and said I deliver this Message to you for you to consider. The Big knifes wished to know by whose means this war began; and I wished to hear your voice. If you will not speak, then I will. Then the Shawannese began to talk among themselves — at last they exposd their father, the British, in the following words.

A few years ago the English, in a Council, delivered the following speech to us. My children, attend. I have seen that the Big knifes have taken all your living, all your lands, and that for nothing.

Children —

I now advise you to look out sharp, and do this— go upon your lands, and if you see horses or cattle, catch them and bring them to me, and I will buy them of you, and pay in money, goods or in rum, that you may have some benefit of your lands, and further, you may cut a piece of the flesh of the Big knifes, or take prisiners and bring them to me, &c. the speaker says, I could show the warnpom of this speech — then says he, this speech induced me to do what I have done these several years past— After this, then they disperse.

In these days some these nations seemed much stupified by reason of a thousand stories. By this time the hostile party begin to lift up their heads, &c.

The Delawares hold Councils — the Heroes met by themselves — and the Sachems by themselves, in order to bring their opinions together; the Business under their consideration is— the Message which Captain Pipe has brought and delivered to them. At last 1 ask some of the Chiefs whether they understand what the Message contains, they say no, then I ask where is the Message, they told me it is in the hands of Shawannese, then they begin to find fault in leting the Shawannese take the message; and one of the Sachems said I will fetch the Message to-morrow morning — then our Grandchildren will read the same for us. The next day, the 26 of the inst. he went to fetch the Message, but come back again without it, for the Shawannese had sent the same to Wapomshawuh or M’Kee, at the rapids, two days ago, but it will be brought back in two days time.

This Colonel M’Eee is half Shawanny, and the other British, exceeding good instrument for the British, &c.

On the 28th inst .Wunummon or Vermillion, a Heroe, come to us, and told us that the Head warriors again held a council yesterday; that they speak of many things, and that they are sensible of this — that they could not maintain a war with the United States, and further say they, we ourselves have been in war — and we have a right to comply for peace — and here is our friends — we will let them know our determinations, and they can help us to make peace, for they are well acquainted with the ways of white people — and many other things they mentioned, &c.

On the 29th, to-day I sent Captain David with a runnerbto see Big Cat, and to hear what they will do with regard of sending runners with information to Fort Jefferson, &c. The sixty warriors of Wyondots arrived yesterday.

At this time the Sachem, Tautpuhqtheet, come to our quarters, and informd me that Simon Girty arrived yesterday from the rapids — that Colonel M’Kee has sent word that these nations may go down to get provisions; and he sent word that I should go down and see him. But I said, as I have not seen any token or Message in strings of wampom, or writing, nor Tobaco, I will not go— I am not to regard emty messages, &c.

I heard that the Seven Nations of Canada arrived at the rapids; but the Five Nations are not arrived yet, &c.

My Younger brothers, the Shawannese, are much stupified since last war, they are become very foolish and obstinate, and are very high for war. My Grandchildren, the Miamies likewise — The back Nations look at them with a jealous eyen— Indeed, some of my friends have told me that the back Nations wished to see the Shawannese a one side by themselves, that they may fall upon them; and have washed their kittles to boil the Shawannese, so as to have good broth, &c.

On the first of September the Shawanese call a councili and they did meet the Delawares, Shawannese, Miamies, out cast Cherokees, Monthees, Wenuhtokowuk, Euhnauwautheew, and Wyondots. Then the Shawannese delivered a Speech to the Wyondots. The substance of his speech is this: —

It would be best for the Confederacy to wait a few days longer, when all the back Nations arrives, then we shall be able to do some Business. After this, then they disperse. Previous to this council I gave orders to my friend, Captain Vermilion, (who understands the Wyondots and other languages,) to attend closely, &c

On the 3d I went up to Big Cat’s Village with one of my young man, to see whether they had got ready to send runners with mine to Fort Jefferson, as it was agreed — arrived there about middle afternoon. Then my uncle, Pohquonnoppeet, sent his boy for Big Cat, and in few minutes he come in and happy to see us, and he immediately began to relate to us many things, which took up the whole after noon, and when he ended, then 1 begin to speak upon the Subject which I repeatly mentiond to them. Then he says we are ready, and we must do that business to-morrow. In this evening my friend Wenummon or Vermilion arrived from the Forks, and deliverd the following report to us: —

After the chiefs dispersed from the Council, (which was the 1st of September,) the Wyondots invited me to their camp, and there they informed me that they did not come to attend the Voice of Shawannese. But as we were passing by their town they said to us, here you must stay-— But our intention was to go to our nephews, the Delawares, for we wished to hear their sentiments. But as for the voice of Shawannese, I put it under my feet, I do not regarded it.

And further says the Head Warrior of Wyondots— our Sachems have met with the Sachems of Chepawas, Ottawas, and Potawautommees, and in a council opened the strings and belt, the Message of the U. S. in order to manifest their minds to each other. And I myself speak, (says the Head warrior,) to my Sachems, in these words: —

Although I love to do evil things, am a mischevous man, yet since I heard such a good Message I immediately put away my tomhawk, and take hold this good Message with both hands, for I never had such a pure Message from the Big knifes. I am sure that you my Sachems will be glad to take hold of it likewise, &c But before these great Sachems come to conclusion, to our surprise, an alarming Voice reached to our ears — that the Big knifes are on their march to fall upon the nations at the Forks, and have killed three of the Delawares.

Then the great Sachems says, we will cover this belt and strings in a blanket. They say to us, you the Head warriors and young men must now exert yourselves, and go see your friends at the Forks, and there you will find whether this terrible Voice is realy true, &c. Then the Head Warriors also say to their Sachems, you the Sachems likewise must exert yourselves to consider this pleasant Message, &c.

On the 4th inst. early morning, the chiefs sent for us. Then we went and met them in a council at the bouse of Big Cat; and before we proceed on the business mentioned yesterday, we inform’d our Grandfathers the report of Captain Vermilion. Then the Chiefs and Heroes talk among themselves, and conclude to send Vermilion back again at the Forks, to inform the Wyondots what were the sentiments of Delawares, on the following words: —

Uncles —

You have wished to hear our sentiments, now attend. I find that it is best for our nations to send information to the great man of the United Sachems at the first fort. I say, inform him that we have received their Good Message of peace, and that we have forwarded it to the back Nations, and that we expect these nations in a few days, and that the sachems will meet him after we are all agreed, that he may lengthen his patience, and that he may hold fast the hostile Big knifes, &c.

Then Vermilion set out for the Forks, and he is to return to-morrow, and he is orderd to tell the Head Warriors of Wyondots, that if they are not satisfied after hearing this proposal, then they must come, and they shall hear plainer, &c.

In the morning of the 5th, about 10 clock, he, the Vermilion, got back again and said— although the Wyondots are well satisfied in bearing — yet they propose to come today, but they did not arrive untill the sun about one hour high. Then the Heroe, Puckunchehluh, informd the Wyondots that they could not do any business untill to-morrow. The Chiefs agreed how to deliver their sentiments. My uncle, Pohquonnoppeet, was well acquainted with the language of Wyondots — they appointed him to deliver their sentiments. Accordingly the next morning we met together in a council, and Pohquonnoppeet, the Sachem, speak for the Delawares, as he did many times; it was the same speech which was sent by Vermilion — But these words were added to it —


You now again hear my sentiments, and you are nearly concemd in these things, and you must now manifest your minds whether you approve of our design or not — whether you would likewise put your voice with ours, in sending information to fort Jefferson or not — and you must not only think I will hear my nephews, but you must exert yourselves and do the work for it belongs to you &c. Then the Heroes of Wyondots began to speak by themselves-— some of them said let us do the same, some others say we had better go back first, may be by this time some of our Sachems are arrived, let us inform them first what we are about to do &c.

Then they reply —

Nephew —

We are very happy to hear your sentiments, we will return to our quarters at the Forks, and we will be here again after two nights, then we will manifest our sentiments to you &c. Then they set out five in number.

Then my Grandfathers said to us —


We will put off our business untill the Wyondots manifest their opinions, for undoubtly they will speak in conjunction with us. Then you my Grandchild must be here with OS, and write our speech to the great man at fort Jefferson. Then we also went back to our quarters at the Forks, and after two nights were expired I found that the Wyondots are not gone yet. But on the 10th inst. we went up to attend the proposed council — arrived there in the evening— and the next day some the chiefs come to our quarters at the house of Pohquonnoppeet — Then they informd me how the Wyondots have sent a message to them three days ago. The substance of their message is this —


We could not agree with your plan of sending a message to the Big knifes; because many nations are on their way coming; if they should hear that you have sent message and have shaken hands with the Big knifes, they would be displeased and would not come. At the same time nephew I sent our Tobaco to reach your hand and lead you here, for we wish to hear you further— and the Seven Nations arrived here yesterday — for that reason also we wish you to be here.

Our Grandfathers having been informed how that Simon Girty artfully led astray some the Head Warriors of Wyondots, also some of the Delawares — he had been acting like one of the Emisarys of the evil spirit — he advised them to contradict the sentiments of these chiefs, and put reasons in their mind to use why they could not agree. Accordingly, the Wyondots did not come as they promised, but sent one of the Delawares to deliver their Message. Then says the speaker, Our Head warrior Puckonchehluh, after hearing these things, got up and began to reply, and sent the following answer —

Uncles —

I shall not go according to the invitation you sent; for why should you wish to hear me further? Seeing you did not regard my good sentiments — surely I will not say any thing further to you — But Wyondots, English, and the Five Nations, must now deeply consider. You gave me the tomhawk — You laid the foundation of our ruin — now you are setting still, as soon as you hear me speaking something of peace you are displeased. Why — because you live in a safe place — yonder. You use me as your front door, now let us exchange our seats, let me live or set yonder, and you set here as my front door see whether you would not rejoice to hear the offers of peace. And further, what is the reason you did not come according to your promise? I think it is for guilt, and you may depend upon it that I do not wish to hear the advise of Simon Girty, the White man, nor any of my nation who resides at the Forks, for they must not speak for the Wyondots &c. Then Pohquonnoppeet got up and said — We have heard strange things from the Forks — I have brought Simon Girty and his brothers from Ohio — had I thought then, that this Simon, my prisioner or any of them, would hearafter creep about like a serpent to led poor Indians astray, by giving bad advise, and oppose the chiefs, and overthrow good things, I say had I thought this, I would in a moment knock their heads all to pieces, and would by no means suffer them to come among us, &c. After this then they dismiss the Messager of Wyondots.

The Wyondots were divided one part of them held the opinion of Delawares.

On the 12th of September a Message of Colonel M^Kee brought at the Forks, which he sent by his son and nephew from the rapids, was interpreted in the language of Shawanny. The substance of it is this.

My friends who resides at the Forks attend-— –

You seem to begin to be weary of doing your business — but I now exhort you to consider seriously what is best for you and your children.

My friends —

I now gave you a caution — there is Muhheconneew talking continually among you at the Forks. Do not mind what he says, for he is sent by the Big knifes. If you do believe him, then you will be a miserable people, for then you will forfeit every thing — if the Muhheconneew had business other than from the Big knifes, we could have heard it &c

My friends—

I am coming, I shall now assist you, as I have promised three years ago. I did say at that time, that whatever the great King directed that I will do; now I have received his orders, every thing is ready for you, guns and amunition, and cloathing, that you may stand strong against your enemies.

Then I said to my friends, that I could convince M’Kee that I have a lawful Business with you here—- which his Masters will not forbid.

On the 13th Brant’s messengers arrived, eleven in number. The Head of them called Tawalooth.

On the 17th inst, this Tawalooth, Brant’s nephew, and now messenger, delivered a speech in a council. He informd the Shawannese and others that he is now come with ten men to assist these nations in war &c.

Then he delivered Brant’s Message to these Nations.

The substance of it is this.

My friends of the whole Confederate nations, who has one colar, attend —

I now send my voice to you, to let you know that I have wonderfully got thro from here to Congress and back again. I am much concernd for you but am lame and could not go at present — but will go and see you as soon as may be.

My friends —

I now tell you do not believe what Message the Muhheconneew brought to you, neither believe what he says, if you do you will be greatly deceived. I have myself seen Washington, and see his heart and bowels; and be declared that he claims from the mouth of Miamie to the head of it — thence to the head of Wabash river, and down the same to the mouth of it; and that he did take up dust, and did declare that he would not restore so much dust to the Indians, but he is willing to have peace with the Indians,&c.

Previous to this, M’Kee had informed the Indians that he received a letter from Captain Brant In this letter says M’Kee, Brant enquird of me, whether it is safe for him to come among you. Then I sent answer to let him know that it was my opinion there is no danger.

Brant as it were felt guilty for going alone to Congresf, contrary to what he recommended to those nations, that no individual nation or person should go to speak to the Big knifes, that if any do this, they or he must be abandoned.

This Tawalooth could speak the Shawany tongue, also some other languages, and he told many lies against us. Among other things he told the Indians that Muhheoonneew have sent letters to the Big knifes, to inform them that they have gained the attention of so many Nations-— that the Big knifes may now come and fall upon these Indians unexpectedly. This he told to frustrate peace and that we may be hated or killed. He is a proper Liar or Emmissary of the Devil. He did hurt the feelings of many Indians, and greatly hurt the Message of the U. S. by delivering his uncle’s Message, and by his own artful lies.

The different nations are exceeding slow about coming to attend a Grand Council proposed last winter, although they were hastened last spring; but they put it off untill green corn was fit to roast.  At this time there are only about one hundred and fifty, of four nations, Wyondots, Ottawas, Chepawas, and of Potawatommees.

September 18th. — By this time the war party are very high and dispute with the party for peace and that almost every day. Vermilion told me the substance of the depate between two Heroes which was passed yesterday. The one is for peace and the other for war. One say, it would be good thing if we could have peace — the other said it would be a brave and good thing for us to maintain war and defend our country — then says the other it would be exceeding folly for us to have war longer. Then the other says, because you are a coward that is the reason you speak of peace. Then the other says, I am not a coward as you are, but I am sensible that war will never do us good; you do not consider, but according to your foolishness so you speak; you do not remember how you almost eat your own dung this summer for reason of war. Then the other did not say a word again but went out.

On the 24th of the inst. one hundred of the Indians went back again after hearing the Shawannese talking of so much for war, before the council begins — all the Ottawas, Chepawas, and Potawatommees, but they left two or three out of each nation to attend the council; and many other Indians have left this place and have stolen many horses from Shawannese and from other Indians.

On the 27th inst. Hopaukun or Pipe arrived from the rapids and told us that the Senacas, or Five Nations arrived there a few days ago — there they hold a Council with us, says Pipe. Then on 28th, our Grandfathers invited us to attend a council with them. Then we met them — the Delawares, Monthees, Wenuhtkowuk, Kuhnauwautheew, five Nations of us called Eastern nations or Wauponnuhk. Then the Sachem Pipe got up and said we all present. Then he began to relate what councils they have had with the Senacas, and he repeat all their speech and show the strings which the Five Nations used. The substance of their speech is this — the first, to wipe of tears &c. — and the second, manifest grievences for an account of the unhappy situation of Indians by means of white people, &c.— and the third, to remind their Nephews the hapiness they enjoyd once by the means of their ancient Sachems, but now their eyes look as if they had been drunk, &c. — and the fourth speech is, to take off the Tomhawhawk from the head of Monthees, &c. After this says Pipe we then gave them answer &c. Then the Senacas deliverd two speeches in belts — the first is, to poll out great Pine tree, and thro their tomhawk, which they just now take from the head of their Nephew, in the hole and then set the Pine tree again, and then are to plant good tree, &c. and the second belt is an exhortation &c. At this time the Five Nations arrived at the Forks.

On the 30th of September, then the grand Council be*gan. We all the eastern tribes went together on single file to attend the Council at Shawanny village. We meet with the Shawannese, Miamies, out cast Cherekees, and did speak to the Five Nations. They concluded to deliver a smart speech to them on the morrow. For they look upon the Five Nations and the English as the means of this unhappy war: (says they,) the English and the Five Nations did lay a foundation for our ruin. They gave us the tomhawk, and the English are at the bottom of this war ever since — and it would be all right for to throw the hatchet back to the English and to the Five Nations, that the English and Five Nations must settle all the difficulties with the Big knifes. But we must retain all our lands just as much as before the war. Let English and Five Nations lose their lands &c.

Accordingly in the morning of the first day of October, we went to attend the council in the same manner as before. We went in one body to show that we have been in good friendship this great length of time, &c. After we arrived at the council fire we meet the Shawannese, Miamies, out cast Cherekees, and few of the Ottawas and Wyondotsi and two or three of the Potawatommees, and two or three of the Chepawas. Then the Shawany Heroes got up and said let us now march to the camp of the Five Nations, there we will have a council with them, and drive away their minds. Then we set out about five hundred of us, on a single file, to the camp of the Senacas. But these nations now agreed not to deliver the smart speech proposed yesterday, but to wait asoon as the Five Nation speak amiss this smart speech shall be delivered to them, &c.

Then the Shawanny warrior began to address the Five Nations — first to wipe off the tears &c.-— the second speech to demand the whole minds of the Five Nation — the third speech is, to remind them of the ancient fire that they ought to have kept. Then the council adjourned till to-morrow at which time the Senacas are to manifest their whole minds.

On the 2d of the inst. rains very hard which prevents this Council, but on the 4th we met again in council. But before the Five Nations deliver their minds, I privately advised my friend the Red Jacket, to tell these nations that they ought to speak to the Big knifes for peace &c. But before they the Five Nations speak, the Shawannese speak again, to remind the Five Nations of their speech four years ago, how that the Five Nations then exhort and press these nations to unite with all the Shoutherm and Northern Nations &c. Then the speaker produce large bunch of wampom in strings and two belts, which strings and belts the southern and northern Tribes have sent as a token of complying with the Union. Look on these says the speaker we have done our work. Then he says to the Five Nations, I suppose you likewise have done great deal of work towards establishing this Union in these four years past: and further, says he. You the Five Nations must now take hold the hands of these whose speeches I now have in my hand, &c.— and likewise he showd the Pipe of the Northern nations, which was sent here since we come, &c. Then the speaker says this Pipe will be sent back again immediately after you manifest your sentiments; three of the Muskowuk here present will also go back to the southward.

Then the Head warrior, Puckonchehluh,got up and speak to the Five Nations.


You have heard how we have done our part towards establishing our Union— you also have seen the wampom and the pipe— by this you have seen that we have kept your speeches which you delivered to us four years past.


In our publick council you tell us, we whose are one colar, now have one heart and one head. If any Nation strikes us, we must all feel it. Now you must consider whether this is true what you told us. This all I got to say.

Then the Senaca Chief, (named Red Jacket,) speak and rehearsed what has been said to them, and thanked these nations for it. Then says he the day is far spend, therefore you must come again early to-morrow morning, then I shall speak, &c. This evening my brother Captain Vermilion came to our camp, and told me that he had seen Colonel M’Kee, and that M’Kee inquired where I was, and I told him in such a place; then says M’Kee I wish that you would tell him that I wish he would not think hard of me for the stories he heard, for how can I do such a thing when I know that Muhheconneew come here upon a good business, therefore whoever tells that Story is a Liar &c.

On the 5th, then we met again in a council. Then the five Nations began to speak, and manifest their minds, and take the strings of wampom, and said, our forefathers use to take pains to promote the happiness of their children, and we must imitate their Customs. But in these days we are much altered. Our Sachems used to set before the Head warriors, but now you set before your Sachems. (The Shawannese have set up such custom that the Chief Warriors should be foremost in doing business.) Now let year Sachems set before you — for they are the proper managers of publick afiairs — they will seek the welfare of your children.

And further. When the white people first arrived in this country they were friendly to our ancestors, and they use to purchase land of them. At length they would demand so much land — and our forefathers used to grant it. At last these whites parted and quarrel. The Americans then advise us not to join either side, but set still mind our own affairs, and they then give us a caution that if we do contrary to this advise we shall forfeit our lands. But soon after this advise we put ourselves on the British side, and few days after, the English was thrown down. Then the Big knifes cut off our lands.

Brothers and Nephews —

As you have demanded the whole of our minds, do then attend. Let us speak to the Big knifes for peace; for it appears to us, that there are not many difficulties to make peace: for this reason, every time the Big knifes come to fight against you, you throw them down. If they had thrown you down as you did to them, then it would be difficult to make peace with them.

Several strings of wampom delivered.

Again Red Jacket got up and said, our ancestors did build a fire yonder; but the Big knifes have put it out, and we the Five Nations kindle this fire now again, the smoake of which will rise upward.

A little belt delivered.

Then the Seven Nations of Canada began to speak. The chief got up and wipe the tears of these Nations, &c.

Strings delivered.

Then he proceeded further, with a large belt, on the following words.

Brothers of the Confederacy —

Hear me — I am to speak again. The Warriors of seven Nations speak to you the Head warriors of different nations. I am a warrior myself. Our forefathers used to hear each other, and they used to exert themselves to promote their welfare, and have fixed rules for us.

Now attend —

Since I come I perceive that you set contrary the rules of our ancestors — you put yourselves in the foremost, and your Sachems behind; which we the warriors of Canada, will not do, but will always set our Sachems in front. Whatever they conclude to be for our general good, we’ll submit. Now do let your sachems set before you, and let them go on with the business, for they had a compassionate feeling for you, and if they could not do any thing then you may stir.

One large belt delivered.

Again the speaker took up another belt, on the following words.

Brothers —

Sachems of the seven N. speak to you, the Sachems of different Tribes. We exhort you to take up your seats and your business. Let all of us speak to the Big Knifes for peace, and if they refuse to make peace with us, then no white people or Nation could blame us if we then all of us strike them. The Great Spirit is beholding of us &c.

Second belt is deliverd.

Again he takes up another belt

And we the Heroes of the Seven Nations, now speak again — to let you know that we will not do contrary to the conclusions of our Sachems. And further if our Sachems could not obtain their desires, then we shall rise up and take up our Tomhawk to strike the Big knifes, &c.

Third belt deliverd.

Then he took up another belt, and mentioned a particular Nation of the seven — who repeats the words, that if the Sachems could not prevail, so as to have peace, he will rise and take up the hatchet, and strike the Big knifes, &c.

Fourth belt deliverd.

Again he takes up another belt, and mentioned another particular Nation of the same confederacy—- that if the sachems could not obtain their desire, then I will rise with my warriors to strike the Big knifes, &c.

Fifth belt deliverd.

Then he takes up another belt, the speech of another particular nation of the seven, with the same resolution that if the Sachems could not obtain their desire, &c.

Sixth belt deliverd.

Then he take up another belt, the resolution and delaration of another particular Tribe of the seven– that if the sachems, &c.

Seventh belt deliverd.

Then he takes up another large white belt of beeds, to answer the Message of Muskoo Nation, on the following words. All what you desire in your speech, respecting our Union, we the Seven Nations, do comply with it. But you cannot see us this time, but hearafter we will see one another. There are twenty-five towns of us who receive your proposals, &c.

Eighth belt delivered.

Then he takes up another belt of a other northern Nation, to answer the Muskoo, for the same purpose, &c.

Ninth belt deliver.

Then he take few strings of wampom, and speak on the following words.

Brothers of the different Nations. You have heard the voice of the Seven Nations, which I now fasten &c.

Strings deliverd.

The 6th inst. we met in council. The Shawanny Chief began to speak to the Seven Nations of Canada. The substance of the answer is, that they were very glad to hear the voice of the Seven Nations, &c. But they did not say we will do what you propose to us.

Few strings of Wampom deliverd.

Then they began with the Five Nations, with a malicious Voice, and again asked the Five Nations what was their business with the white people these several years &c. Then the Senacas said, you the Shawannese well know our business with the white people. Eight years ago, you were present, and since that, the business we had with Americans is this; here take it and view it. The speaker then delivered a tin case, which contained a map and all the speeches of Colonel Pickering delivered to the Senacas at Philada. After this then we all disperse.

Then we did not met together untill the 9th inst. — few of them met in council. Then the Shawannese deliverd a speech to the Five Nations. The substance of it is this. We have acquainted you of our Business with the western nations. Now you may return home, and tell your white people all what you have heard. And be it known to you that we could not speak to the Big knifes at the forts for in those places is blood. The United States have laid these troubles, and they can remove these troubles. And if they take away all their forts and move back to the ancient line, then we will believe that they mean to have peace, and that Washington is a great man— then we may meet the U. S. at Sandusky, or kausaumuhtuk, next spring.

Few strings deliverd.

Then the Senacas, Onondacas, Cayocas, heartily thankd Shawanese, and others, for this harsh proposal, &c.

The 11th inst. the Shawanese and Wyondots, and few other indivituals met in a private Council, and obstinately declared for war. At that time most of the Senecas had set out homewards. In the evening Captain Brant arrived, at which time the general Councils is already broke up.

On the 12th inst. Brant relates all his proceedings since last winter. At this time I saw the warriors of Shawanese and Wyondots divide amunition, which Colonel M’Kee sent to them. Then I see them set out for war.

On the 14th Brant went back again to the rapids, &c.

This day some of the Shawannese set out for Muskoo country, &c.

On the 15th some of the hostile Delawares set out to see what the Shawannese will do at the forts, and Nine of the Mohawks.

The whole of the war party who went out, are about two hundred men.

My friends who are for peace, have sometime ago declared, that if treaty could not take place this fall, yet they will send their voice to the U. S. that the U. S. may know what were the obsticles in the path of peace.

On the 18th inst. Big Cat and some of his heroes came to us by order of the Council, to desire me to write their speech to the U. S. Then the Sachem begins on the following words.

Although we well know that Shawannese and Wyondots do not speak from the heart to the Five Nation respecting a treaty next spring, yet we who are for peace will bring them to it, &c

Then he begin to deliver their message to the U.S. which I have put in other paper, &c.

The substance of a message to the U. S. delivered by Mkhequeh Posees, or Big Cat, Sachem of Wenaumie or Delaware.

Brothers attend—-

We speak to you and to acquaint you that your good Message was deliverd to us last summer by our friends of Muhheconnuk, and also to acquaint you what were the reasons that we could not meet your great man.

You may remember that you have some people among you who have and will oppose the work of peace. We likewise unavoidably have such. In your Message you have told us that you have some doubts with regard of your Messengers of peace, whether they reachd to us, that we may hear your voice of peace.

Brothers —

You have a reason to doubt, for we have among us, foolish and obstinate young men— of such, went out early last spring to hunt, and come cross your Messengers, and have killed them; it was not out of our desire nor Custom to kill such —

Brothers —

When we heard your Message of peace, it gladen our hearts, and did take a hold of it immediately; then we exhort our sachems to forwarded to the Wyondots first and to the greater Nations, (to wit) the Ottawas, Chepawas,and Potawatommees, who we knew would glad to hear such Message, and would readily accepted; our intention was this, that the Message should go around to these greater nations, and that it will come to us with these nations (at the Forks.) Then we was to repeat and declare that we have received such Message and did taken hold of it (that is, we so many nations comply with it.) Then the Shawannese would oblige to submit. Then we was to send an escort to fort Jefferson to make our conclusions known.

Our Sachems without any delay did forward the Message to the abovementioned nations and they the Wyondots, sent runners to invite the Sachems and Head warriors of Ottawas, Chepawas, and Potawatommees, to meet such a place, at the same time gave them notice that they have received such a Message of the U. S. for which they must meet together. According to this invitation, the Sachems of these nations meet in council for the good Message. But before they come to conclusion, an alarming voice reachd their ears that the Big knifes come on their way to fight against the nations, and have killed three of the Delawares, who went to see whether it was true that the Big knifes are come.

Brothers —

This terrible voice was the first reason or obsticle for which the war party have occasion to oppose the work of peace, and for which the Sachems and Head warriors of the four nations cover the Belt in a blanket.


The second reason is this, that before we could remove the first obsticle, the voice of the Five Nations reached our ears, and did not speak agreeable to your good Message, which strengthen the arguments of the enticers to war.

Brothers —

The third reason is this, that immediately after the second reason, the Message of Brant reachd to our ears by his Nephew. A Prohibitory and Cautionary Message that the Confederacy should not listen nor believe what Message, the Muhheconneew brought neither to what he say, for if you do believe, you will be greatly deceived. And further says he, I have seen the great men of the U. S.— they speak good words to Muhheconnuk, but they did not speak so well to the Five Nations, and they speak contrary to the Big knifes, that the Big knifes may prepare for war and fall upon the Indians unawares; and the Presidend of the U. S. did declare that he claim from the mouth of Miamie river on Lake Erie to its head from thence to the head of Wabash river, and down the same to the mouth of it, and that he will by no means restored to the Indians.

Brothers —

The fourth reason is, that by our spies we do understand that the Big knifes does truely preparing for war, and have strengthen the fort Jefferson.

Brothers —

The fifth reason is, that Col. M’Kee’s son brought a letter from Detroit. That one of the Americans arrived there with an intelligence that the Big knifes have brought a large quantity of Goods and Liquors in the forts, which they will send with the army, and that before they will come to battle against the Indians they will put a Poison in the Goods and Liquors, and that after a little fight they will retreat and leave the Goods and Liquors, by which means many of the Indians will die.

Brothers —

These are the principal reasons or obsticles which enrage the hostile party, and when we come to Debate their arguments are stand in force, and we could not convince them otherwise.

Brothers —

Now the matter is laid before you; if you discourage we will also discouraged; but if you will lengthen your patience, and manifest your power in withdrawing the Big knifes from the forts which stands on our land — then repeat your Message of peace to us. Then we will arise immediately, and exert ourselves to promote peace. Then we can assure the back nations that you have a power to govern the hostile Big knifes, and that you mean to have peace. Then the back nations will never regard the voice of these hostile Nations here. Then the war party will be speechless.

As I have propose to mention — The complaints or arguments of these Indians, and my arguments to convince them in several times, I will now put down.

First principal thing they argue is this— that the white people are deceitful in their dealings with us the Indians; (says they) The white people have taken all our lands from us, from time to time, until this time, and that they will continue the same way, &c. Then I reply and say it has been too much so, because these white people was governed by one Law, the Law of the great King of England; and by that Law they could hold our lands, in spite of our disatisfaction; and we were too fond of their liquors. But now they have new Laws their own, and by these Laws Indians cannot be deceived as usual, &c. And they say, but these Big knifes have take away our lands since they have their own way. And then I tell them, for this very reason the United Sachems invite you to treat with them that you may settle these dificulties — for how can these dificulties settled without you treat with them?

Another thing they mention — says they, the Big knifes have used learning to Civilize Indians; and after they Christianize number of them so as to gain their attention, then they would killed them, and have killed of such 96 in one day at Cosuhkeck, few years ago.

Another instance they mention — that one of the Chiefs of Shawany was friendly to the Big knifes, and Big knifes gave him a flag, that where ever the chief should come a cross the Big knifes, he is to hoist up this flag, then they will meet together in peace. But soon after this agreement was made, the Big knifes came in the town of this Chief; some of the Indians could not trust the Big knifes and run off; but the Chief have such confidence in the words of the Big knifes he hoisted up his flag; but the Big knifes did not regarded, but killed the Chief and number of his friends.

Another instance they mention — that some of the Delawares was with the Big knifes on the service of Americans; but afterward the Big knifes have fall upon them and have killed number of them &c. And since that, every time the Big knifes get ready to come against us, they would sent message to us for peace— then they come to fight us— -and they know how to speak good, but would not do good towards Indians &c.

Then I tell them I very sorry to hear these things. If the great men of the United States have the like principal or disposition as the Big knifes had, My nation and other Indians in the East would been along ago anihilated. But they are not so, Especially since they have their Liberty— they begin with new things, and now they endeavour to lift us up the Indians from the ground, that we may stand up and walk ourselves; because we the Indians, hitherto have lay flat as it were on the ground, by which we could not see great way; but if we could stand then we could see some distance. The United States in seeing our situation they put their hands on us, and lead us in the means of Life untill we could stand and walk as they are. But on the other hand, the British seeing the Indians in their situation, they would just cover them with blanket and shirt every fall, and the Indians feel themselves warm, and esteem that usage very high— therefore they remain as it were on the ground and could not see great way these many years, &c.

And further I told them, the United Sachems will not speak wrong. Whatever they promise to Indians they will perform. Because out of 30,000 men, they chuse one men to attend in their great Council Fire — and such men must be very honest and wise, and they will do Justice to all people &c. In this way of converseing with them repeatly make them willing to hear further.

Another thing they urge that the United States could not govern the hostile Big knifes— and that they the Big knifes, will always have war with the Indians. If the United States could govern them, then the peace could stand sure. But the Big knifes are independent, and if we have peace with them, they would make slaves of us.

Then I told them, the reason the Big knifes are so bad, is this because they have run away from their own country of different States, because they were very mischivous, such as theives and robbers and murderes — and their laws are so strict these people could not live there without being often punished; therefore they run off in this contry and become lawless. They have lived such a distance from the United States, that in these several years the Law could not reached them because they would run in the woods, and no body could find them. But at length the people of the United States settle among them, and the Law now binds them; and if they would endeavour to run in the woods as usual, you would then have chance to knock their heads and they know this, therefore they oblige to set still, &c.

And further (says I,) we the Indians have such people also; for instance, here is Kuttoohwoh, or Cherekes; they could not live among their own people in their own Contry, because they have strict Laws, so that if any steals, he must be whipt immediately ; and if any commit adultery his ears will be cut off; and if any murders he will be instandly killed, &c. In all my arguments with these Indians, I have as it were oblige to say nothing with regard of the conduct of Yorkers, how they cheat my fathers, how they taken our lands Unjustly, and how my fathers were groaning as it were to their graves, in loseing their lands for nothing, although they were faithful friends to the Whites; and how the white people artfully got their Deeds confirm in their Laws, &c. I say had I mention these things to the Indians, it would agravate their prejudices against all white people, &c.

And here I will also mention the substance of my speech to these Nations, deliverd immediately after Brant’s Prohibitory and Cautionary Message delivered. And after the Indians been informd by some Emmissaries, that I and my Companions were sent by the Big knifes to number the Indians, and was to return again with the information, that the White people may judge how many men will be sufficient to fall upon the Indians, &c.

I begin with these words:—

Grandfathers — and Brothers — and friends — attend—-

As we have acquaint to each other many things, and as we have agreed that we would set together in council to manifest our sentiments to each other, I will now speak. We have heard various reports of many birds, for which occasion I will now speak. The Prohibitory Voice of the Mohawks has reachd your ears, that you should not believe the Message I deliver to you, nor to what I say, that I was to deceive you, &c.

My Grandfathers Brothers and friends —

Let us consider the meaning of this Brant’s Message — by the sound of it, he point at me as a deceiver or roag, that every nation must be warned. But let us now look back in the path of our forefathers, and see whether you can find one single instance wherein, or how my ancestors or myself have deceived you, or led you one step astray. I say Let us look narrowly, to see whether you can find one bone of yours lay on the ground, by means of my deceitfulness, and I now declare that you cannot found such instance. And further, you may reflect, and see wherein I have speak deceitfully since I come here, that Mohawks should have occasion to stop your ears. But you look back and see heaps of your bones, wherein the Mauquas have deceived you repeatly. I think I could have good reason to tell you not to believe the Message or words of the Mohawks, for they will deceive you greatly as Usual — but I forbear.

Another information reached your ears, that I and my men were sent on purpose to number your nations &c. This also is a Dark Lye, for if you only consider whether I ever ask any of you how many warriors have you, you could easyly know whether I was sent on this Business.

My friends —

I now tell you that the white people well knew your numbers not only your warriors, but your women and children too. (How come they know you would say) because in every fall you gave your numbers to the whites therefore they knew it. Now consider, and think whether there is any need on the part of the Whites to sent me to number your nations, &c.

Six strings of wampom delivered.

After this — then they talk among themselves, and then rehearse my speech and heartily thank me for the same.

And the Sachem of Delaware speak and said —

Grandchild —

It is true all what have said, we could not found any instance wherein your ancestors have deceived our fathers, and we cannot find any fault with your words since you meet us in this country &c. But on the other hand, our Uncles have injured us much these many years; and now after they divided, now they wanted to divide us also. And further, it is true we have gave our numbers to the English every year &c.

I have not mention several speeches with wampom delivered by these Indians to me while I was with them, and my last speech to Shawany &c. and many other affairs.

I now have occasion to say that I have been endeavouring to do my best in the business of peace and according to my best knowledge with regard of the desires of the United States, I have press in the minds of friends in the westward repeatly.

But since I arrived at home I understand that my Character is darkend by envious Indians who stayed but few days in Miamie. But for my conduct I will appeal to the nations whom I had Business with last summer, that is if any of my Brothers should doubt of my faithfulness. But this one thing, every wise men well knew, that to employ an enemy or half friend, will never speak well, &c.

With regard to myself, I think it is easy matter to find out whether I was not faithful with the United States in the late war, and whether I have not been faithful! in the work of peace according to abilities in these near two years. I have as it were sacrifice all my own affairs, and my family, for the sake of peace and this last time have gone from home better than Eleven months, and have gone thro a hazardous journeys, and have sufferd with sickness and hunger, and have left my Counsellors with the nations who are for peace, to promote peace and forward every means of peace while I am absent— not only so but I have been pleading and Justifying the Conduct of these people, for which they were well received at their arrival at Miamie. Not withstand of all this, they brought my Name at Nought. The occasion of my speaking this sort, because of many evil and false reports sounded in the ears of my friends — and I am ready to answer any thing that may be asked respecting to the different Tribes of Indians, &c. —




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