Solar Melodic Embellishment Approach:


Solar Chord Progression

Download or Print Solar – Chord Progression – Bb instruments

Download or Print Solar – Chord Progression – C instruments

Download or Print Solar – Chord Progression – Eb instruments

Download or Print Solar – Chord Progression – Bass Clef instruments


Steps to develop a “melodic embellishment” improvisational approach

(these can be played in or out of time)


  1. Play the melody as if you are reading it off of a lead sheet
  2. Anticipate or delay the phrases of the melody
  3. Play long notes longer and short notes shorter in the melody
  4. Add upper and lower chromatic approach tones to different spots in the melody
  5. Add double chromatic approach tones to the melody
  6. Play some “wrong notes”(esp. on arrival points) and see what sounds you have an affinity for
  7. Play one phrase of the melody and then improvise the next (reverse this too!)
  8. Play 1-3 bars of melody and then improvise in a similar style (reverse this too!)
  9. Play roots of each chord before playing the melody (Sonny Rollins unaccompanied approach) 10. Improvise using the same melodic rhythm but with different notes
  10. Improvise with the same notes, but with different melodic rhythms
  11. Paraphrase the melody in the manner of someone singing s
  12. Play key melodic devices (intervals, rhythm, line shape, etc. ) in different spots of the tune
  13. Combine any/all of these


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A Guide to Exploring Jazz Improvisation - Book 1 Copyright © 2023 by Keith B. Kelly; Eric Rasmussen; and Adam Roberts is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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