Essential Advice from Serrurier Liège

Sadly, even schools sometimes become targets for thieves seeking valuable equipment, sensitive data, or easily resold items. We at Serrurier Liège believe that a little preparation can significantly reduce risks. Here’s our guide specifically focused on safeguarding the valuables within educational institutions.

The Types of Valuables Schools Hold

  • Tech Gear: Laptops, tablets, projectors – these are prime targets for criminals due to their portability and resale value.
  • Sensitive Data: Student records, staff information, or research data, if breached, can have devastating consequences.
  • Science & Art Supplies: Specialized tools, chemicals, or valuable artworks can be tempting to thieves.
  • Cash and Donations: Schools sometimes have safes storing funds from events or donations, needing extra protection.

Our Serrurier Liège Security Tips

  1. Inventory is Key: arsene lupin Serrurier Liège Knowing exactly what you have and its value is the first step to determining the right security level.
  2. Layered Protection:
    • Robust Locks: Strong locks on doors and high-security options for rooms storing valuables are essential.
    • Safes and Lockboxes: Invest in quality safes or secure cabinets for high-value items or cash.
    • Limited Access: Minimize the number of people with keys and access codes for sensitive areas.
  3. Deterrents Matter:
    • Alarms and Cameras: Even modest systems can discourage opportunistic crime. Visible security measures are powerful.
    • Engraving or Marking Gear: Makes items harder to sell and can aid in recovery if stolen.
  4. Tech-Savvy Security:
    • Network Protection: Valuables often mean data. Partner with IT experts (or locksmiths specializing in cybersecurity) to secure your school’s network.
    • Smart Locks with Logs: Track who accesses sensitive rooms and when, providing an audit trail if needed.
  5. Community Awareness:
    • Staff Training: Educate staff on how to store valuables, spot suspicious activity, and understand their role in overall security.
    • Encourage Student Vigilance: Empower students to report lost keys or anything that seems “off,” fostering a sense of shared responsibility.


Are there special locks for storing science lab chemicals or hazardous materials?

Yes! Locksmiths can source locks meeting safety standards for these environments. These might have corrosion resistance or specific features required by regulations.

Can we secure valuables within classrooms that need to remain accessible to students?

Definitely. Options include: lockable cabinets within the room, rolling carts with secure compartments, or even tethering high-value items with specialized cables.

Our school uses many laptops. Should we secure them each night?

Ideally, yes. Dedicated laptop charging stations with built-in locking mechanisms offer convenience and security. At minimum, storing laptops out of sight lessens temptation.

Is it safe to display valuable artwork donated by alumni?

It can be, but requires specialized display cases with tamper-proof locks and possibly reinforced glass. Consider strategic lighting and placement near security cameras as added deterrents.

We have a small budget. What’s the single most impactful security upgrade?

A comprehensive security audit by a reputable locksmith. They pinpoint the weakest links, helping you spend your budget where it will have the most protective effect.


Securing valuables in schools requires a strategic mindset. Understanding the types of assets you have, the specific risks they face, and the range of security solutions available is key. Remember, sometimes the most effective measures are procedural: clear policies on handling equipment, limiting after-hours access, and training staff to be vigilant go a long way in deterring theft.

At Serrurier Liège, we pride ourselves on being security partners to our community’s schools. We believe that every euro invested in prevention saves countless more down the line in lost property, disrupted learning, and shaken trust. Let’s collaborate to make educational environments bastions of both knowledge and security.


Articles Copyright © by Rachel Taylor. All Rights Reserved.

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