4 The Four Categories of Information

As you begin to research sources,  you’ll discover a great deal of information. But not all information is the same in terms of quality and type. You will need to know how to settle on the best sources and the best information to use to support your ideas. But before you learn about the different types of sources you might use, you need to distinguish among the four types or categories of information: fact, opinion, belief, and prejudice.

As you watch the video below, use this chart to keep track of crucial ideas:

The Four Categories of Information


Watch this video and test your knowledge:

Attributions for WikiCommon Images:


  • Salem Witch Trial. Unknown author, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons



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Using Research to Support Scholarly Writing Copyright © 2021 by Matthew Bloom; Christine Jones; Cameron MacElvee; Jeffrey Sanger; and Lori Walk is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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