
1.2 Gramática: Nouns-Gender and Number

1.2 Gramática: Nouns-Gender and Number

A. GENDER: all nouns in Spanish are either masculine or feminine. Since English doesn´t have gendered nouns, it is easy to underestimate the importance of this concept in Spanish. When learning new nouns, always practice them with their gender.
1. Most nouns ending in –o are masculine.

el libro, el carro, el escritorio

2. Nouns that end in a consonant

el lápiz, el reloj, el ordenador

3. Nouns that end in -ma and –pa AND are cognates**

el problema, el sistema, el programa, el fantasma, el mapa

4. Nouns that end in -e*

el ambiente, el timbre, el estante


*There are some exceptions with this group:

Common feminine exceptions: la clase, la noche, la tarde

**Cognates are words that look alike, sound alike, and mean alike in both languages.

Exception: LA mano

1. Most nouns ending in –a are feminine.

la casa, la mesa, la computadora

2. Nouns that end in -ión (the English equivalent is “tion”)

la televisión, la comunicación, la educación, la situación

3. Nouns that end in –ad (the English equivalent is “ty”)

la universidad, la humanidad, la comunidad, la libertad



Exception: EL día




Certain nouns clearly denote a male or a female.
el señor, el hombre, el chico, el estudiante, el perro, el gato la señora, la mujer, la chica, la estudiante, la perra*, la gata*

*People who know that their pet is female will use the feminine form. If the sex of a pet or animal is unknown, the masculine form is typically used.


 partner activity icon ACTIVIDAD #1

En la clase. Work with a partner to guess the gender (el or la) of the following words. Be prepared to share with the class and discuss the meaning of each word.


Article Nouns
celular (móvil)

writing iconACTIVIDAD #2

Write the appropriate definite article for each noun in the first column and an indefinite article for each noun in the second column.

¿el, la, los, las?                                              ¿un, una, unos, unas?

____ señora          ____ poema                  ____ libro         ____ computadoras

____ cuadro          ____ paredes                ____ pluma      ____ ciudad

____ lección          ____ fotos                     ____ mapa       ____ composición

____ clase             ____ universidad         ____ cuadernos    ____ reloj


writing iconACTIVIDAD #3

Oraciones. Form a sentence using HAY,  the given words, and the correct article. Follow the example.

Ejemplo:   Profesora / clase                  Hay una profesora en la clase.

  1. Estudiantes / universidad
  2. Libros / mesa
  3. Cuadernos / silla
  4. Diccionarios / biblioteca
  5. Señora / casa
  6. Chico / clase
  7. Bolígrafos / mochila
Transgender and non-binary individuals
For individuals who identify as male or female, always use the grammatical gender that corresponds to a person´s identity. To ask someone what their pronoun is, ask: “¿Cuál es su pronombre?”  To respond, answer: “Mi pronombre es ____.” Fill in the blank with él (he), ella (she), or another pronoun such as elle (non-gendered, singular). Non-binary pronouns such as elle are newly emergent and may not be widely used or understood.
Spanish, as a highly gendered language, has not yet adapted systematically to account for non-binary identities. There is a movement to use terms such Latinx, although the “x” is not currently used in sentence structure and is not yet widely used outside of the United States. The use of -e endings instead of -o or -a endings or gendered nouns, articles, and adjectives has also emerged from Spanish-speaking communities. While there currently is not a unanimously accepted solution for how to approach gender agreement for non-binary individuals, language evolves alongside the communities that use it to express their life experiences, and this is an ongoing conversation. If you are non-binary, you may choose to initiate a conversation with your instructor to discuss ways that you can use the language to best describe yourself.
Groups are only feminine when every member of the group is female. If one male is present, groups will be identified as masculine.

Friends: two women and one man. La estudiante, el estudiante, los estudiantes

Adapted from: Libro Libre: Beginning Spanish CC BY-NC-SA 4.0



Gramática: Nouns- Gender and Number

B. NUMBER (Singular and Plural)

If a word ends in a vowel (a, e, i, o, u), add -s        If a word ends in a consonant, add es

el reloj

el carro

la silla

la canción

los relojes

los carros

las sillas

las canciones (it loses the accent)

When a word ends in –Z, change the –z by –c and add es.

el lápiz

la luz

el pez

los lápices

las luces

los peces


1. The masculine form is used when the plural refers to two or more nouns
of different genders.


El niño -a boy    la niña- a girl     Los niños a boy and girl
el niño             +               la niña                =     los niños

2. If a word has an accent on the final syllable, the accent goes away
when pluralized.


La comunicación becomes  las comunicaciones
la lección becomes las lecciones

writing iconACTIVIDAD #1

Cambiar. Change the following words to the corresponding plural.

  1. El señor
  2. El lápiz
  3. La lección
  4. La luz
  5. La mujer
  6. El libro
  7. La estudiante

writing iconACTIVIDAD #2

¿un, una, unos, unas? Write the indefinite article and the correspondent noun. Pay attention!  Some are plural.

pencils         Three books                two teachers

1.________________   2. __________________     3. _________________

a clock         two chairstwo chairs       A computer

4. _____________   5.________________  6._______________

writing iconACTIVIDAD #3   ¿Qué hay en el escritorio?

An office with a desk, chair, phone, books, computer, pencils, a door, a window

Fill in the correct indefinite articles [un, una, unos, unas]  for the nouns in the picture.
Note: Hay = there is/there are


1. Hay____ teléfono en el escritorio.

2. Hay____ cuadernos en el estante.

3. Hay____ computadora en el escritorio.

4. Hay ____bolígrafos en el escritorio.

5. Hay ____escritorio.

6. Hay ____silla.

7. Hay____florero (vase).

8. Hay____ ventana (window).


writing iconACTIVIDAD #4

¿Hay o no hay? Express in Spanish the following sentences.

  1. There are two teachers.
  2. There is a map.
  3. ¿Is there a class?
  4. There are some computers in the classroom.
  5. ¿Are there children in the classroom?


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Español 101 Copyright © by Maria Y. Martell and Fabio Correa is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.