
2.4 Gramática: Numbers 101 and higher

2.4 Gramática: Numbers 101 and higher

101 Ciento uno 600 Seiscientos 10.000 Diez mil
200 Doscientos 700 Setecientos 20.000 Veinte mil
300 Trescientos 800 Ochocientos 100.000 Cien mil
400 Cuatrocientos 900 Novecientos 500.000 Quinientos mil
500 Quinientos 1.000 Mil 1.000.000 Un millón

  1. Numbers 100 and Higher

A. Numbers after 100 will need the syllable “TO” added:

Example:      101 = ciento uno     110 = ciento diez

B. The numbers 200 through 999 will be plural and agree in gender with the nouns they modify.

Example:      201 = doscientos uno       340 houses = trescientas cuarenta casas
516 = quinientos dieciséis           862 books =  ochocientos sesenta y dos libros

C. In Spanish, year numbers have a period (.) instead of a comma (,)

Example:     1.998 = Mil novecientos noventa y ocho
                        $10.000 = Diez mil dólares

Foreign Currency

Writing iconACTIVIDAD # 1

Contestar. When did these historical events happen? Write down the years:

  • 1.776 Independence of the USA______________________________________________.
  • 1.810 Independence of Mexico______________________________________________.
  • 1.492 = Christopher Columbus arrived in America______________________________________________.
  • 1.969 = Man landed on the moon______________________________________________.

Writing iconACTIVIDAD # 2

partner activity iconACTIVIDAD # 3

¡Hablemos!  To ask how much a single item costs, say ¿CUÁNTO CUESTA…? For multiple items, use ¿CUÁNTO CUESTAN. . .?  With a partner, practice asking and answering the prices of the following items:

Ejemplo:A computer

Estudiante 1: ¿Cuánto cuesta la computadora?
Estudiante 2:  Cuesta mil doscientos dólares ($ 1.200)









5.  ¿Tu carro? (your car?)  Mi carro cuesta $_______.


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Español 101 Copyright © by Maria Y. Martell and Fabio Correa is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.