
Mosaicos culturales: Las variaciones del español

Mosaicos culturales: Las variaciones del español

There are various factors that make the Spanish language differ from one region or country to another. Most of these variations occur in the vocabulary. Sometimes, there are specific words that may even change their meaning from country to country. The origins of these changes have to do with the influence of indigenous languages of the region or immigration. See the following examples:
Spain Colombia México Argentina English
Chaval Niño, chino Chamaco Pibe Boy
Dinero Plata Lana Guita Money
Maíz Mazorca Elote Choclo Corn
Trabajo Camello Chamba Laburo Job
Guay Chévere Chido, Padre Bárbaro Cool

Y ahora ustedes. . . Can you associate these words with the common name given in each country?

  1. Colectivo (Arg.)                       ___tennis shoes
  2. Cuate (Mex.)                            ___blonde
  3. Zapatillas (Mex.)                     ___friend
  4. Mono (Col.)                             ___public transportation
  5. Pancho (Arg.)                          ___hot dog


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