Chapter 10: Power in Teams and Groups

Learning Objectives

  1. Explain different conceptualizations of power
  2. Describe the relationship between power and oppression
  3. Discuss behaviors associated with high status in a group
  4. Differentiate between the common power bases in groups
  5. Discuss what it means to exercise power ethically

Power lives in relationships, not in people. Given the complexity of group interaction, it’s short-sighted to try to understand group communication without looking at notions of power. Power influences how we interpret the messages of others and determines the extent to which we feel we have the right to speak up and voice our concerns and opinions to others. Power and status are key ways that people exercise influence within groups. In the storming phase of group development, members are likely to engage in more obvious power struggles, but power is constantly at work in our interactions within and outside our group whether we are fully  conscious of it or not. In this chapter, we will define power and discuss its relationship to systems of privilege and oppression and to status within groups. We will also discuss the bases and tactics of power that can operate in groups and teams, as well as the ethical use of power.





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