


State the College Safety emergency phone number

Follow safety rules while in the laboratory

Locate equipment needed to safely work in the laboratory

Clean up after labs properly and thoroughly



Welcome to microbiology! Microorganisms are essential to life on earth. They provide many benefits to our planet and us. Nevertheless, they may cause disease in living organisms. Thus, the study of microbiology laboratory procedures is not without risks. These risks are minimized when you are aware of the rules of laboratory safety and make them a habit. If you regularly follow the rules, you should do well in the lab and enjoy the experience. It is a fascinating world you are about to enter!

Some individuals are at increased risk of infection. These include those with diabetes, undergoing chemotherapy, who are pregnant, taking immunosuppressive drugs (such as corticosteroids), who are HIV positive, and/or those with an autoimmune disease. If you have any reason to suspect you are at higher risk of infection than the average student, you should discuss the situation with your physician and/or your instructor. Perhaps you would be well advised to take the course at another time.


The following rules are basic laboratory safety procedures. READ AND FOLLOW THEM CAREFULLY ALWAYS. Anyone choosing to disregard these rules or who exhibits carelessness that endangers others risks immediate dismissal from the laboratory and withdrawal from the class.

1. Read the lab activities and complete the pre-assessment questions and online pre-lab assignment before you come to lab.  This preparation should enable you to work more efficiently and safely as you need not race through the work due to mistakes made because of lack of planning.

2. You may not bring any personal items into the microbiology lab.

  • Store personal belongings in the lockers outside the microbiology lab.
    • Locker info:
      • To Lock:  Insert personal items, enter 4 digit alpha-numeric code, engage the lock.
      • To unlock:  Enter same 4 digit alpha-numeric code, disengage the lock and remove items.
  • No electronic devices are allowed into the microbiology lab (cell phones, iPads, laptops, smart watches, Fit bits).
  • Use college provided writing utensils and iPads while in the lab classroom.

3.  Do not bring food or drink into the lab. There are shelves and lockers outside the lab door to store your food and drinks. Do not smoke, eat, drink, apply cosmetics or lip balm in the lab. At all times keep your hands and fingers away from your face (especially your eyes and mouth). Do not handle contact lenses. Do not put pens, pencils or the bow of your glasses in your mouth. Do not chew on your fingernails. These items could become contaminated.

4. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water after entering the lab and before leaving the lab. Pay special attention to the area under the fingernails and under rings. Turn the faucet off with a clean paper towel. Discard the paper towels in the trash.

5. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) must be worn when working in the lab:

  • Long pants, no skin can be showing, so you may have to wear socks with your shoes. A skirt can be worn but it must fit close to the body and again no skin can be showing.
  • A closed, long-sleeved laboratory coat must be worn in the laboratory always and should be left in the lab between classes. If a culture is spilled, it is easier to disinfect the lab coat than your clothes. In addition, the lab coat should prevent permanent dyeing of your clothes with laboratory stains.
  • Disposable gloves must be worn while working with live microbes or potentially hazardous materials. Write your first initial and last name using a permanent marker on the gloves. Remove gloves by pulling them inside out and discard in the autoclave trash.
  • Safety glasses with side panels must be worn for normal laboratory procedures involving liquid cultures that do not generate a splash hazard (e.g., proper pipetting, streak plates, etc.). Use a face shield when performing procedures that may create a splash hazard (e.g., staining).
  • Closed-toe shoes must be worn in the lab.
  • Long hair should be fastened and dangling jewelry or loose hanging garments or sleeves should not be worn. They may contaminate cultures.

6. Disinfect your laboratory bench with disinfectant before and after laboratory work. Discard used paper towels into the regular trash receptacles.

7. If living material is spilled, spray disinfectant on a paper towel and use it to cover the involved area. Allow the disinfectant to remain on the contaminated area for a minimum of 15 minutes. Dispose of the paper towels in the autoclave bag. Notify your instructor of the accident so that proper procedures are followed.

8. Dispose of contaminated materials properly:

  • NEVER place glass items into the autoclave bags.
  • Glass slides and cover slips:  All contaminated glass slides or cover slips should be disposed of in the disinfectant basin on the counter near the disposable gloves.
  • Glass culture tubes:  All tape and stickers should be removed from contaminated glass test tubes and the tubes should be placed in the discard racks.  Make sure to segregate tubes based on media type:  solid slants and liquid broths go in separate test tube racks.
  • Contaminated Petri plates, swabs, etc. should be discarded into the autoclave/biohazard waste.
  • Do not discard contaminated materials in the wastebasket. If you are uncertain how/where to dispose of materials, ask your instructor for clarification.

9. Always transport and keep cultures in a rack, do not lay test tubes down on the table. Do not walk through the lab with an open culture dish or tube or a loop or pipette containing infectious material. Do not under any circumstances carry a culture out of the lab.

10. Handle ALL microorganisms, whether classified as pathogen or not, with aseptic technique. Any microorganism can cause disease under the proper circumstances. Be certain that a contaminated inoculating wire or loop is properly sterilized after use. If a glass slide or test tube is broken, notify your instructor to dispose of it properly. Never throw glass in the trash or autoclave bags. Do not attempt to pick up any broken glass with your fingers. Cuts should be treated promptly. Open cuts must be protected (such as by a band aid or gloves) when working in the laboratory.

11. In the event of a chemical spill, move away from the area and notify your instructor immediately. A spill kit is located under the cabinet by the entry/exit door. If a chemical is on the skin or eyes, continuously flush with water for 5 minutes and rinse from clothing. Emergency eyewash and shower are located inside the laboratory next to the entry/exit door. Wear gloves when cleaning up potentially hazardous substances. Use water to flush the spill area if appropriate.

12. To avoid burns, be aware of the location of the Bacticinerator® which is used in almost every exercise. The fire extinguisher is located on the wall near the entry/exit door.  The fire blanket is located near the instructor’s station.

13. Return all reagents, cultures, glassware etc. to the location from where they came. Any dye or other reagents that are spilled should be cleaned up immediately. Bleach or acid‑alcohol works well to remove stain if it is utilized promptly after the spill occurs. (Do not use both bleach and acid‑alcohol together!).

14. General Clean Up Procedures:

  • Put everything back from where it came
  • Put all stain bottles and reagents back into the correct containers.
    • Make sure all bottles are properly closed.

15. Visitors, including children, are not allowed in the lab area at any time.

16. The exit door is located at the back of the laboratory. The entry/exit door opens into the main hallway.  The prep room exit door opens into the prep room which has no exit.

17. The emergency telephone is located on the wall near the door to the laboratory. The campus emergency telephone number is 480-784-0911. This phone is to be used for emergencies only.

Glass test tubes Y Test tube discard rack on counter near sinks Make sure to remove yellow tape; segregate tubes into liquid (broth section or solid (slant section)
Agar plates cultures and other plastics Y In biohazard bags located on each bench top This waste will be autoclaved by lab staff
Paper towels from Hand drying N Trash
Glass Slides Y Slide basin on counter near sinks Prepared slides go back into green slide box; student made slides are discarded into slide basin.
Gloves Y or N Always in Biohard


For any on-campus emergency you should first call the Public Safety EMERGENCY number at 480-784-0911 (FROM A CAMPUS PHONE JUST DIAL 40911). Campus police officers will respond more quickly than municipal police.

In the event of a major campus emergency you may be directed to take specific action, including evacuation or locking down in place. Notification will come from your VoIP telephone, ALERTUS emergency beacons or other available methods. It is important that you follow the instructions provided in the notification. By considering what actions you would take in an emergency you are reducing your potential for becoming a victim. 





Photo of Dr. William Stewart Halsted

In 1889 American surgeon Dr. William Stewart Halsted came up with the idea for disposable gloves because of a request from Caroline Hampton, his surgical scrub nurse. Dr. Halsted was using a combination of carbolic acid and mercuric chloride as an antiseptic during his surgical procedures. Ms. Hampton complained that the chemicals were giving her a rash on her hands. Dr. Halsted reached out to the Goodyear Rubber Company with a design, and together they invented the world’s first pair of rubber gloves. Other staff and surgeons began wearing the gloves because of increased dexterity, not to prevent infections.


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Red Mountain Microbiology Copyright © 2022 by Jill Raymond Ph.D.; Graham Boorse, Ph.D.; and Anne Mason M.S. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.