


Perform and interpret the Indole, MR-VP, Citrate, Urease, Motility and Sucrose fermentation tests

State the purpose and principle of the Indole, MR-VP, Citrate, Urease, Motility and Sucrose fermentation tests

Identify a member of the Enterobacteriaceae by results of these tests


Describe the modes of bacterial and viral reproduction and proliferation

Utilize aseptic technique for safe handling of microorganisms

Apply various laboratory techniques to identify types of microorganisms

Identify structural characteristics of the major groups of microorganisms

Compare and contrast prokaryotic cell and eukaryotic cell

Compare and contrast the physiology and biochemistry of the various groups of microorganisms


Media: per person

Sucrose fermentation broth

Tryptone Broth

MR-VP Broth

Citrate Slant

Urea Broth

Motility agar


Inoculating wire and loop

Stock Cultures:

Klebsiella aerogenes on TSA slant

Escherichia coli on TSA slant

Proteus mirabilis on TSA slant

Klebsiella pneumoniae on TSA slant


Kovac’s reagent (For indole test)

Methyl Red (For methyl red test)

Barritt’s A and B (For Voges Proskauer test)

Gram negative bacilli in the family Enterobacteriaceae are the most frequently encountered microbes in the clinical microbiology laboratory. They are often referred to as “enterics” since many of them are part of the normal microbiome of the intestinal tract.

Since most enterics have the same gram stain results and cellular morphology, neither Gram stains nor colonial morphology will aid the microbiologist in identification of these bacteria. Thus, we must perform biochemical tests to detect the presence or absence of metabolic enzymes. These enzymes are encoded in the genetic material of the bacterial genome and thus form a biochemical “fingerprint” that can be used to identify a species. Substrates upon which these enzymes act are incorporated into the culture medium along with an indicator system to allow detection of specific metabolic products.

Historically, the IMViC tests were one of the earliest tests developed for identifying enterics. IMViC is an acronym that stands for indole, methyl red, Voges‑Proskauer, and citrate tests. (The lowercase letter i is included for ease of speech.) The presence of Escherichia coli was used by public health officials for many years to indicate fecal contamination of food and water supplies. While Enterobacter resembles E. coli because they both ferment lactose, the presence of Enterobacter was not thought to necessarily indicate fecal contamination because it is widespread in soil and grass.

Escherichia coli, Klebsiella, Enterobacter and Proteus are often part of the normal intestinal microbiome and are non‑pathogens in that environment. Of course, these bacteria can cause illness under other circumstances. For example, E. coli is a common cause of urinary tract infections and Proteus has been isolated from patients with kidney stones, gangrenous wounds, and otitis media.

The truly enteric pathogens in the Enterobacteriaceae family include Salmonella, which causes typhoid fever and mild to severe gastroenteritis (inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract) due to “food poisoning” and Shigella, which causes bacterial dysentery (bloody diarrhea with fever) due to “food poisoning”.

Many commercial kit systems are available to identify Enterobacteriaceae. Two of these commercial systems are the Enterotube and the API20E. Even though these systems are miniaturized and compact, they still test for bacterial enzymes to identify the bacteria.



For this exercise:  Work in groups of 4.  Each person in the group will work with one of the color dot cultures.


The sucrose fermentation broth includes the sugar sucrose and a pH indicator to determine if bacteria can ferment sucrose into acidic end products.

1.  Obtain the sucrose fermentation broth.

2.  Make tape labels- writing your name, your assigned organism and the name of each media.

3.  Using a sterile inoculating loop, obtain a small amount of bacteria and inoculate the tube.

4.  Incubate the fermentation tubes in the class test tube rack until the next lab session.

AFTER INCUBATION–Observe the appearance of the sucrose fermentation tube. Record the result on the worksheet

Yellow broth = Positive (bacteria ferments sucrose)

Red broth (No color change) = Negative (bacteria does not ferment sucrose)

Glucose or Sucrose Fermentation Test

Sucrose fermentation results:  Left Tube – Red color –> Negative; Right tube – Yellow color –> Positive.


This test detects the ability of the bacteria to produce the enzyme urease. The media contains urea and the pH indicator, phenol red. Urease will hydrolyze urea to produce ammonia. The alkaline environment will change the phenol red indicator to hot pink.

1.  Obtain a urea agar slant. Use tape to label the tube with your name, your assigned organism and the name of the test media.

2.  Using a sterile inoculating loop, obtain a heavy amount of bacteria and streak the entire slant of the Urea agar.

3.  Incubate the inoculated tube in the class test tube rack until next lab session.

AFTER INCUBATION-Observe the urea media for a color change. Record the result on the worksheet. Dispose of the urea slants in the discard rack at the back of the lab.

Hot pink media = Positive (Bacteria have urease enzyme and convert urea to ammonia)

Pink = Positive (weakly positive) (Bacteria have urease enzyme and convert urea to ammonia)

No color change (stays light salmon) = Negative (Bacteria DO NOT have urease enzyme and CANNOT convert urea to ammonia)

Urea Test

Urease Slant Results: Left tube – salmon orange color –>  negative; Middle tube – pink color –> weakly positive; Right tube – hot pink color –> positive.



The Indole test uses tryptone broth to detect the organism’s ability to produce tryptophanase. This enzyme will split the amino acid tryptophan into indole and pyruvic acid.  Indole forms a red ring with the addition of Kovac’s reagent.

1.  Obtain a tryptone broth. Use tape to label the tube with your name, your assigned organism and the name of the test media.

2.  Using a sterile inoculating loop, obtain a small amount of bacteria and inoculate the culture into the Tryptone broth.

3.  Incubate the inoculated tube in the class test tube rack until next lab session.

AFTER INCUBATION-Add 10 drops of Kovac’s reagent to the tryptone tube. Record the reaction/results on the worksheet.

Red ring = Positive (Bacteria have tryptophase enzyme and can convert tryptophan to indole)

Dark yellow ring = Negative (Bacteria DO NOT have tryptophase enzyme and CANNOT convert tryptophan to indole)

Indole Test

Indole Results:  Left Tube – Yellow ring –> Negative; Right tube – Pink Ring –>Positive.


The MR-VP test is two separate tests that uses one broth of glucose to determine the end product of glucose fermentation. Some bacteria ferment glucose using mixed acid fermentation pathway (detected in the MR test) while other bacteria ferment glucose via the butanediol fermentation pathway (detected in the VP test).

MRVP Broth (Glucose) –>Pyruvic acid–>Mixed acid fermentation pathway (MR+)


MRVP Broth (Glucose) –>Pyruvic acid–>Butanediol fermentation pathway (VP+)

1.  Obtain a MR-VP broth tube. Use tape to label the tube with your name, your assigned organism and the name of the test media.

2.  Using a sterile inoculating loop, obtain a small amount of bacteria and inoculate the MR-VP broth.

3.  Incubate the inoculated tube in the class test tube rack until next lab session.


1.  Using a transfer pipette, transfer half of the inoculated MR-VP broth to a clean test tube. Label this tube “VP”.  Leave the other half of the inoculated broth in the original MR-VP broth test tube.  Label this tube “MR”.

2.  MR TEST Add 10 drops of Methyl Red reagent to “MR” tube. Methyl red is a pH indicator that will detect mixed acid production. Record the reactions and results on the worksheet.

3.  VP TEST First add 15 drops of Barritt’s A reagent (alpha-napththol) and then add 5 drops of Barritt’s B  (40% KOH) to the “VP” tube.  NOTEA reversal in the order of the reagents may result in a weak-positive or false-negative reaction. Mix the tube well by flicking it with your fingers and then let it sit undisturbed in a test tube rack for 20 minutes. A positive reaction indicates the bacteria ferment glucose via the butanediol fermentation pathway. Record the reactions and results on the worksheet. 

Methyl Red Test Results:

                  Red broth = MR Positive (Bacteria ferment glucose using mixed acid pathway)

                  Yellow/Orange broth = MR Negative (Bacteria DO NOT ferment glucose using mixed acid pathway)

Methyl Red Test

Methyl Red Results:  Left Tube – Yellow –>Methyl Red Negative;  Right Tube – Red –> Methyl Red Positive

Voges-Proskauer Results:

Dark red-brown color at the top of the tube = VP Positive (Bacteria ferment glucose using butanediol pathway)

                  Yellow color at the top of the tube = VP Negative (Bacteria DO NOT ferment glucose using butanediol pathway)

Voges Proskauer Test

VP Test Results: Left Tube – Yellow color at top –>VP Negative; Right Tube – Red color at top –> VP Positive.


This test uses Simmon’s citrate agar to determine if the organism can use citrate as its only carbon source. Since all organisms need carbon to survive, bacteria that cannot use the citrate will not grow. The agar contains citrate and ammonium ions (nitrogen source) and bromthymol blue as a pH indicator.

1.  Obtain a Simmon’s Citrate tube. Use tape to label the tube with your name, your assigned organism and the name of the test media.

2.  Using a sterile inoculating loop, obtain a small amount of bacteria and streak the entire slant of the Citrate agar.

3.  Incubate the inoculated tube in the class test tube rack until next lab session.

 AFTER INCUBATION-Observe the color of the Simmons’s citrate slant. Record the reaction and results on the worksheet. 

                  Bright blue = Positive (Bacteria can use citrate as their sole carbon and energy source)

                  No color change (stays green) = Negative (Bacteria CANNOT use citrate as their sole carbon and energy source)

Citrate Test

Citrate Results: Left Tube – Green color –> Citrate Negative;  Right Tube –  Blue color –> Citrate Positive


The motility test detects the ability of bacteria to produce flagella. The media is a semi-solid agar with a colorless dye. As bacteria grow, the dye is reduced by the bacteria and turns red. Bacterial growth is detected by the presence of the red color.

1.  Obtain a motility test tube. Use tape to label the tube with your name, your assigned organism and the name of the test media.

2.  Using a sterile inoculating WIRE, obtain a small amount of bacteria. Carefully stab the media about two thirds of the way down. Keep the wire in the same line it entered as you remove it from the media. Try not to wiggle or move the wire as you insert and remove from media.

3.  Incubate the inoculated tube in the class test tube rack until next lab session.

AFTER INCUBATION-Observe the bacterial growth in the media. If the bacteria migrate away from the inoculation stab, the red dye will diffuse in the tube where the bacteria are growing. If the bacteria are not able to migrate, the red dye will be seen only in the stab line where the bacteria are growing. Record the reaction and results on the worksheet. 

                  Diffused red color = Positive (Bacteria are motile)

                  Red color only at the stab line = Negative (Bacteria are NOT motile)

Motility Test

Motility Results: Left Tube – Purple color stays at the stab line –> Negative; Middle Tube – Purple color diffuses slightly from the stab line –> Positive (Weakly); Right Tube –  Purple color diffuses far from stab line –>Positive


TEST Escherichia coli Klebsiella aerogenes Proteus mirabilis Klebsiella pneumoniae Salmonella Shigella
Sucrose fermentation Negative Positive Negative Positive Negative Negative
Urease Negative Negative Positive Positive Negative Negative
Indole Positive Negative Negative Negative Negative Positive
MR Test Positive Negative Positive Negative Positive Positive
VP Test Negative Positive Negative Positive Negative Negative
Citrate Negative Positive Positive Positive Positive Negative
Motility Positive Positive Positive Negative Positive Negative



Photo of Dr. BenacerrafDR. BARUJ BENACERRAF

In the 1940’s, Venezuelan immunologist Dr. Benacerraf discovered the major histocompatibility complex genes which encode cell surface protein molecules critical to the immune system’s distinction between self and non-self. Benacerraf also helped develop our understanding of the phagocytic activity of macrophages, described the functions of IgG subclasses, discovered Fc receptors, demonstrated that T and B cells recognize antigens differently, and observed how B and T cells cooperate with each other to generate an antibody response.



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Red Mountain Microbiology Copyright © 2022 by Jill Raymond Ph.D.; Graham Boorse, Ph.D.; and Anne Mason M.S. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.