
12 7.2 Classification of Metamorphic Rocks

There are two main types of metamorphic rocks: those that are foliated because they have formed in an environment with either directed pressure or shear stress, and those that are not foliated because they have formed in an environment without directed pressure or relatively near the surface with very little pressure at all. Some types of metamorphic rocks, such as quartzite and marble, which can form whether there is directed-pressure or not, do not typically exhibit foliation because their minerals (quartz and calcite respectively) do not tend to show alignment (see Figure 7.2.8).

Metamorphic Texture

Metamorphic texture describes the shape and orientation of mineral grains within a metamorphic rock. As the original rock is subjected to higher temperatures and pressures, some of its minerals might stretch out in a single direction, recrystallize, or enlarge. Therefore, the new metamorphic rock will have a different texture than the parent rock.

Metamorphic texture is broadly categorized as either Foliated or Non-Foliated.

Foliated Texture

Foliation is a term that describes how minerals line up along a preferred direction. Some minerals, particularly micas, are usually thin and planar by default. Rocks with foliated texture look like they have their minerals stacked together as though they were pages in a book; hence the term “folia”, or leaflike.

This rock formation contains rock with wavy, stacked layers that are thin and easily break apart.
Fig. 7.2.1. Foliated texture can look like very thin horizontal layers in rock that appear like they can peel apart like leaves, like in this mica-schist formation.

Why do foliated rocks form during metamorphism? At least two conditions need to be satisfied. First, the original rock must contain minerals that will easily deform or align with applied pressure into a flat plane. We know that mica minerals such as muscovite and biotite will do this as well as amphibole; however, stronger minerals like quartz and feldspar will often resist most pressure in the Earth’s crust.

This metamorphic rock shows striping or white and black banding of its minerals.
Fig. 7.2.2. Mineral banding in the high-grade metamorphic rock gneiss. This segregation of minerals together is a type of foliation.

The second requirement needed for a foliated texture is directed pressure called differential stress. If pressure is applied unevenly, the weak minerals in the original rock will easily deform into long planes. This type of stress could be squeezing (compression), stretching (tensional), or sliding (shear) the rock unit.

Foliation that develops when minerals are squeezed and deform by lengthening in the direction perpendicular to the greatest stress (indicated by black arrows). Left- before squeezing. Right- after squeezing.
Fig. 7.2.3. Foliation that develops when minerals are squeezed and deform by lengthening in the direction perpendicular to the greatest stress (indicated by black arrows). Left- before squeezing. Right- after squeezing.

Non-Foliated Texture 

Tan-colored rock with a granular, interlocking crystalline texture
Fig. 7.2.4. Non-foliated texture does not have any distinct layering or banding. Instead, the rock appears granular or crystalline, as seen in the rock quartzite.

Non-foliated metamorphic rocks do not have any preferential alignments of mineral grains. These rocks are also called “Granoblastic“, which references the tendency of the individual grains to have somewhat equal shapes and dimensions. The majority of a non-foliated metamorphic rock contains mostly one mineral. Nonetheless, metamorphism has still taken place within these rocks; the mineral grains have recrystallized, interlocked, and grown larger. As a consequence, non-foliated rocks are much more durable and resistant to weathering than their parent rocks.

Metamorphic Grade

Metamorphic Grade refers to extent in which metamorphism can transform the the preexisting rock. This original rock is called the parent rock, and it can undergo low-grade metamorphism (little metamorphic change) to high-grade metamorphism (significant metamorphic change).

Low-grade metamorphism begins at temperatures and pressures that are not much higher than those that form sedimentary rocks. This type of metamorphism often results from rocks being buried at depths of at least 2 km. The conditions in such an environment are typically low-temperature and pressure. The parent rock still transforms into a new metamorphic rock; however, it is often easy to identify visual similarities between the resulting metamorphic rock and original rock.

High-grade metamorphism requires both high temperatures and pressures. Burial depths for high-grade metamorphic rocks can be up to 35 km! Mountain-building centers and subduction zones are prime examples of regions where high-grade metamorphism might take place. When a parent rock undergoes metamorphism at these conditions, the resulting metamorphic rock bears very few similarities to the original specimen; it often has strong foliation or banding of minerals.

Metamorphic rocks are often not restricted to either low or high-grade. Geologists typically rank these rocks on a scale of how many (or few) similarities they bear to the parent rock. In a sequence or outcrop filled with metamorphic rocks, you might observe some units that appear similar to the parent rock and others that look nothing like it. In general, the following rocks have been ranked in order of increasing metamorphic grade:

If a rock is buried to a great depth and encounters temperatures that are close to its melting point, it may partially melt. The resulting rock, which includes both metamorphosed and igneous material, is known as migmatite (Figure 7.2.5).

Figure 7.2.5 Migmatite from Prague, Czech Republic

Parent Rocks

As already noted, the nature of the parent rock controls the types of metamorphic rocks that can form from it under differing metamorphic conditions. The kinds of rocks that can be expected to form at different metamorphic grades from various parent rocks are listed in Table 7.2. Some rocks, such as granite, do not change much at the lower metamorphic grades because their minerals are still stable up to several hundred degrees.

Table 7.2 A rough guide to the types of metamorphic rocks that form from different parent rocks at different grades of regional metamorphism.
Parent Rock Very Low Grade (150-300°C) Low Grade (300-450°C) Medium Grade (450-550°C) High Grade (Above 550°C)
Mudrock slate phyllite schist gneiss
Granite no change no change almost no change granite gneiss
Basalt chlorite schist chlorite schist amphibolite amphibolite
Sandstone no change little change quartzite quartzite
Limestone little change marble marble marble