J2: Common misuses of a colon
J2: Common misuses of a colon: Avoid common misuses of colons with phrases like between a verb and its object or complement, or after “such as” and “including” where a comma should instead come before these phrases. See the following: http://www.kentlaw.edu/academics/lrw/grinker/LwtaColons.htm
Between a verb and its object or complement.
Some important vitamins and minerals found in vegetables are: vitamin A, niacin, thiamine, and iron. (Incorrect)
Some important vitamins and minerals found in vegetables are vitamin A, niacin, thiamine, and iron. (Correct)
– no punctuation should ever go between verb and object)
After “such as,” “including,” or “for example.”
The trees on our campus include many fine Japanese specimens such as: black pines, gingkos and weeping cherries. (Incorrect)
The trees on our campus include many fine Japanese specimens such as black pines, gingkos and weeping cherries. (Correct)