B1: Subject-Verb Agreement, Basic Standards
B1: Subject-Verb Agreement, Basic Standards: Agreement in speech and in writing refers to the proper grammatical match between words and phrases. Parts of sentences must agree, or correspond with other parts, in number, person, case, and gender. See Writing for Success Section 2.2 pp. 54-57 or the following: https://webapps.towson.edu/ows/moduleSVAGR.htm
-s & -es Endings with Person & Number
Singular (1)
First: I rock.
Second: You rock.
Third: He rocks.
She rocks.
It rocks.
(any noun) The band rocks.
Plural (more than 1)
1st. We rock.
2nd All of you (y’all in TX) rock.
3rd They rock.
(any noun) People rock.
Plural subjects have an “s” or “es” ending. Their verbs do not.
Mountains rock. Cars rock.
Oranges rock. Sandwiches rock.
The verb “to be” The verb “to have” The Verb “to do”
I am. I have I do
You are. You have You do
He/She/It is. He/She/It has He/She/It does
The dog is. The dog has The dog does
We are. We have We do
They are. They have They do
The dogs are. The dogs have The dogs do
The class is in the next building. The plumber has fixed the sink. The elk does stink.
Friends are found throughout life. The hikers have lost their way. The students do agree.