
P5: Avoid Absolutes

P5: Avoid Absolutes:  Replace absolute phrasing with more qualifying modifiers.  See the following: https://writingcenter.unc.edu/tips-and-tools/qualifiers/


Avoid implying always and everyone – allow for exceptional cases, if there may be some.

All Americans agree that gun violence needs to be addressed. – Too absolute

Most Americans agree the gun violence needs to be addressed. – Allows for exceptions

McGraw hires scientists who always produce valuable results. – Too absolute

McGraw hires scientists who usually produce valuable results. – Allows for exceptions


Avoid implying no one or nothing.  Allow for exceptional cases, if there may be some.

Americans never make healthy food choices. – Too absolute

Many Americans do not make healthy food choices. – Allows for exceptions

Nobody believes the conspiracy theories on YouTube. – Too absolute

Most people don’t believe the conspiracy theories on YouTube. – Allows for exceptions