Module 2 – The Blues


This module is comprised of six sections:

  1. The Blues – MTC130 
    1. This is an overview of the blues with an introduction into the form.
  2. The Blues – Improv strategies
    1. This is a worksheet with helpful improvisation tips to help you get comfortable with the form and chords in a standard blues. There are PDF’s for all instruments.
  3. F Blues Composition Assignments
    1. There are three composition assignments you can use to write your own blues melodies.
  4. Blues in the Closet
    1. A classic blues melody example
  5. Harmonic Substitutions – F Blues
    1. A breakdown of some common chord substitutions used in the blues.
  6. Blues Play-A-Longs
    1. Tracks you can use to practice with



The Blues – MTC130

    1. The Blues – MTC130 – Concert
    2. The Blues – MTC130 – Eb Instruments
    3. The Blues – MTC130 – Bb instruments

The Blues – Improv strategies

    1. The Blues – Improv Strategies – Bb Trumpet
    2. The Blues – Improv Strategies – Concert
    3. The Blues – Improv Strategies – Bass Clef
    4. The Blues – Improv Strategies – Bb Tenor
    5. The Blues – Improv strategies – Eb

F Blues Composition Assignments

    1. F Blues Composition Assignment #1 – Concert
    2. F Blues Composition Assignment #1 – Eb instruments
    3. F Blues Composition Assignment #1 – Bb Instruments
    4. F Blues Composition Assignment #1 – Bass Clef
    5. F Blues Composition Assignment #2 – Concert
    6. F Blues Composition Assignment #2 – Eb Instruments
    7. F Blues Composition Assignment #2 – Bb Instruments
    8. F Blues Composition Assignment #2 – Bass Clef
    9. F Blues Composition Assignment #3 – Concert
    10. F Blues Composition Assignment #3 – Eb Instruments
    11. F Blues Composition Assignment #3 – Bb Instruments
    12. F Blues Composition Assignment #3 – Bass Clef

Blues in the Closet

    1. Blues in the Closet- Eb Instruments
    2. Blues in the Closet – Bb Instruments
    3. Blues in the Closet – Bass Clef
    4. Blues in the Closet – Treble Clef Instruments

Harmonic Substitutions – F Blues

    1. Harmonic Substitutions – F Blues


Blues Play-A-Longs

OER@PVCC · MTC 130 Jazz Theory – Module 2 The Blues




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Jazz Theory Copyright © 2023 by Adam Roberts; Keith B. Kelly; and Eric Rasmussen is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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